DePaul University

Social Science Lesson/Learning Plan with Examples Topic: __________________________________FOCUS QUESTION: __________________________________________________________________ACADEMIC VOCABULARY (CCSSRI4) ____________________________________________________________________________SOURCES: ________________________________________________________________ Common Core standards emphasized: This week’s READING: ________________________________________________________________Reading: Standards: __Read closely, answer questions with EVIDENCE (CCSSR1); ___Summarize; identify central idea, related ideas (CCSSR2); ___Integrate information, ideas from different sources (CCSSR7); __evaluate claims (CCSSR8); __ ____________________________________Writing: __explain (2); __narrate (3); __construct an argument (1); research (7); __ _______________________________PREVIEW, Model, InterestModel and GuideGuide and Go FartherAssess, Clarify, AdvanceFix, Expand, Finish WellObjective:Objective:Objective:Objective: Improve CompetenceObjective: Independent Competence I DO > Introduce Focus QuestionWE DO: __preview text__ apply strategy to locate relevant informationYOU DOCollaboratively__Locate, list important information__start glossary of this week’s wordsIndependently__start glossary__write learning summaryI DO Model how to __________________WE DO: __Apply the strategy.__ use structure of text to locate relevant informationYOU DOCollaboratively:Read more to learn more__read with partner to locate information to support ideas__illustrate page(s)__Use structure of the text to make the outline that the author may have followedIndependently: __write learning summary__continue glossaryI DO Use graphic organizer to show how to organize ideas and information about a topic.WE DO: Students provide examples for the graphic organizerYOU DOCollaboratively:__complete graphic organizer__write explanation based on graphic organizerIndependently:__learning summary__complete glossaryFormative assessmentYOU DO independently__write their answer to the focus question, citing evidence__ Complete constructed response I DO --clarify based on assessment.You Do: __Students demonstrate how they completed the assessment__Outline a booklet about the topic—write the booklet on FridayIndependently: __use glossary to write __Pair/CompareI DO/WE DOGuide students needing support—__make outline with students they then follow to write about the topic__use graphic organizer to clarify ideas and relevant informationYou Do: ADVANCED Students who “meet” move to “exceed” __write booklet about topic__make display about the topic__make presentation __dramatize eventCLASS SYNTHESIS:What did we learn about reading to learn?What ideas did we learn?Home Learning Activity:Home Learning Activity:.Home Learning Activity:Home Learning Activity:Home Learning Activity: ................

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