Sample PRINCIPAL Goal TEMPLATE-April 2014[3] - Jenny Ray

[Pages:8]Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

Reflective Practice, Student Growth, TELL KY Working Conditions and

Professional Growth Planning Template



Principal Sample





Middle School (6--8)

Part A: Reflection on the Standards in the Kentucky Principal Professional

Growth and Effectiveness System

Reflect on the effectiveness and adequacy of your practice in each of the performance standards.

Provide a rating (I = Ineffective; D = Developing; A = Accomplished; E=Exemplary) on each

performance standard and list your strengths and areas for growth. A complete listing of

performance standards and indicators can be found at the end of this form.



Strengths and areas for growth

Although my TELL Survey reveals

high scores in this area I personally

feel I need to be a better

Instructional leader.

I particularly

1. Instructional Leadership

The principal fosters the success of all students by

facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision





of teaching and learning that leads to student

academic growth and school improvement.

need to focus on Standard 1.3

and learn to become accomplished

at analyzing

student achievement

data and instructional strategies to

make appropriate educational

decisions to improve classroom

instruction, increase student

achievement, and improve overall

school effectiveness.

As I review data I think school climate needs

2. School Climate

work. The survey results and teacher and

The principal fosters the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school





student feedback have lead me to this conclusion. I need to work on parent and

climate for all stakeholders.

community support.

Our parent involvement

in school activities has been poorly attended.

3. Human Resource Management The principal fosters effective human resources management by assisting with selection and induction, and by supporting, evaluating, and retaining quality instructional and support

This is an area of strength based on principal evaluation by superintendent and my own I D A E self--reflection on the standards.


4. Organizational Management

This is an area of strength.

My school runs

The principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school's organization, operation, and use of





smoothly with few disruptions or discipline problems.


5. Communication and Community Relationship The principal fosters the success of all students by




E I definitely need to work here. My TELL Survey

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

communicating and collaborating effectively with stakeholders.

reveals weakness in several indicators when I did the crosswalk with TELL questions.

6. Professionalism

A reflection on standards and principal

The principal fosters the success of all students by demonstrating professional standards and ethics, engaging in continuous professional learning, and




evaluation feedback from my superintendent E has led me to the conclusion that this a strong

contributing to the profession.

area for me.

7. Student Progress The principal's leadership results in acceptable, measurable student academic growth based on established standards.

My data reveals a need to raise the combined reading and math KPREP scores and to close I D A E the achievement gap with the non--duplicated group ( includes lower socio economic and disabilities)

Examine additional relevant data sources to make an informed decision on growth needs.

Select an area of growth from the

above self--reflection to focus your professional growth goals.

Part B: Student Growth

State Student Growth Goal Statement

(Based on one of the State goals within your CSIP.)

By September 2015 the combined reading and math scores for the lower socio--economic student population at ABC Middle School will increase from 42.0% to 50.0% proficiency as measured by KPREP Scores.

Scoring Rubric




District Rule:

--5 Points Range will

44% and below 45%--50%

50% and Above

Determine Expected Growth.

Principal's Student Growth Plan

This plan will outline what the principal will do to impact the student growth goal.

(Should be different than the school CSIP plan strategies/actions)


What strategies/actions will I need to do in order to assist my school in reaching the goal?

How will I accomplish my goal?

I will establish a school wide focuses on quality PLCs with emphasis on student achievement in reading and mathematics.

I will work collaboratively with staff and parents to determine ways to support student achievement in 8th grade reading and mathematics.

I will increase time observing classroom instruction in reading and mathematics classes and providing quality feedback.

Local Student Growth Goal Statement

(Based on one of the State goals within your CSIP.)


What resources will I need to complete my plan?

What support will I need?

Identification of Reading and Math Resources for both parents and teachers.

District walkthrough teams with a focus on formative data for both reading and mathematics classes.

