Teacher Recertification Handbook

Teacher Recertification Handbook

MSAD #40

Here is the latest update of the Teacher Recertification Handbook (revised September 2008). Please discard any older versions that you may have. Modifications have been made to reflect past practice as well as take into consideration changes in the State regulations.


The Recertification Steering Committee


Joyce Davidson Julie Sanborn Patricia Smith

Deborah Smith Jolly Hall Andrea Hamalainen

Julia Adams


Ellen Jameson Angela Hoch Cleo Carter

Sally Brough


Claudette Wiley

MSAD #40 Certification/Recertification Process

The primary objective of this process is to improve student achievement by increasing the effectiveness of classroom instruction. This is accomplished by developing local support teams/mentors to assist teachers in meeting certification and recertification requirements: (1) transitional; (2) conditional; (3) provisional; and (4) professional, and which are objective and measurable.

The MSAD #40 Steering Committee will be comprised of a majority of classroom teachers to include teachers from each administrative unit. The Steering Committee will also include an administrator. Membership on this committee will be for a minimum two-year period.

The mentor will require that teachers demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of subject matter and the ability to work with students and colleagues. Candidates must successfully complete all agreed upon goals or successfully complete building mentorship programs to obtain his/her individual desired level of certification.

The mentorship program will meet at regular intervals with the teacher to review, update, and monitor progress. The Steering Committee will maintain all records developed as part of the certification cumulative portfolio. These will be maintained in a separate file cabinet located at the Central Office. The Steering Committee when maintaining the records, and the Steering Committee when meeting to make a recommendation will have access to the files.

The major benefit to the school system will be a highly trained staff that continues to develop the ability to work collectively toward improved classroom instruction and student achievement.

Certification/Recertification Information

The following are a few suggestions to make renewing your certificate a little easier and less confusing:

1. Make sure you have a Teachers Action Plan (TAP) on file with the Recertification Steering Committee (RSC).

A. All teachers renewing a Professional certificate must have a Renewal Plan approved and on file with the RSC prior to commencing any activities that are to be used for renewal of a certificate. If a Renewal Plan is not on file, any courses taken or activities completed will not count towards renewal.

B. All teachers with a Provisional, Conditional, Targeted Needs, or waiver must have a Teacher Action Plan submitted to the RSC prior to the second Tuesday in December. It is your responsibility to see that your TAP is submitted prior to this date.

C. Teachers with a Transitional certificate must have a Timeline Proposal (issued by the DOE with your certificate) on file with the DOE and the RSC. The certification coordinator must sign this form before it is sent to the DOE.

2. All necessary forms must be submitted to the RSC in a timely manner. If you submit forms after you do a course or activity for recertification credits, you run the risk of having the activity refused if it does not match a goal from your TAP/PRP. It's better to be safe than sorry.

A. Be sure to complete all information that a form asks for. If you neglect to fill in information such as, 1) the goal from the TAP/PRP that the activity meets, 2) the start and end dates, and 3) the amount of hours or credits requested, the form may be returned to you for completion.

B. It is important that all forms submitted by you be dated and initialed by the RSC member to whom you hand it in. Because timeliness is so important in this process, having a date and signature on a form can insure that it will be accepted, but not necessarily approved.

3. Please read any documents that you receive from the RSC carefully. If you detect any errors or if you have any questions, please contact the RSC member in your building. Mistakes happen! It is your responsibility to correct any errors as soon as possible to insure your records are correct.

4. Certification Credits---The RSC currently has three methods by which teachers may receive credits to renew or recertify:

A. College credits---Each college credit is worth one recertification credit. Please note, the form that you submitted to the Superintendent's office to receive course reimbursement for college course taken has nothing to do with your certification.

B. Continuing Education Credits (CEU'S)---CEU's are granted by various agencies, which have gained the approval of the DOE for such activities. CEU's are based upon the contact hours, which the activity occupies. 1.5 CEU's = 15 hours = 1 certification credit; 4.5 CEU's = 45 hours = 3 certification credits, etc.

C. Recertification Credits---recertification credits are given by SAD 40 for activities offered in district and for which no other credits are awarded, such as CEU's. These activities are approved by the RSC for a specified number of credits, and certificates are issued by the instructor through the Central Office.

