Ira Accounts For Dummies

[Pages:3]Ira Accounts For Dummies

What is a Traditional IRA? A Traditional IRA is a retirement account that allows an individual (the "I" in IRA) to set aside tax-deferred income for retire. Workplace-sponsored retirement accounts aren't the only way to save. You can also stash money in individual retirement accounts, or IRAs. IRAs boast rich tax.

The IRA Online Resource Guide, the reference guide to IRAs and retirement plans The CD-Rom version of the IRA Resource Guide is obsolete and can no.

With an IRA, you can save for retirement while saving on taxes. IRAs and rollovers), in joint, college savings, or small-business accounts, or in annuities. If you're thinking about saving for retirement, you probably know that an individual retirement account (IRA) is one of your options. But what exactly is an IRA. A Traditional IRA is offered directly from investment houses. In order to open a Traditional IRA for yourself, you have to open an account with an investment.

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