Book Study Resource (Opening the Common Core--How To Bring All Students to College and Career Ready)

Targeted Completion


When will I complete each identified

strategy/ action? October 2014

November 2014


By September 2015 the 8th grade reading comprehension scores will increase from an overall 35% proficiency to 55%

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

Scoring Rubric

proficiency as Measured by MAP testing.




District Rule:--5 point range

49% and below 50%--55%

56% and Above

Principal's Student Growth Plan

This plan will outline what the principal will do to impact the student growth goal.

(Should be different than the school CSIP plan strategies/actions)


What strategies/actions will I need to do in order to assist my school in reaching the goal?

How will I accomplish my goal?

I will work collaboratively with 8th grade staff and


What resources will I need to complete my plan?

What support will I need?

Identification Reading Resources and




When will I complete each identified

strategy/ action? October 2014

parents to determine ways to support student

supports for both parents and

achievement in reading.


I will lead 8th grade teachers in an analysis of

November 2014

formative and summative student math and

District walkthrough teams with a

reading data sources.

focus on formative data for both

I will establish 8th Grade PLCs with focus that

reading and mathematics classes.

October 2014

supports a school emphasis on student

Book Study Resource (Opening the

achievement in reading.

Common Core--How To Bring All

Students to College and Career Ready) On--going

I will Increase time observing 8th grade classroom

instruction in reading.


I will provide teachers with meaningful and timely


Part C:

Principal's TELL Kentucky Working Conditions Goal

Target Question(s) from TELL Kentucky Results:

Following a review of TELL Kentucky results, the principal, in collaboration with the superintendent, will identify questions that signify areas of growth that the principal can address that will impact school culture and ultimately student success.

Q4.1 a. Parents/guardians are influential decision makers in this school. 52.2% Agreement

Q4.1 f. Parents/guardians support teachers, contributing to their success with students.

40.0% Agreement

Q4.1 g.

Community member support teachers contributing to their success with students.

42.7% Agreement

Q4. 1h. The community we serve is supportive of this school.

50.4% Agreement

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

Target Performance Standard:

The principal will connect the Target Questions to the appropriate Performance Standard, which becomes the Target Performance Standard for the WC Growth Goal.

Performance Standard 5.7 Provides a variety of opportunities for parent and family

involvement in school activity.

(My focus will be academic involvement).

Working Conditions Growth Goal Statement:

The WC Growth Goal statement should be specific to the principal and should identify the specific growth that the principal plans to accomplish in the 2--year cycle of TELL Kentucky.

By May 2015 I will provide a variety of opportunities for parent/guardians to participate in activities that contribute to the academic success of their child. A focus will be placed on how the parent can help their child improve in reading and math. My success will be measured by an increase in agreement rate on TELL Survey Question 4.lf from the current 40.0% to 70%.

Working Conditions Growth Goal Rubric:

The rubric is established when setting the WC Growth Goal in collaboration with the Superintendent. An "Accomplished" result is the expected

outcome from the goal. To achieve "Exemplary" the goal must be exceeded. District Decision Rule for Accomplished + or ? 5 Points. Ineffective is

baseline and below. Developing is the range between Ineffective and accomplished.





40.0 and below



71% and above

Working Conditions Goal Action Plan

Working Conditions

What do I want to change about my leadership or role that will effectively impact working conditions in my school and their impact on student learning?

I want to become accomplished when working collaboratively with staff and parents to determine ways to support student achievement in reading and math.


What will I need to do in order to impact the target standard and target question(s)?

How will I apply what I have learned? How will I accomplish my goal?

Develop a monthly newsletter that features an article on how parents become involved in student math and reading achievement success.

Provide training at PTA and Open House on how parents can become actively involved in their child's success in reading and math.

Send weekly e--mails to parents that remind them of our focus on reading and math. Include parent involvement tips.

Make personal contact with parents to recruit parent volunteer for tutoring of


What resources will I need to complete my plan?

What support will I need?

Dedicated time to work on school to home communication.

Support of PTA

Teacher involvement

District Technology Support.

