CATEGORY - Bronx High School of Science

|CATEGORY |10 -- 9 | 8 -- 7 |6 |5 - 0 |

|Introduction Section|Appropriate amount of background |Background is sufficiently |Insufficient background |Background information is |

| |information is thoroughly |described, though amount may be |information is included and/or it|incorrect. The purpose or |

| |described. The purpose of the lab|too detailed or too sparse. The |is incompletely described. The |experimental question is |

| |or experimental question is |purpose or experimental question |purpose or experimental question |erroneous or irrelevant. |

| |clearly stated. |is stated. |is unclear. | |

|Materials and |Methods and Materials are |Methods and Materials contain |Methods and Materials are |Methods and Materials are not |

|Methods Section |detailed and appear to be |minor errors that could affect |insufficient, and contain errors |detailed and could not be |

| |replicable. Paragraph formatting |replicability. Paragraph |that could affect replicability. |replicated. Many Errors may be |

| |is used. |formatting is used. |Errors may be found in paragraph |found in paragraph formatting. |

| | | |formatting. | |

|Data |Professional looking and accurate|Accurate representation of the |Graphs and tables contain several|Graphs and tables contain many |

| |representation of the data in |data in tables and/or figures. |errors. Titles and numbering may |errors and/ or are inaccurate. |

| |tables and/or figures. Tables and|Titles and numbers are included. |be incorrect or missing. | |

| |figures are titled and numbered. |May have minor errors. | | |

|Results Section |Results are accurately and |Results are reported. No analysis |Results are reported but some |Results are underdeveloped or |

| |professionally reported and |is made. |analysis is made. |analysis is made and is missing |

| |summarized. No analysis is made. | | |several of the required elements.|

|Discussion Section |Discussion thoroughly addresses |Discussion adequately addresses |Discussion adequately addresses |Discussion is underdeveloped and |

| |all of the following: whether the|most of the following: whether |some of the following: whether |is missing several of the |

| |findings supported the |the findings supported the |the findings supported the |required elements. |

| |hypothesis, what was learned from|hypothesis, what was learned from |hypothesis, what was learned from| |

| |the experiment, and next steps. |the experiment, and next steps. |the experiment, and next steps. | |

|Spelling, |No errors in spelling, |A few errors in spelling, |Several in spelling, punctuation |Many errors in spelling, |

|Punctuation and |punctuation and grammar in the |punctuation and grammar in the |and grammar in the report. |punctuation and grammar in the |

|Grammar |report. |report. | |report. |

|Writing Style |Writing is in third person, |Writing is mostly in third-person,|Many errors made in use of |Writing is mostly not in third |

| |passive voice. Formal, academic |passive voice. Formal, academic |third-person, passive voice. |person, passive voice. Writing is|

| |style is used. |style mostly used. |Inconsistent use of formal |informal. |

| | | |academic style. | |

|Additional Sources |Reputable sources are used and |A few reputable sources are used |Sources are used, but some may |Material is not paraphrased |

|(Introduction and |cited correctly. Material is |and cited correctly. Material is |not be reputable or are not cited|and/or background sources are |

|Discussion) |paraphrased. |paraphrased. |correctly. Material is |cited incorrectly. |

| | | |paraphrased. | |

|Specific Criteria |All criteria are met. |Most criteria are met. |Several criteria are not met. |Many criteria are not met. |

|Labwork |Completed the lab handout |Completed the lab but some |There are several mistakes in the|Lab is incomplete |

| |thoroughly and correctly. |mistakes are made. |lab report. | |

Instructions for write up of Urine Analysis Lab

Introduction (Three paragraphs)

• The first paragraph should describe important aspects of the excretory system. Focus on how urine is produced (formation of urea, filtration, reabsorption, etc.).

• The second paragraph should be about the importance of testing urine and what information it can give physicians.

• The third paragraph should tell why this lab exercise was done and your hypothesis FOR EACH TEST. (These do not have to be in if/then form, but do need to predict the results for each test).

Materials and methods (Two Paragraphs)

Describe the glucose test in the first paragraph. Explain both the serial dilution and the test for glucose.

The second paragraph should be BRIEF descriptions of each test (About one sentence for each test ).

Results (Paragraphs and Data Tables)

You must describe the data in paragraph form. Include text references to your data. Include the class data as a table. (DO NOT COPY THE DATA TABLE FROM THE LAB AND PASTE IT ON YOUR HARD COPY! MAKE A NEW DATA TABLE IN EXCEL!) Remember to title and number your data table.

Conclusion (One or two paragraphs)

Pretend that you are a doctor. Describe what the lab results mean. Is there too much of something? Not enough? How can urine analysis be used to evaluate a patient’s health?


Include in-text citations in your introduction and conclusion sections. (Author, year)

Include full citations for every source that was used In the References section at the end of your report. Remember to use APA formatting.

Specific Criteria

Your report must be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font. You also MUST create an account on and upload your document there as well. The class ID is 2880922 and the password is Bio1. You WILL LOSE POINTS if this is NOT done BEFORE the due date.

As always proper grammar, spelling, etc. is required. Remember good science writing is concise!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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