Information Literacy Inventory Worksheet

Social Science Course Curriculum Map to 2010 AAOT Outcomes Department/Program: Social Science/Education ______Course: ED 100________________________________________1. Social Science Discipline Studies OutcomesAs a result of taking Social Science Discipline Studies courses, a student should be able to:Course Outcome(s) related to the Social Science Discipline Studies OutcomeUnder what conditions and criteria will the course outcome be assessed? (i.e., a menu of suggested assessment options)Apply analytical skills to social phenomena in order to understand human behaviorCritically evaluate Vygotsky and Piaget’s theory of learning and understand how knowledge is socially constructed.-Structured small group class skits and scenarios, in-class quizzes and discussions, critical essays, short papersApply knowledge and experience to foster personal growth and better appreciate the diverse social world in which we live.Read and Reflect upon research pertaining to cultural/community wealth and recognize the value of cultural contributions to society.Discussions surrounding the creation of a community map of assets, group presentations, lesson delivery and planning2. Social Science Discipline Studies Course CriteriaAn introductory course in the Social Sciences should be broad in scope. Courses may focus on specialized or inter-disciplinary subjects, but there must be substantial course content locating the subject in the broader context of the discipline(s).Approved courses will help students to:How course meets criterionRelated Course Outline statementsUnderstand the role of individuals and institutions within the context of society.-Understanding the elements of creating a healthy learning community where each individual is validated-Students create presentations using individual artifacts and recognize the value of the contributions of others. They make connections between the classroom and society.Assess different theories and concepts, and understand the distinctions between empirical and other methods of inquiry. -Build knowledge and awareness of multiple styles of learning by researching multiple intelligence theory and cognitive learning styles.-As an education course, students will be asked to construct a learning profile of a students and discuss how a teacher might address students with varying needs.Utilize appropriate information literacy skills in written and oral communication.Analyze mainstream movies and peer-reviewed articles portraying alternative education such as charter schools and homeschoolingResearch and recognize the alternatives to public education which exist and contrast peer-reviewed articles with what is portrayed in the media.Understand the diversity of human experience and thought, individually and collectively.-Increase knowledge of the diversity of cultures conveyed as they are portrayed in adolescent and children’s literatureThe material in class prompts students to analyze literature which explores students’ racial and cultural background.Apply knowledge and skills to contemporary problems and issues.Research a current issue in education and apply the concepts of learning, development or community municate and represent this research to classmates through a menu of media options.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________InstructorDateAcademic DeanDate ................

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