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The Blueprints of God: Science and Math Encoded in the Bible

By Roberta Ruth Hill

The Blueprints of God: Science and Math Encoded in the Bible By Roberta Ruth Hill The Bible is loaded with many blueprints and intricate designs that form very detailed schematics in the universal languages of science and math. It is interesting and somewhat perplexing that many people are not taught to read the Bible from this higher level of understanding. It is the scientific and mathematical language that explains God's universe in a way that is clearly irrefutable proof as to the truth of God's Word. To read the Bible from just strictly a literal point of view is likened to a child that is just learning to read books for the first time, although the child is learning the basics of reading the words they still do not understand the more complex examples of allegory, metaphors and the more complex symbolic undertones within the stories. Reading the Bible from the symbolic level helps us to gain a better understanding of the stories in the Bible, and perhaps the most valuable symbolic way of reading the Bible is to look at everything from a scientific and mathematical perspective. Science and math can not lie and are the most direct proof to show Divine design. This book shows many of the scientific and mathematical blueprints hidden within the Bible. This book is based on years of research and the many discoveries that I made along the way. I reveal the 24 tone Solfeggio scale and how to use these tones to raise the vibratory rate of the Earth.

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The Blueprints of God: Science and Math Encoded in the Bible

By Roberta Ruth Hill

The Blueprints of God: Science and Math Encoded in the Bible By Roberta Ruth Hill

The Bible is loaded with many blueprints and intricate designs that form very detailed schematics in the universal languages of science and math. It is interesting and somewhat perplexing that many people are not taught to read the Bible from this higher level of understanding. It is the scientific and mathematical language that explains God's universe in a way that is clearly irrefutable proof as to the truth of God's Word. To read the Bible from just strictly a literal point of view is likened to a child that is just learning to read books for the first time, although the child is learning the basics of reading the words they still do not understand the more complex examples of allegory, metaphors and the more complex symbolic undertones within the stories. Reading the Bible from the symbolic level helps us to gain a better understanding of the stories in the Bible, and perhaps the most valuable symbolic way of reading the Bible is to look at everything from a scientific and mathematical perspective. Science and math can not lie and are the most direct proof to show Divine design. This book shows many of the scientific and mathematical blueprints hidden within the Bible. This book is based on years of research and the many discoveries that I made along the way. I reveal the 24 tone Solfeggio scale and how to use these tones to raise the vibratory rate of the Earth.

The Blueprints of God: Science and Math Encoded in the Bible By Roberta Ruth Hill Bibliography

q Sales Rank: #757066 in Books q Published on: 2013-10-22 q Original language: English q Number of items: 1 q Dimensions: 11.00" h x .34" w x 8.50" l, .79 pounds q Binding: Paperback q 148 pages

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Editorial Review

About the Author Roberta Ruth Hill was born in Orlando, Florida. She graduated from High School in 1985 and has had two years of college. She became a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) in 1995. She has one son that is 22 years old. Roberta Hill is a home health care worker, writer and researcher. She has her own You Tube channel where she makes videos on the RH negative blood type, physics, astronomy, Coral Castle, poetry, animation, sacred geometry and various other subjects. Her channel is called TheStarchild2009. She has written numerous online research books and poetry.

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