Collage - Weebly

|Collage |Comic Book |Bubble Map |

|Your task: Create a collage of pictures to |Your task: Determine the 8 most important |Your Task: Use your notes from a lesson to create a |

|represent a big theme or idea from the lesson. You |ideas/vocabulary words/events in the lesson. Create |bubble map. |

|must include at least 8 pictures and each one must |a comic strip based on these. Turn your notebook | |

|have a picture caption. You must not have any white|sideways and divide the page into eight panels like | |

|space on your page. Be creative! |this: | |

|Where to get pictures: | | |

|Magazines | | |

|Newspapers | | |

|Internet | | |

|Clipart | | |

|Hand drawn | |Write the topic in the center |

| | |Write 4-6 main ideas in the bubbles connecting the |

|Remember, all of your pictures need to be neat, | |center one |

|colored, and represent the topic or big idea of the| |Write 2-4 bubbles off of each main idea bubbles |

|collage. | |including details. |

|[pic] | |Use a different color for each bubble. Include an |

| | |illustration to go with each main idea bubble. |

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| |Dedicate one panel per idea | |

| |Write your captions below each picture | |

| |Illustrations for each panel should be meaningful | |

| |and colored | |

| |You may use word bubbles, create your own cartoon | |

| |characters, and add humor! | |

|Constructed Response |Line Art |Crossword Puzzle |

|Your task: Create a thought provoking open-ended |Your task: You will need a piece of graph paper. Cut|Your task: Create a crossword puzzle using important |

|response (not a multiple choice or yes/no answer) |out the graph paper the size of your notebook page |people, concepts, terms, and events from the lesson. |

|about the lesson. Next write a clear, informative 3|and glue right into your notebook. Create a picture |[pic] |

|paragraph response to your answer. Next draw a |using the squares from the graph paper about a topic|You should: |

|symbol to represent the main idea of the lesson. |you learned during this lesson. |Write at least 10 clues based on important people, |

|Your symbol must have color and you must include a |You should: |places, events, or terms from the lesson. You can do |

|picture caption explaining what your symbol is and |Get a copy of graph paper and write directly on it |fill in the blank questions, definitions, questions, |

|what it represents. |You may add anything you want to the picture, but |or true/false |

|You should: |all lines and shaped must be used |You must use graph paper |

|A topic sentence |It must be colored |Leave the crossword empty |

|Define difficult terms if necessary |Save blank space at the bottom and write 3-5 |Write a down column and an across column |

|Answer the question |sentences explaining your drawing and how it |At the bottom of your page leave room to write your |

|Back up your answer from the text, video, or notes |represents the topic you chose |answer key upside down. |

|provided | | |

|Concluding sentence | | |

|Design a Museum Exhibit |Diamante Poem |Character Thought Map |

|Your task: Create a museum exhibit with artifacts |A diamante poem is used to compare and contrast. It | |

|representing the main topic. A museum exhibit is a |should be written in the shape of a diamond. | |

|setup of a collection of artifacts and other object|Your task: Write a diamante poem comparing and | |

|of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical |contrasting two main topics you learned in the | |

|importance and makes them available for public |lesson. | |

|viewing. |Line 1 – Topic 1 | |

| |Line 2 – Two words to describe topic 1 | |

|Your exhibit should: |Line 3 – Three action words about topic 1 | |

|Include the name of your museum at the top of your |Line 4 – A four or five word phrase describing both |Draw a picture of the head of a person or animal that|

|page |topics – what they have in common |represents what you have learned. Divide the head in |

|Focus on the most important aspect of the topic |Line 5 – Three action words about topic 2 |half. On the left draw a picture to represent your |

|Include 6-10 artifacts. |Line 6 – Two words to describe topic 2 |person. On the right write down words to describe |

|For each artifact – |Line 7 Topic 2 |your person. Below the illustration write a paragraph|

|sketch the artifact |[pic] |comparing and contrasting yourself with the person or|

|write a 2-3 sentence description of what it is and | |animal. |

|why you’ve included it in the exhibit. | | |

|Double Entry Journal |Acrostic Poem |Post Card |

|Your task: Respond specifically and personally to |Write an acrostic poem using the topic you learned |Your task: Pretend that you lived during a historical|

|what you have learned. |about. Write the topic in large capital letters down|time period and are writing a post card to someone |

