Alabama State University

Alabama State University

College of Education

Master Syllabus



|Course Number: |REA 559 |

|Prerequisite: | |

|Credit Hours: |3 Credit Hours |

|Required Text: |Flint, A. (2008).Literate Lives: Teaching Reading & Writing in Elementary Classrooms. Hoboken, NJ: John |

| |Wiley & Sons, Inc. |

|Electronic Resources: |Multimedia and websites |

|Course Description: |Teaching Reading in the Elementary Grades is a course designed to investigate and analyze the many |

| |complex skills and experiences required of children in the overall reading process. Course content |

| |examines approaches to word recognition, accuracy, automaticity, fluency, vocabulary development, and |

| |comprehension. The course also examines causes of reading problems, such as interferences to |

| |comprehension, and intervention procedures appropriate for the elementary grades. Emphasis will also be |

| |placed on the effects of the volume of reading and its impact on student success in reading. |

|Educator as Decision Maker |The Conceptual Framework of the College of Education describes the candidate as The Educator as |

| |Decision-Maker. This concept embodies the College’s constructivist approach to teaching and learning. |

| |Students’ prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes, including dispositions, interconnect with the |

| |knowledge, skills, attitudes and expectations they encounter as ASU. As a result of this fusion, |

| |students develop and acquire new knowledge, skills, and attitudes that manifest themselves in the |

| |students’ informed decision-making capabilities – their tendency to put into action their capabilities |

| |as change agents, reflective practitioners and lifelong learners. |

|ADA Statement: |Any student requiring alternative formats for testing and/or handouts for this course, or others of |

| |accommodations, due to a disabling condition should advise the instructor within the first week of |

| |class. The university does not permit students to bring anyone who is not registered for the course into|

| |the classroom. |

|Diversity Statement |The College of Education at Alabama State University defines diversity as the differences among groups |

| |of people and individuals based on gender, socio-economic status; exceptionalities; geographical areas |

| |to include national and international areas; ethnicity, race; language; sexual orientation and religion.|

| |Throughout each program, the COE seeks to address these differences among groups of people. |

|Prepared by: |Danjuma R. Saulawa |Date |11-16-2013 |

| | | | |

|Department Chairperson: | | | |

| | |Date | |

| | | | |

|Dean: | |Date | |


|Teaching Reading in the Elementary Grades assists in-service teachers in developing knowledge of current research and practices necessary for |

|effective elementary reading instruction. Specifically, the course deals with issues and strategies as they relate to the teaching of reading |

|in the elementary school. In this course, emphasis is placed in the understanding and support of the early literacy development. |

|Because of the rich research base, there is a lot more for teachers to know about reading than about some other parts of elementary |

|curriculum. Such topics as emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, explicit instruction of phonics, reading/writing connection, diagnosis and |

|remediation, assessment, and classroom management are addressed in this course. |

|Consistent with the College of Education model "Educator as a Decision Maker", this course emphasizes practical as well as vicarious |

|experiences and student reflections on those experiences. The experiences and reflections will enable them to design and execute |

|instructional programs based on sound reasoning. |

|Outlined Standards for _REA 559_______ |

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|Assessment |

|CF |

|Standard (source) |

|Standard Description |

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|As a result of participation in the course, candidate will demonstrate following categories of knowledge: |

| |

|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|SDE (3)(a)2(ii) |

|NCATE 1.E |

|1.Knowledge of current research on cultural and linguistic diversity related to language development and reading acquisition. |

| |

|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b)2. (i) (ll)Xlll. |

|2.Integrating the language arts in all content areas. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b)2. (i) (ll)XXlV. |

|3.Developing fluency by integrating the major components of reading. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b)2. (i) (V) |

|4. Effective instruction identified in the current editions of the Alabama Reading Initiative publication: Essential Skills of Reading |

|Specialists. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b)2. (i) (VI) |

|5. The phonology and grapheme-phoneme correspondence of the English spelling system. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b)5. (i)(l) |

|NCATE 1.B |

|6.The role of temporary spelling in developing phonemic awareness, promoting the alphabetic principle, and facilitating written expression. |

| |

|Powerpoint Presentation: The presentation ill identify effective early reading instruction and practices. |

| |

|(3)(b)2. (i)(l) |

|7.Effective early reading instruction and practices, including those identified in the Alabama Reading Initiative publication: Essential |

|Skills of Teachers of Reading. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b) 2 (i)(ll)l |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)l |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)lll |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)lV |

|(3)(b) 2.(i)(ll)V |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vl |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vll |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vlll |

