Special Education Philosophy Statement

Special Education Philosophy Statement

The Franklin Township Public School District's special education department embraces an inclusive philosophy, meaning that every effort is made to include students with disabilities in the regular education setting. Operating under this philosophy, we strive to provide a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of students so that they can achieve academic success aligned with the state standards. Our department offers programs based on each student's individual abilities and needs. Programs address both preparedness for either college or career readiness. We value collaboration and employ a multidisciplinary approach when interacting with students, staff, and families.

To accomplish this, the department will:

Insure that the least restrictive requirement is addressed at each students' Individual Education Program meeting

Provide opportunities for students to participate with their non-disabled peers for all content and elective areas as deemed appropriate by the IEP team

Continue to create program options that address the individual needs of students with a focus on preparing students to become independent and productive citizens

Provide opportunities for staff and administration to collaborate on best practices, the use of authentic assessment, quality instruction, and the use of differentiated instructional strategies.

Insure that our lesson presentations and activities address cultural and diverse backgrounds

We will know we have accomplished this when our students:

Are educated with students who are nondisabled to the maximum extent appropriate and in accordance with statewide reports (ADR, End of Year)

Removal of children with disabilities from the regular classroom occurs only when the nature or severity of the educational disability is such that education in the regular class cannot be achieved satisfactorily with the use of supplementary aids or services and in accordance with statewide reports (ADR, End of Year)

Participate with non disabled peers in non academic and extra curricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate as evidenced by class rosters, club participation, and structured learning experiences

Demonstrate improvement toward targeted skills as demonstrated by class work, teacher made assessments, district benchmark assessments, IEP goals and objectives, and statewide assessments.


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