|You should: Divide your paper into two columns, |the left side of your notebook. Draw a large picture|else during that time period. Use two index cards to |

|like this: |representing your topic. This will be the background|create the front and back side of a post card. You |

|Quote Response |of your poem. Color your picture and then write your|will need to glue one index card line side up and one|

| |acrostic poem over your picture. Your poem should |index card white side up in your notebook. They |

|- In the quotes column, write down anything from |show that you understand the topic you chose. |should be one below the other. On the lined side you |

|the notes and/or reading that you find interesting |[pic] |will need to divide it into two sections. On one |

|or relevant. | |section address the post card, create your own stamp,|

|- In the response section write why your response | |and on the other section write a letter. On the white|

|to it. (ie. why was it interesting, did you agree | |side of the post card draw a picture to represent |

|or disagree with it, can you make a connection to | |your topic. |

|it) | |[pic] |

|-You must have 10 entries | | |

|Epitaph/Gravestone |Timeline |5 W’s Foldable |

|Your task: Write the epitaph (a summary statement |Your task: Create a timeline of events for the topic| |

|of commemoration for a dead person) like you’d find|you have just learned. |Your task: Create a 5 tab who, what, when, where,|

|on a gravestone of an important person you have |You should: |and why foldable. |

|learned about. |Title your timeline | |

|Your epitaph should follow this model: |Turn your notebook sideways and draw a straight lien|You should: |

|Here Lies … |through the middle of the page |- Fold a piece of paper in half “hamburger” |

|Born … |Space the events out evenly with the earliest, |style. |

|Died … |first, or even the farthest to the left |- Cut 5 tabs in your foldable then glue it in |

|Husband/Wife of… |The first event will be above, the next below, the |your notebook so it opens like a book. |

|Father/Mother/Brother/Son of… |next above, and so on |- Label each tab on the outside with: WHO, WHAT, |

|Famous for … |Label each event with: |WHEN, WHERE, WHY. |

|Remembered for… |- A boxed title |- On the inside left answer the questions who, |

|Draw two pictures that represent that person. |- The date or dates |what, when, where, and why based on what you |

|[pic] |- A colored drawing |learned from the lesson |

| |representing the event |- On the inside right draw a picture to represent|

| |[pic] |each one |

|Diary/Historical Journal |Historical Marker |Historical Monument |

|Your task: Write a series of journal/diary entries |As you travel around town or across the country two |As you travel around town or across the country |

|as a person you learned about living in the past. |you will see historical markers or monuments. |two you will see historical markers or monuments.|

|Your journal should follow this format: | | |

|- Three (3) entries, one for beginning, middle, and|Your task: Create a sign posted at an important | |

|end of the event. |place that explains what was on or what happened |Your task: Sketch a statue or building to |

|- Each entry should: |there. |recognize a great person or important event. |

|- Be a paragraph | | |

|- Include two factual pieces of |Your marker should: |You should: |

|information |- Have a title |- Be thoughtful, and reflect the person/event |

|- Include an accurate or possible |- Include a simple drawing to represent the |- Make sure your statue takes up the entire page |

|date |place/event |- Include a 4-6 explanation of every feature of |

|- Think about: |- A paragraph to explain the place/event |your monument and how it related to the |

|- Beginning – How would this event |- Draw meaningful border (patterns of small |person/event and where you would locate your |

|have affected you? |drawings related to the title) around the marker |monument and why. |

|- Middle: Are things better or | | |

|worse now that the event is in | | |

|progress? | | |

|- End: How do you feel about what | | |

|happened? Has your life changed? | | |

|Do you fear for the future? | | |

|Invitation to a Historical Event |KIM Charts |Kinesthetic Symbols |

| |Your task: Define and illustrate important |Your task: Create a chant with meaningful |

|Your task: Create an invitation to an important |vocabulary so that you can remember the meaning of |movements to summarize your topic. |

|event from the lesson. |the words. |You should: |

|Your invitation should include: |You should: |- Write a minimum of five complete thoughts or |

| |- Divide your notebook into three columns like this:|ideas that summarize your topic. |

|- “What?”- What the historical event are they being|K |- Skip at least two lined between each thought or|

|invited to? |Key Idea |idea |

|- “Where?”- Where was it located? (Maybe draw a |I |- Design movements to go with each line of your |

|map) |Information |summary. |

|- “Why?”- Why should people come to this event? |M |- Movements must relate to the writing and be |