|(3)(b) 2i)(ll)lX |

|(3)(b) 2i)(ll)X |

|(3)(b) 2i)(ll)Xl |

|(3)(b) 2i)(ll)Xll |

|(3)(b) 2(i)(VI) |

|NCATE 1.B |

|8.Early reading instruction that integrates the following: |

| |

|Nurturing oral language development ( e.g., reading to students, providing verbal interaction about reading, expanding sentences) (3)(b) 2 |

|(i)(ll)l |

|Developing concept of print (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)ll |

|Fostering love for reading (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)lll |

|Giving students ample time to read independently (e.g., help with book selection (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)lV |

|Developing phonemic awareness (3)(b) 2.(i)(ll)V |

|Developing letter recognition (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vl |

|Providing systematic phonics instruction (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vll |

|Developing vocabulary through direct and indirect instruction (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Vlll |

|Emphasizing reading for meaning (3)(b) 2i)(ll)lX |

|Developing background knowledge (3)(b) 2i)(ll)X |

|Enhancing reading proproficiency through daily reading (3)(b) 2(i) (ll)Xl |

|Increasing students’ listening comprehension (3)(b) 2(i)(ll)Xll |

|Developing the phonology and grapheme-phoneme correspondence of the English spelling system. |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(b) 7(i) (ll) |

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|(3)(b) 7(i) (lll) |

|9.Knowledge of: |

|The uses and functions of various levels of texts (e.g., predictable, decodable,easy-to-read) in developing effective, fluent readers. (3)(b) |

|7(i) (ll) |

|The necessity of providing students with printed material at their independent and instructional levels. (3)(b) 7(i) (lll) |

| |

|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|3(d)l(i) |

|10.Students Interests, abilities, and backgrounds: |

|a. Knowledge of the importance of students’ interests, abilities, and backgrounds in creating a literate environment. (3)(d)l(i) |

| |

|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(d)3.(i) |

|11.Authentic use of reading and writing in everyday life: |

|a. Knowledge of authentic use of reading and writing in everyday life. (3)(d)3.(i) |

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|Multiple choice and essay type test |

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|(3)(d)2.(i). |

|12.Print-rich environment: |

|a. The importance of a print-rich environment that fosters all aspects of literacy (3)(d)2.(i). |

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|Evaluation and Minimum Standards: |Teacher candidates must pass each objective. All objectives will be evaluated with|

| |a quiz/exam or performance assessment. |

|Evaluation Criteria and Grading Standards for ALL |A will be awarded based on 90% of the points available. |

|objectives: |B will be awarded based on 80% of the points available. |

| |C will be awarded based on 70% of the points available. |

| |D will be awarded based on 60% of the points available. |

| |F will be awarded based on less than 60% of the points available |

|Professional Dispositions |Discussions of scenarios of case studies provide an opportunity for students to |

| |explore the importance of having a good rapport with their students, creating a |

| |safe, positive & supportive learning environment, and exploring teacher attitudes |

| |that positively or negatively influence the behavior of students who reside within|

| |their care. |

| | |

| |Professional dispositions are assessed in all COE courses. |

|Professionalism |All Alabama State University (ASU) students are expected to conform to recognized |

| |university standards of conduct, behave with decency, and dress appropriately |

| |while attending on and off campus functions and in academic settings, social |

| |events, extracurricular activities and other public functions. |

| | |

| |Appropriate Dress: |

| | |

| |No student will be allowed to enter any university building with their pants |

| |hanging below the waist, without a belt, wearing spaghetti straps, or with hats |

| |and/or “doo” rags on their heads; and |

| | |

| |No student will be allowed in any university building with pajamas on, except in |

| |the residence halls and excluding the lobby areas; and |

| | |

| |Students are to refrain from using profanity in any university building or on |

| |campus. |

|LiveText |LiveText is a web-based data management system that the College of Education uses |

| |to collect data for the purpose of assessment, evaluation, and accreditation. |

| |LiveText is an integral part of all courses within the College of Education. |

| |Initial and advanced candidates are expected to have an activated LiveText |

| |account. Throughout the coursework, practicum, and internship for individual |

| |programs, candidates will complete assignments, portfolios and surveys which |

| |require an activated account. There are no exceptions to this policy. |

|Class Attendance Policy | Each student is expected to attend all lectures, seminars, laboratories and |

| |field work for each registered class, including the first class session. |

| |Attendance is required to verify official enrollment and continuance in each |

| |course. When students are absent from class for authorized reasons such as death |

| |in the family, illness, hindrance by true emergency situations or University |

| |activities, they will be allowed to make up assignments/examinations that they |

| |missed. Instructors, of course, are not obligated to provide make up opportunities|

