MCR3U Functions

MCR3U Functions Jan 2012

Unit 4 – Trigonometry (chapter 5)

|Date |Topic (textbook ref.) |Assignment |

|Dec 16 |U4-0 Prerequisite Skills |p. 572 #1 - 9 |

|Dec 20 |U4-1 Trig Ratios of Acute Angles |p. 281 # 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15 |

| |(5.1) | |

|Jan 9 |U4-2 Trig Trainer | |

|Jan 11 |U4-3 Special Triangles and Exact Trig Values (5.2) |p. 287 #4, 5ab, 6bc, 7-9 |

|Jan 13,17 |U4-4 Ratios for Angles Between 0o and 360o (5.3 - 5.4) |p. 299 #2, 5, 6c, 8bdf, 10ab |

| | |(typo in #6 quad II is [pic]) |

|Jan 19 |U4-5 The Unit Circle and Radians |handout |

| | |review for quiz |

| | |p. 304 (your choice) |

|Jan 23 |U4-6 Trigonometric Identities |p. 310 #1-3 |

| |(5.5) | |

| |Quiz | |

|Jan 25 |U4-7 More Trig Identities (5.5) |p. 310 #5, 7, 8 |

|Jan 27 |U4-7B Solving Trig Equations |worksheet |

|Jan 31 |U4-8 Sine Law and Cosine Law |p. 326 #3, 4(solve whole triangle) |

| |(5.6 - 5.7) |5, 6 |

|Feb 2 |U4-9 The Ambiguous Case (5.6) |p. 318 # 5 – 8 NB BOB incorrect #8 (s/b 4139 m) |

|Feb 6 |U4-10 3D Applications (5.8) |p. 332 #3 – 7 |

|Feb 8 |Review | |

|Feb 10 |Unit Test | |


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