|- “What to bring?”- What should a person bring to |Memory |appropriate for school. |

|this event in order to participate in it |Clue |- Be prepared to show the class, whether you will|

|-“R.S.V.P”-Who should you contact in order to tell | |or not. |

|them you’re coming and how would usch a contact | |- In a different color draw or write the |

|happen in that time period? |- Write the term or key idea in the “K” left column |instructions for these movements in the two blank|

|- Make it fun, interesting, creative |- Write the information and/or definition that goes |lines that you skipped |

|- Include at least 2 images |along with it in the center “I” column | |

| |- Draw a picture or write a word to represent the | |

| |key idea in order to create a memory clue in the | |

| |right “M” column | |

|Letter of Advice |Magazine Cover |Movie Maker |

| |Your task: Create a magazine cover such as “Time.” |Your task: Create a pitch to “sell” your topic as|

|Your task: Write a personal letter to someone in |The final result should look clean, artistic, and |a great movie! |

|history giving them advice on how to deal with a |creative like a real magazine cover. (bold & |You should: |

|historical situtation. Your letter should include |colorful letters, lots of color, pictures, picture |- Write the title of the movie at the top of your|

|any key terms of people involved with the event in |captions) |page |

|some way. |The page can be laid out however you choose but must|- SETTING: write at least one complete sentence |

| |include ALL of the following: |about where you will film the movie |

|You should: |- Magazine Title |- PLOT: Write a 3-5 sentence “pitch” for the |

|- Address your letter properly. “Dear President |- A central, important image for the “Cover Story” –|movie – what parts of the story would you focus |

|Lincoln,” |your topic |on? Why would people want to see it? |

|- Briefly explain the situtation (1 paragraph) |- At least three (3) news story leads that go along |- CASTING: List the main characters in your movie|

|- Give advice on how the person can deal with the |with the cover story |(3-5). Choose the actors you would like to see in|

|problem (1 paragraph) |- Each lead should have a title, and can include |your movie, what role they will play, and why |

|- Each paragarph must contain accurate information,|interviews, stories about events or people. You do |they would be a good choice. |

|and your advice must be based on facts as well. |not have to write the actual news story. |-MAJOR SCENES: List three to five major scenes in|

|- Try to be helpful and realistic |- Each lead should be clear and easy to understand |your movie (they might be action shots like a |

|- Close the letter properly, “Sincerely, your |how it relates to your topic |battle scene, or things that might require major |

|friend.” | |special effects. Why are they important to the |

| | |story? |

|Newspaper Article |Picture Analysis |Picture Frame |

|Your task: Create a “breaking news” newspaper |Your task: Print out a detailed and complex picture |Your task: Crate a picture frame graphic |

|article about an important topic or event that you |from the internet that best represents the main idea|organizer for a person or topic from this lesson.|

|learned about |of the lesson you learned about. Write out and | |

|You should: |answer the following questions regarding your | |

|- Include a “catchy” heading at the top of your |picture. | |

|newspaper |- What exactly do you see in the | |

|- Come up with and include the nape of your |painting/photograph? | |

|newspaper |- How does the picture represent or show about the |You should: |

|- Include at least 5 sub-headings within your |topic you learned about? |- Draw a picture frame like the one above taking |

|newspaper |- Study the people and/or objects in the image one |up your entire page |

|- Set up your newspaper in columns like you would |by one. What is the purpose of this picture? |- In the center of your frame draw a picture of |

|see in an actual newspaper |- Imagine you are in the picture. What might you |an important person, event, or topic from the |

|- Include 3-5 pictures that each include picture |see, hear, smell, feel, or taste? |lesson. |

|captions. |- What happened right before this image? |- In the top part of the frame write the topic, |

|- Your newspaper article must be neat and include |- What is going to happen after this image? |person’s name, or name of the event |

|color | |- In the right box list 3 things the person is |

|- You may use a ruler to help you | |known for – inventions, artwork or if it’s a |

| | |topic list 3 examples |

| | |- In the bottom box write three things about this|

| | |person, topic, or event that are important |

| | |- In the left box write a personal response to |

| | |the topic, event, or person |

|Poster |Ruler Report Card |Sensory Figure |

|Your task: Create a poster about your assigned |Your task: Give a historical leader a report card on|Your task: Put yourself in the “shoes” of a |

