Essential Question(s)

GRADE 8 1ST SIX WEEKS: SHORT STORY UNIT 08/22-09/30 2011Essential Question(s)How do fiction writers keep readers interested?How do fiction writers keep you guessing?Writing TEKSWrite an imaginative story that (15A): sustains reader interest with well-paced action and an engaging plot (15Ai-ii).contains a specific, believable setting created through sensory details (15Aiii).creates interesting characters and dialogue that develops the story (15Aiv).contains a range of literary strategies and devices that enhance the style and tone (15Av).Write responses to literary texts that demonstrate the writing skills for multi-paragraph essays and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when appropriate – Literary OERS (17C).Suggested Writing Product(s)Suggested Writing Products:Plot Chart / Story BoardCharacter Map (split head)SOAPSToneDIDLSSIFTLiterary OERsAssertion ParagraphsLevels of QuestionsAnticipation / Reaction Guide (TALA) One-Pager (AVID) Dialectical Journal Quick Writes (story vocab/roots)Kernel Essay / Flipbook (Bernabei)Imaginative Short Story DraftPeer Edit ChecklistImaginative Short Story Final CopySuggested Planning Objectives:Plot the linear development of a short story.Determine the point of view and its effect on a short story mentor text. Analyze author’s style in a short story mentor text. Make inferences and support with textual evidence.Define the qualities of central characters in a short story mentor text.Determine the meaning of Latin and Greek roots.Use vocabulary in an imaginative short story.Write well-constructed, correctly punctuated compound and complex sentences.Write complex sentences using appositive phrases.Write a short answer response using text evidence to support your ideas.Support verbal communication with text evidence.Write a one page imaginative short story that is well-paced, engaging, and concise.Create a believable setting using sensory details in an imaginative short story.Incorporate interesting characters and dialogue in a one page imaginative short story. Incorporate literary strategies/devices to enhance style and tone in an imaginative short story. Reading TEKSStudents will:Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words in context based on Latin and Greek roots (2A, 2B).Summarize plot and analyze how linear plot developments work to resolve or not resolve conflicts (6A).Analyze effects of different points-of-view on stories (6C).Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (Fig. 19C, D).Analyze how characters’ qualities in stories influence theme and conflict (6B).Anchor/Mentor TextsThe Tell-Tale Heart” (Holt)“So Stupid” (pdf)Suggested Texts“The Ransom of Red Chief” (Holt)“The Landlady” (pdf)“The Wife Story” (pdf)“The Tiger’s Heart” (pdf)“The Weird Herald” (pdf)Key Terms/Content KnowledgeLinear Plot Development (Conflict, Rising Action, Falling Action, Resolution, Denouement, Subplots)Short Story Elements (Theme, Irony, Suspense)Author’s Style (Diction, Tone, Mood)Point-of-View (Limited, Omniscient, Subjective, Objective)Literary Strategies (Plot, Setting, Character) Literary Devices Figurative LanguageVocabulary2A,EWords from Anchor and Suggested TextsWord RootsANG, ASTRO, BOTAN, CENT, CHRONO, CYCL, CON (CO, COL, COM), CORP, DI/DY/DU, EQUIGrammar/Conventions19A, B, 20BFrom 15 of the Most Common Grammatical Errors4.Sentence Fragments5. Run-on Sentences/Comma Splice/Fused SentencesSentence StudyBrushstrokes - Appositives Special Sentence Structures from Anchor/Suggested TextsFormative AssessmentsAnnotations, Storyboard or Plot Chart, Reading Comprehension Checks, Grammar Practice, Vocabulary Practice, Inner/Outer Circle, Timed Writings, Brushstrokes Practice, Character Map, SOAPSTone, DIDLS, SIFT, Levels of Questions, Anticipation / Reaction Guide (TALA), Mind Map, Dialectical Journal (Pre-AP Strategy), Quick Writes (short story vocab and roots), Kernel Essay / Flipbook (Bernabei), Imaginative Short Story Draft, Peer Edit ChecklistSummative AssessmentsOne Page Short Story, Vocabulary Assessment, Literary OERs, Assertion Paragraph, One-PagerWriting CBA #1 Window 9/26 – 10/07 (Short Story and Revising/Editing) ................

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