| |for students who are absent, unless the absences have been officially approved. |

| |Official excuses can be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. An officially|

| |excused absence, however, merely gives the individual who missed the class an |

| |opportunity to make up the work and in no way excuses him or her from completing |

| |the course requirements. Students receiving veterans benefits are required to |

| |attend classes according to the regulations of the Veterans Administration, in |

| |addition to those requirements set by the university for all students. |

| |Instructors are required to keep an accurate attendance record for all students |

| |enrolled. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the university |

| |or drop a course, within the allowed timeframe, when this is the desired course of|

| |action. |

|Field Experience (if applicable) | |


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Rubric for Essay Tests

|Documented Paper |Exemplary |Proficient |Partially |Incomplete |Points |

| | | |Proficient | | |

|Introduction |The introduction |The introduction is |The introduction has |The introduction does |10 |

| |presents the overall |clear and coherent and |some coherence, but |not orient the reader to| |

| |topic elicits the |relates to the topic |does not give a good |what will follow. | |

| |interest of the reader | |sense of what the | | |

| |by raising compelling | |content of the topic | | |

| |arguments. | |is. | | |

|Content |The content is clear |The content is written |The content is vague |The content lack a clear|45 |

| |and concise. It has |with logical |and does not create a |purpose and logical | |

| |logical progression of |progression of ideas |strong sense of purpose|sequence of information.| |

| |ideas and supporting |and supporting | | | |

| |information. |information | | | |

|Evidence of Research |Information is |Primary sources are |Information includes a |Incomplete, incorrect |20 |

| |accurate, current and |included, not clearly |few facts. Some of the |and/or out dated | |

| |comes mainly from |used to support the |information may not fit|information. | |

| |primary sources. |argument or points |and sources are vague. | | |

| | |being made. | | | |

|Coherence and |The thesis of the paper|Most of the information|Ideas are loosely |Ideas are choppy and |15 |

|Organization |is clearly stated and |presented logically and|connected. No clears |disjointed. No clear | |

| |developed. Specific |sequentially. Generally|clear transitions. |thesis and vaguely | |

| |examples are |well organized, but |Choppy organization. |related to the topic of | |

| |appropriate and |better transition from | |the paper. | |

| |directly support and |one idea to the next | | | |

| |develop the thesis. |needed. | | | |

| |Ideas flow together and| | | | |

| |coherently; transitions| | | | |

| |are succinct. | | | | |

|Conclusion |Concluding statements |Concluding statements |Concluding statements |Concluding statements do|10 |

| |are made that pull |are made that support |provide little support |not provide any support| |

| |together the essential |some essential ideas |for the thesis of the |for the thesis of the | |

| |ideas put forth in the |put forth in the paper.|paper. |paper. | |

| |paper. | | | | |

PowerPoint Rubric

|ELEMENT |Exemplary |Proficient |Partially Proficient |Unsatisfactory |POINTS |

|Content |4 points |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

| |The content on |The content on effective|The content on effective|The content on | |

|ALSDE (3)(b)2. |effective early reading|early reading |early reading |effective early reading| |

|(i)(l) |instruction and |instruction and |instruction and |instruction and | |

| |practices, including |practices, including |practices, including |practices, including | |

| |those identified in the|those identified in the |those identified in the |those identified in the| |

| |Alabama Reading |Alabama Reading |Alabama Reading |Alabama Reading | |

| |Initiative publication:|Initiative publication: |Initiative publication: |Initiative publication:| |

| |Essential Skills of |Essential Skills of |Essential Skills of |Essential Skills of | |

| |Teachers of Reading, is|Teachers of Reading, is |Teachers of Reading, is |Teachers of Reading, | |

| |written clearly and |written with a logical |vague in conveying a |lacks a clear point of | |

| |concisely with a |progression of ideas and|point of view and does |view and logical | |

| |logical progression of |supporting information. |not create a strong |sequence of | |

| |ideas and supporting |Includes persuasive |sense of purpose. |information. | |

| |information. |information from |Includes some persuasive|Includes little | |

| |The project includes |reliable sources. |information with few |persuasive information | |

| |motivating questions | |facts. |and only one or two | |

| |and advanced | |Some of the information |facts about the topic. | |

| |organizers. The project| |may not seem to fit. |Information is | |

| |gives the audience a | |Sources used appear |incomplete, out of date| |

| |clear sense of the main| |unreliable. |and/or incorrect. | |

| |idea. | | |Sequencing of ideas is | |

| |Information is | | |unclear. | |

| |accurate, current and | | | | |

| |comes mainly from * | | | | |

| |primary sources. | | | | |

|Text |4 points |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

| |The fonts are |Sometimes the fonts are |Overall readability is |The text is extremely | |