Please be accurate as to the type of credit for which you are doing an activity and make sure you correctly note the amount of credits or hours that you plan on earning.

Finally, it is extremely important that all teachers recognize that your teaching certificate is your license to make a livelihood. State law is very specific when it says that all teachers are responsible for maintaining their certificates. The MSAD 40 Support System has been approved by the Maine Department of Education and by the Board of Directors of MSAD 40. The process must be followed as approved. It is your responsibility to be aware of local procedures and to follow them. If you have any questions as to what you need to do, please ask your local RSC member.

Certification Steering Committee Criteria

Membership on this committee will be for a minimum two-year period. If there are two or more qualified candidates for an opening on the Steering Committee membership, it will be at the discretion of the building principal to choose representation.

Certification Steering Committee Responsibilities

1. Develop and publish a list of qualified mentors

2. Assign mentors to candidates

3. Review and approve Teacher Action Plans before and after implementation

4. Review and approve Professional Renewal Plans before and after implementation

5. Provide the Commissioner of Education with recertification recommendations

6. Review certificates and endorsements of all teaching personnel new to the district

7. Periodically review and update the certification plan and handbook

Certification Steering Committee

Chairperson/Co-Chairperson Responsibilities

1. Officiate at Steering Committee meetings

2. Set agendas

3. Set meeting dates and times

4. Notify members of meetings and other necessary information

5. Communicate with State Department and other necessary parties

6. Act as the official spokesperson for Steering Committee

7. Delegate responsibilities to committee members

8. Provide new staff members with information about support teams or mentors

9. Inform the superintendent or designee of the status of all teaching staff with certificates expiring in July 1 of that year


August – Meet with mentor to write TAP

October – TAP approval

January – 1st observation

February – 2nd observation

April – 3rd observation

May – TAP to steering committee


1. Professional Recertification Plans (PRP) should be submitted to the Certification Steering Committee for approval at least 26 months prior to certification expiration.

2. TAP’s should be submitted to the RSC for approval at least 12 months prior to the certification expiration date. The RSC will vote to approve or not approve TAP’s and PRP’s and mentors. If the plan needs modifications or adjustments, the recommendations will be communicated to the candidate and to the mentor.

3. TAP should be submitted for approval by October meeting

4. Mentor/mentee observations should be completed during the months of : (1) January,

(2) February and (3) April

5. TAP should be submitted by May for final approval



September 8, 2008

October 20, 2008

November 17, 2008

January 12, 2009

February 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

April 13, 2009

May 11, 2009

June 8, 2009



For: a first year teacher in Maine

an experienced licensed teacher from another state

CONDITIONAL: 1 YEAR CERTIFICATE (renewable 2 times with affidavit)

For: a person with lapsed certificate

a person who has Liberal Arts degree but who lacks professional requirements for certification

a person who needs to take the PRAXIS I test

TRANSITIONAL: 1 YEAR CERTIFICATE (renewable 2 times with affidavit)

For: a person who is certified but does not have all the credits (endorsement) needed to teach in a subject area


For: a person holding a current Maine certificate



Initial Acceptance: The candidate holds an approved Maine provisional certificate. The candidate who has less than two years teaching experience will be assigned a mentor.

First Year:

1. A candidate with 2 or more years teaching experience may request a mentor at the beginning of the school year.

2. The mentor will be appointed by the Certification Steering Committee.

3. Time will be scheduled for planning and collaboration for certifications, and to schedule observations.

4. A Teacher Action Plan (TAP) mutually agreed upon by provisional teacher and mentor, including goals, objectives, and timelines, will be established by October. Must include 3 observations by mentor per year and at least 2 specific professional development activities.

5. If requested, release time will be provided for the provisional teacher to observe experienced teachers.

Second Year:

1. Mentors will continue to meet and collaborate with the teacher.

2. Mentor will meet at least weekly.

3. The TAP will be completed by mid-May of the second year.

4. The candidate will submit at the end of the two-year period a completed TAP and documentation to the Certification Steering Building Representative.



Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Social Security #: __________________________________________

In order to recommend a candidate for a five-year professional certificate, the candidate must meet the criteria for one of the sections below. The candidate will need to complete a blue renewal application, which must be signed by the support system chair. In addition, the support system chairperson must verify the following information. Please complete the information in one section below and submit this form with the application.