|topic. |their performance. |person, thing, or group of people to see how they|

|You should: |- You should copy this chard to fill up your page. |would have experienced a situation. |

|- Fill up the entire space you have |Subject |Steps: |

|- Be creative, neat, and include lots of color! |Grade |-Draw a person, group of people, or thing that |

|- Have 1-3 major illustrations. |Comments |was important in your lesson. |

|- Include 8-10 pieces of important information | |-Create a setting in the background that would be|

|- Must have a title | |important to your figure. |

| | |- Put yourself in their “shoes.” If you were in |

| | |their shoes what would you … |

| | |1. see – (ie. describe the setting, other people,|

| |-Your subjects will be: |animals, or things around the figure) |

| |People skills |2. hear – (ie. what kinds of conversations might |

| |Economics |they hear) |

| |Protecting the People |3. smell - (ie. what might they smell?) |

| |Being a Leader |4. feel - (ie. describe the clothing, what might |

| |Helping Others |they be holding in their hand? What might be in |

| |-Grade your ruler on each subject (A-F) |their pocket?) |

| |-Explain why you are giving that grade in the | |

| |comments section – opinions/explanations must be | |

| |supported with facts | |

| |- You must then draw and color a picture of the | |

| |ruler. | |

|[pic] Song Rewrite |V3 – Verbal, Visual, Vocabulary |Double and Triple Venn Diagram |

|Your task: Take any song and rewrite the lyrics to |Your task: Create a chart to explore the meaning of |Your task: Complete a double or triple venn |

|include information about a topic. |vocabulary words. |diagram to compare and contrast two or three |

|You should: |You should: |terms, things, key ideas, or people. |

|Choose a song to re-write – it must rhyme. You need|For each vocabulary word you learned in the lesson, | |

|to include the original lyrics, which must be |you will fill out a chart like this. | |

|appropriate for school. |Vocabulary Word | |

|Rewrite the lyrics to include at least six pieces |Definition |You should: |

|of information about your topic. | |-Draw the venn diagram on your notebook. It |

|Write at least two versus and a chorus |Sentence |should take up the entire page. |

| |Picture |-Write the name of the two people, ideas, terms, |

| | |or things you are comparing and contrasting on |

| | |the top of each circle. |

| | |-Include 8-12 similarities and differences in |

| | |each venn diagram. |

|Wanted/Hero Poster |You be the Teacher! |Brochure |

|Your task: Create a Wanted/Hero poster for a figure|Your task: Create a quiz from your lesson. |Your task: Create a brochure about the lesson. |

|from history. If you consider the person to be a | | |

|villain you will create a Wanted poster. If you |You should: |Your brochure must include: |

|think the person was good you will create a Hero |-Include at least 12 questions. |-at least 5 pictures with picture captions |

|poster. |-You must have 10 multiple choice, matching, or fill|-At least 15 facts |

|You should: |in the blank, |-1 map |

|-A sketch of what the person probably looks like |-You must have at least 2 short answer questions |-Title |

|-Five readons why the person was a villian or a |-Focus on the important facts in the lesson |-Must be creative, interesting, thought |

|hero |-Include an answer key |provoking, and include lots of color!!! |

|-A made up quote from a person living at the time | |[pic] |

|showing what people might have said about this | | |

|person | | |

|-A reward amount | | |

|[pic] | | |

|Treasure Chest |Text Message Summary |Introduction Speech |

|Your Task: Draw a treasure chest. If you were to |Your task: Imagine you’re sending a summary of the |Your task: Often when a famous person is about to|

|choose 5 objects that represent the lesoson and |lesson to a friend via text message. Write the |give a speech they are first introduce by someone|

|what you learned what would they be? |summary in text messaging language. This could mean |else with a short speech. Pretend that a famous |

|Include: |abbreviations, similes, and pictures/symbols. |person is coming to speak to a group of people |

|-A large treasure chest | |about the lesson you just learned. Pretend that |

|-Draw a picture of your 5 different items |You should: |they are an expert on that topic. Write a recite |

|-Write a 2-3 sentence description as to why you |-include abbreviated words where appropriate (ex. |a short introduction speech for this famous |

|chose that item. |bc, omg, l8ter) |figure. |

|[pic] |-include at least 3 text message pictures/symbols |Your speech should: |

| |-include all key points of the event |-be about 1 minute in length (about 2 paragraphs)|

