Sodexo Distance Dietetic Internship

Lesson Plan Template

Fill in all of the following information.

Email to the appropriate internship faculty for approval at least one week prior to giving the presentation.

Name: Dawn Ortiz Title of Presentation: The Key to Successful Weight Loss

Target Audience: Adults in the community attending the health clinic’s monthly nutrition class, ages 30+, some Spanish only speaking attendees, translator present.

(describe the group, including age, setting of the class, and any other pertinent information)

Date, Location, and Time: Thursday, March 5th at the Imperial Beach Health Clinic at 5:30pm

1. Learning Objectives (These should be from the learners’ standpoint, be measurable and active do not use words similar to know, learn or understand):

1) Motivated to start keeping a food journal

2) Recognize how to make SMART goals

3) Start holding themselves accountable by attending weekly weigh-in groups

2. Ice Breaker: Pass out healthy snacks, fruit flavored water, sugar snap peas and homemade sweet potato chips with a low fat, greek yogurt French onion dip. Ask the group if anyone has ever tried a diet that was not successful….

3. Presentation Outline

|Content outline |Learning Activities |Materials Needed |

|List your major points related to each objective |List any activities or learning experiences |List any materials you will need for your |

|here—that is, this is the content outline of the class.|related to each objective and content |presentation or learning activities |

|Include details, not just your major topic—this can be |here—describe, don’t just name | |

|a resource for future classes | | |

|Hand out healthy snack |Understand that healthy and delicious snacks can|Ingredients for snacks |

| |taste good | |

|Talk about the key elements of success for any aspect | |PPT |

|of life; determination, discipline and practice…segway | | |

|into how to apply this to a healthy lifestyle. | | |

|Explain how to achieve permanent weight loss: | |PPT |

|Make a commitment, find your inner motivation, set | | |

|realistic goals, enjoy healthier foods, get active and | | |

|stay active, change your perspective | | |

| | | |

|The importance of keeping a food journal to monitor |Ask if anyone has kept a food journal in the |PPT |

|calorie consumption, minimize snacking and discover |past | |

|diet detours | | |

| | | |

|Provide helpful hints for keeping a food journal: | |PPT |

|recognize triggers and remove one unhealthy habit per | | |

|week | | |

| | | |

|Hold yourself accountable with weekly weight ins and be|Ask the audience if they have ever tried this |PPT |

|able to track weight loss | | |

| | | |

|Find a work out partner to hold each other accountable | |PPT |

|and make working out fun | | |

| | | |

|Explain the importance of not depriving and eating | |PPT |

|unhealthy foods in moderation | | |

| | | |

|Explain the importance of being prepared for healthy | |PPT |

|eating; make meal plan and grocery store list | | |

| | | |

|Focus on adding healthy foods instead of eliminating |Refer to the healthy modification I made to the |PPT |

|unhealthy foods to keep a positive attitude |water and snack that was handed out at the | |

| |beginning of class | |

| | | |

|Explain that a variety of frequent exercise is a |Group discussion about local community options |PPT |

|necessary component to be successful (30-60 min per |for exercise, including community pools | |

|day/ 5 days per week) | | |

| | | |

|Explain the importance of setting SMART goals to be |Have the audience pick out which is a SMART goal|PPT |

|successful |on the slide | |

| | | |

|Be patient with yourself, weight gain did not happen | |PPT |

|overnight, so weight loss cannot happen overnight | | |

|either | | |

| | | |

|Explain my education piece and pass out the cards | |Education piece handout attached |

4. Evaluation Method/ Activity:

Ask the audience to pick out the SMART goal on the slide

5. Call to Action (Ask your audience what they will do/change as a result of the presentation. Can be oral or written, shared or not. The point is to get them to commit to some behavior change as a result of your class):

Ask the audience to go around and tell me their own SMART goals

6. Ending/Conclusion:

Ask if there any questions. Pass out my education material assignment as a handout

7. References Used: none


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