Provisional to a Professional (Out-of-State)

Yes No

______ ______ The support system has completed the orientation, one observation, and the TAP.

______ ______ The candidate has had two or more years of experience under a equivalent teaching or educational

specialist certificate.

Department Use Only: ______ Approved ______ Not Approved

Conditional to Professional (Out-of-State)

Yes No

______ ______ The support system has completed the orientation, one observation, and the TAP, submitted passing

NTE scores.

______ ______ The candidate has had two or more years of experience under a equivalent teaching or educational

specialist certificate.

Department Use Only: ______ Approved ______ Not Approved

Conditional to Professional (In-State)

Yes No

______ ______ The support system has completed the orientation, one observation, and the TAP.

______ ______ The candidate has had two or more years of experience under a equivalent teaching or educational

specialist certificate.

Department Use Only: ______ Approved ______ Not Approved

Signature Support System Chair _______________________


Please keep in mind that if you do not hold (or continue to maintain) a valid State of Maine teaching certificate, MSAD 40 will be unable to employ you. This is not a mandate by the Superintendent of Schools; this is a Maine State Law.

You should have received a letter/form from Maine Department of Education (MDOE) telling you the courses or exams you are required to complete before you receive a teaching certificate or an endorsement on your present teaching certificate. Please give a copy of this letter/form to your steering committee representative. You MUST take six (6) semester hours each year until you have completed all requirements. The Steering Committee and Superintendent of Schools cannot override this letter nor can they make substitutions in the requirements. If you do not complete six (6) credits within the school year, you will not receive a certificate to teach for next year. If you do not have a valid teaching certificate, you will not be allowed to teach in MSAD 40 even if you have signed a teaching contract.

At the completion of your second year, you will receive a renewal form from the state. Please fill out this form. Be sure to attach copies of official transcripts for courses completed. We cannot file the request for certificate renewal with the MDOE without evidence that the courses have been completed. When you have the necessary documentation, please submit your plan and documentation to the steering committee representative for final approval.

An important word about transcripts. Printouts from the University of Maine System’s Web Based Grade Reporting System are not accepted by the MDOE. They will ONLY accept official transcripts. Printouts off the web do not show either your name or your social security number. Most printouts say right on them “unofficial copy”. If you contact the transcript office at the University, they will tell you how to get official transcripts for free.


DATE: _______________

NAME: ___________________________________


Conditional certification provides an alternate pathway to teacher or educational specialist certification for individuals who are missing pedagogical requirements or assessment requirements. A conditional certificate can be renewed twice (total of three one-year certificates).

I currently hold a conditional certificate for the ______ - _______ school year in the following areas(s):

I understand that I am required to take six (6) semester hours of needed requirements and pass the PRAXIS I (basic skills) in reading, writing, and mathematics prior to August 31st. If I need less than the six (6) semester hours of coursework, I will need to complete all of the requirements (including PRAXIS I) prior to August 31st. I will also need to complete the PRAXIS II (tests of content area knowledge). If I have not graduated from an approved program I will have to pass the PLT. When I complete the requirements, I will be eligible for either a professional certificate or a provisional certificate for the next school year whichever is appropriate. I am proposing that I take the following courses:


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

I passed the PRAXIS I on _______________ (date).

I will be taking the PRAXIS I on _________________ (date).

I passed the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I passed the PLT on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PLT on __________________ (date).

Total number of semester hours taken prior to August 31st (should equal 6): ________

Submitted by: Signature: ___________________________________


Received by ____________________________ Date ___________

Initial Approval _________________________ Date ___________

Final Approval __________________________ Date ___________



1. Form from Maine Department of Education stating the requirements to complete the conditional certificate

2. Copy of current certificate.

3. Proof of passing the PRAXIS I, PRAXIS II, Principles of Teaching and Learning.

4. Proof of completing coursework (6 semester hours).


1. Steering Committee Representative



DATE: _______________

NAME: ___________________________________


A transitional endorsement to certification provides an alternate pathway to certification for individuals who hold a provisional/ professional teacher certificate but are missing some of the requirements for the additional endorsement sought. A transitional endorsement shall be issued only if the applicant holds a provisional certificate and has been assigned to teach the subject or grade level for which the transitional endorsement is sought. A transitional endorsement can be renewed twice. A total of three one-year endorsements.