Targeted Completion


When will I complete each

identified strategy/ action?

October 2014

November 2014

November 2014


January-- March

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

all student in reading and math.


Part D:

Professional Growth & Effectiveness Data Reflection

What do I need to learn to meet my Student Growth Goal?

How can I be instrumental in supporting my teachers as we work to assure the academic growth of our students particularly in reading and math.

What do I need to learn to meet my Working Conditions Goal?

How can I leverage parent /guardian support to get them involved in activities that impact their child's success (SGG math and reading)

Other Information on which to Reflect

Survey Results

VAL--ED 360



Number of Surveys Distributed

Number of Completed

Surveys Returned

Percentage of Completed Surveys Returned



Questions to Consider:


What did teachers/staff perceive as major strengths? Facilities and Resources, Teacher and

school Leadership, Professional Development, Instructional Practices and Support.

What did teachers/staff perceive as major weaknesses? Time and Community Support and


List factors that might have influenced the results.

Lack of an intentional focus on parent

participation in school sponsored academic events

Other Data

Student Achievement Data

Non--Academic Data

Supervisor Feedback



Data Selected


TELL Survey

I will focus on improving parent support for student learning

School Report Card CSIP Superintendent Eval. Feedback

I will focus on increasing the combined reading and math scores. Supports both areas above.

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

Questions to Consider:

How does the additional data inform your decision about your learning needs?

I have learned to let the data guide my decision. I started looking for common threads that could tie my goals together so that I am not addressing three different areas. I found that with careful planning my SGG and my WCC can be tied together and provide focus and direction for my PGP. I will write my PGP to support the learning that I need in order to be successful with both my SGG and my WCG. As additional data becomes available I will reflect on how this supports the areas of identified need. I will frequently reflect on my progress toward all goals. I will continually examine my professional learning needs.

Part E: Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning

1) Initial Reflection: Based on the areas of growth identified in Self--Reflection and Parts B, C,

and/or D complete this section at the beginning of the school year.

During the 2014--15 school year I will increase

parental involvement in school sponsored

Professional Growth Goal:

? What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning?

? How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning?

? How will I know if I accomplished my objective?

academic focused event in an effort to communicate and obtain greater parent support for supporting their child's reading and math achievement. Measures of my success with be determined by parent event agenda's and sign in, school to home communication documentation,

and teacher mid--point survey on TELL survey Q4.1


Connection to Standards

The Principal should connect the PGP Goal to the appropriate performance standard and list that standard below.

Performance Standard 5.7 Provides a variety of opportunities for parent and family involvement in

school activity.

(My focus will be academic involvement).

Action Plan



What do I want to change about my leadership or role that will effectively impact student learning?

What is my personal learning necessary to make that change?


What will I need to do in order to learn my identified skill or content?

How will I apply what I have learned? How will I accomplish my goal?


What resources will I need to complete my plan?

What support will I need?




When will I complete each

identified strategy/ action?

I need to learn how **Synonymous with WCG Strategies



to more effectively PGP Strategies support

the SGG and the

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

communicate with WCG.

parents about their

role in their child's

academic success.

Administrator's Signature:


Superintendent's Signature:


2) On--going Reflection: Complete this section at mid--year to identify progress toward each

Student Growth/Working Conditions/Professional Growth Goal

Principal Growth Goals--Review

(Describe goal progress and other relevant


Mid--year review conducted on________ Initials ______ ______



Date Status of Growth Goal(s) ? SGG, WC, Revisions/Modifications of Strategies or Action



Administrator's Signature:


Superintendent's Signature:


3) Summative Reflection: Complete this section at the end of the year to describe the level of

attainment for each Professional Growth Goal


End of Year Student Growth Reflection:

End--of--Year Data Results (Accomplishments at the end of year.)

Data attached


End of Year TELL KY Working Conditions Growth Reflection:


End of Year Professional Growth Reflection:

Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Reflective Practice, Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template

Next Steps:

Administrator's Signature:






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