| |easy-to-read and point |easy-to-read, but in a |difficult with lengthy |difficult to read with | |

| |size varies |few places the use of |paragraphs, too many |long blocks of text and| |

| |appropriately for |fonts, italics, bold, |different fonts, dark or|small point size of | |

| |headings and text. |long paragraphs, color |busy background, overuse|fonts, inappropriate | |

| |Use of italics, bold, |or busy background |of bold or lack of |contrasting colors, | |

| |and indentations |detracts and does not |appropriate indentations|poor use of headings, | |

| |enhances readability. |enhance readability. |of text. |subheadings, | |

| |Text is appropriate in | | |indentations, or bold | |

| |length for the target | | |formatting. | |

| |audience and to the | | | | |

| |point. | | | | |

| |The background and | | | | |

| |colors enhance the | | | | |

| |readability of text. | | | | |

|Layout |4 points |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

| |The layout is visually |The layout uses |The layout shows some |The layout is | |

| |pleasing and |horizontal and vertical |structure, but appears |cluttered, confusing, | |

| |contributes to the |white space |cluttered and busy or |and does not use | |

| |overall message with |appropriately. |distracting with large |spacing, headings and | |

| |appropriate use of | |gaps of white space or |subheadings to enhance | |

| |headings, subheadings | |uses a distracting |the readability. | |

| |and white space. | |background. | | |

|Citations |4 point |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

| |Sources of information |Most sources of |Sometimes copyright |No way to check | |

| |are properly cited and |information use proper |guidelines are followed |validity of | |

| |the audience can |citation format, and |and some information, |information. | |

| |determine the |sources are documented |photos and graphics do | | |

| |credibility and |to make it possible to |not include proper | | |

| |authority of the |check on the accuracy of|citation format. | | |

| |information presented. |information. | | | |

| |All sources of | | | | |

| |information are clearly| | | | |

| |identified and credited| | | | |

| |using appropriate | | | | |

| |citation format. | | | | |

|Graphics, Sound |4 points |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

|and/or Animation |The graphics, sound |The graphics, sound/and |Some of the graphics, |The graphics, sounds, | |

| |and/or animation assist|or animation visually |sounds, and/or |and/or animations are | |

| |in presenting an |depict material and |animations seem |unrelated to the | |

| |overall theme and |assist the audience in |unrelated to the |content. | |

| |enhance understanding |understanding the flow |topic/theme and do not |Graphics do not enhance| |

| |of concept, ideas and |of information or |enhance the overall |understanding of the | |

| |relationships. |content. |concepts. |content, or are | |

| |Original images are |Original images are |Most images are clip art|distracting decorations| |

| |created using proper |used. |or recycled from the |that create a busy | |

| |size and resolution, |Images are proper size, |internet. |feeling and detract | |

| |and all images enhance |resolution. |Images are too |from the content. | |

| |the content. | |large/small in size. | | |

| |There is a consistent | |Images are poorly | | |

| |visual theme. | |cropped or the | | |

| | | |color/resolution is | | |

| | | |fuzzy. | | |

|Writing Mechanics |4 points |3 points |2 point |1 points |___/4 |

| |The text is written |The text is clearly |Spelling, punctuation, |Errors in spelling, | |

| |with no errors in |written with little or |and grammar errors |capitalization, | |

| |grammar, |no editing required for |distract or impair |punctuation, usage and | |

| |capitalization, |grammar, punctuation, |readability. |grammar repeatedly | |

| |punctuation, and |and spelling. |(3 or more errors) |distract the reader and| |

| |spelling. | | |major editing and | |

| | | | |revision is required. | |

| | | | |(more than 5 errors) | |

|POINTS | ___ /28 |

• Primary sources can include journal articles, Books, government publications, documents from professional organizations, Web pages, audio recordings, video productions and photography.

Examination Rubric

To demonstrate proficiency for the professional knowledge standards, candidate must score a minimum of two on a four-point scale. Below is a chart of what percentages the points represent:

| |Exemplary |Proficient |Basic |Unacceptable |

|Examination Performance |Candidate must score a |Candidate must score a |Candidate must score |Candidate who scores 70% |

|Expectations |minimum of 90% on test |between 89% and 80% on |between 79% and 70% on |on test items for the |

|ALSDE |items for the standard. |test items for the |test items for the |standard does not meet |

|(3)(b)2.(i)(VI) | |standard. |standard. |the minimum expected |

| | | | |proficiency and need |

| | | | |remediation for the |

| | | | |content of that standard.|


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