| |-be short and to the point but it must be one |-Include key details and information about the |

| |paragraph (3-5 sentences) |figure |

| |-be written in a friendly way as if you were |-Explain to the audience what he will be talking |

| |personally involved and actually sent the text |about |

| |message to your friend |-Be inspiring |

| |-include the regular, non-text message version and |-Make the person and the information sound |

| |3 non text message pictures |important |

|On Your Own Research |Advertisement |Short Cut Comic |

|Your task: Choose a topic from the lesson that you |Your task: Create an advertisement persuading |Your task: Create a short cut comic. |

|would like to research further. Use the internet or|someone do something, go somewhere, or try to get |The purpose of this is to mix bold, colorful |

|another text to research the topic more in depth. |them to buy something based on the lesson and what |artwork with fun, interesting facts to create a |

|You should: |you learned. |page that actually entertains as it teaches. |

|-Draw this graphic organizer so it takes up your | |You must include: |

|entire notebook page |You must include: |-At least 5 illustrations with picture captions |

|Facts |-5 facts |for each |

|Source |-5 opinions |-2 riddles |

|Reaction |-at least 3 pictures |-A catchy and bold title |

| |-a catchy slogan |-At least 10 facts about your topic |

| |-be creative and include lots of color! |- A game, puzzle, or word search |

| |[pic] |-Create 5 questions someone could answer after |

| | |reading your comic strip |

| | |-Provide an answer key |

|-Research a topic from the lesson usign the | |-Lots and lots of color!!! |

|internet. | |[pic] |

|-Reacord new and important facts that you learn in| | |

|the facts column | | |

|-Write the website or text where you got your | | |

|information in the source column | | |

|-Write a personal reaction to each new fact that | | |

|you learn. | | |

|Vocabulary Tab Foldable |Create your own! |Technology |

|Your task: Create a multiple tab foldable using|Your task: Think of a new and different product |Your task: Choose one of the following products:|

|your vocabulary words. Make one tab for each |that you would like to create that your teacher |Book, Poster, Picture Collage. Use a technology |

|word. Write each vocabulary word on the bottom |has not give. If you choose this option you must |device to create this. Some examples include: |

|of each flap. When you lift the flap you need |share your idea with your teacher and get it |-Zooburt |

|to write the definition in your own words on |approved. Complete the form below. |-Pic Collage |

|the top and draw an example on the bottom. |Explain your product idea: |-Glogster |

|[pic] | |-Super Duper Story Maker |

| | |-Prezi |

| |How will this product help you better learn the |-Slide Rocket |

| |information? | |

| | |Your product must include: |

| | |-at least 10 facts |

| | |-at least 5 pictures with a picture caption for |

| | |each |

| | |-Summary |

| | |-Title/Author |

| | |**You must email it to your teacher when you are|

| | |finished. You also must take a picture of your |

| | |final product, print it out, and glue it on the |

| | |left side of your notebook.** |

|Children’s Picture Book |Poetry |Debate Questions |

| |Your task: Write a free verse poem about your |Your task: Create 7 “THICK” open ended questions|

|Your task: Create a children’s’ picture book |topic that includes rhyme, onomatopoeia, |that would be good questions to use during a |

|teaching children about what you learned. You |alliteration, hyperbole, and a simile. Your poem |debate about a topic you just learned about. The|

|can make it a nonfiction book or make it into a|must be at least 3 stanzas. It should take up |purpose of these questions is to make them |

|realistic fiction book. |more than half of your notebook page. Be neat, |thought provoking and not one word answers. You |

| |creative, and add color! |want to try to ask questions that might have |

|Your book must include: |You should include: |different opinions as answers. |

|-at least an illustration per page |-rhyme |You must: |

|-be set up like a book (use 8x11” white plain |-onomatopoeia |-Write down your seven questions in your |

|paper) |-alliteration |notebook skipping 2 lines in between each. |

|-Be at least 8 pages |-hyperbole |-Once you are finished writing the questions you|

|-Include page numbers |-simile |must interview two students by asking them your |

|-Include lots of color! |-at least 3 stanzas |questions. |

|[pic] |-neat, creative, & color!!! |-Write down their answers on the two lines you |

| | |left blank. |


Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas



Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas

Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas

Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas

Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas

Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas

Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas



Interactive Notebook Left Side Ideas


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