I currently hold a transitional endorsement for the ______ - _______ school year in the following areas(s):

I understand that I am required to take six (6) semester hours of the requirements by August 31st. I must complete the content area assessment and the PRAXIS II prior to receiving a 3rd transitional endorsement. When I complete all requirements, I will be eligible for an endorsement for the next school year. I am proposing that I take the following courses.


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

I passed the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I passed the PLT on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PLT on __________________ (date).

Total number of semester hours taken prior to August 31st (should equal 6): ________

Submitted by: Signature: ___________________________________


Received by ____________________________ Date ___________

Initial Approval _________________________ Date ___________

Final Approval __________________________ Date __________



1. Form from Maine Department of Education stating the requirements to complete the transitional endorsement

2. Copy of current certificate.

3. Proof of passing the PRAXIS II, PLT.

4. Proof of completing coursework (6 semester hours).


1. Steering Committee Representative


DATE: _______________

NAME: ___________________________________


Targeted Need certification provides an alternate pathway to teacher or educational specialist certification for positions designated as having a shortage of fully certified applicants for individuals who are not eligible for any other certificate. A targeted need certificate can be renewed twice (total of three one-year certificates).

I currently hold a targeted need certificate for the ______ - _______ school year in the following areas(s):

I understand that I am required to take six (6) semester hours of needed requirements and pass the PRAXIS I (basic skills) in reading, writing, and mathematics prior to August 31st. If I need less than the six (6) semester hours of coursework, I will need to complete all of the requirements (including PRAXIS I) prior to August 31st. I will also need to complete the PRAXIS II (tests of content area knowledge). If I have not graduated from an approved program I will have to pass the PLT. When I complete the requirements, I will be eligible for either a conditional certificate or a transitional endorsement for the next school year, whichever is appropriate. I am proposing that I take the following courses:


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

I passed the PRAXIS I on _______________ (date).

I will be taking the PRAXIS I on _________________ (date).

I passed the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PRAXIS II on _________________ (date).

I passed the PLT on _________________ (date).

I will be taking the PLT on __________________ (date).

Total number of semester hours taken prior to August 31st (should equal 6): ________

Submitted by: Signature: ___________________________________


Received by ____________________________ Date ___________

Initial Approval _________________________ Date ___________

Final Approval __________________________ Date __________



1. Form from Maine Department of Education stating the requirements to complete the targeted need certificate

2. Copy of current certificate.

3. Proof of passing the PRAXIS I, PRAXIS II, pedagogical skills assessment.

4. Proof of completing coursework (6 semester hours).


1. Steering Committee Representative


1. The candidate holds a professional certificate.

2. The candidate has a minimum of two years’ teaching experience.

3. The candidate develops a Professional Renewal Plan which reflects professional growth and includes earning a minimum of ninety (90) professional development contact hours or its equivalent

4. The candidate submits the Professional Renewal Plan to the Certification Steering Committee for approval.

5. The Certification Steering Committee will make a recommendation to the Commissioner.

6. 1 CEU is equivalent to 10 contact hours.



Teachers at the professional level do not need to have a support team, but must develop a Renewal Plan expressing the goal, which is approved by the Certification Steering Committee. The committee will approve renewal plans, but does not need to pre-approve individual courses, workshops, institutes, etc. The committee will, however, be willing to work with individuals in developing plans and answering questions.

Goal must be clear and specific to your endorsement.

Activities: Please refer to Examples of Actions for documentation requirements. Activities should be relevant to your goal. Disclaimer on the bottom of your plan should read. “This plan will be complete when the equivalent of 6 credit hours or 90 contact hours is attained.” Time must reflect your certificate renewal date. Documentation must be submitted with your plan for final approval.


Workshops/Conferences/Seminar/In-service programs: Provide verification of participation, including contact hours, on a certificate or letterhead of the sponsoring organization.

Independent Studies: (Professional reading adult education courses, video courses, Internet courses, self-teaching activities): Please submit a description of the activity. For professional reading attach a bibliography. Detail how the knowledge you gained will be useful to you in the classroom. Provide an estimate of contact hours (maximum of 20

Workshops or Courses Conducted by the Candidate for Other Professionals: Please attach copy of agenda(s), handouts, evaluation/feedback, preparation requirements, etc. Provide a detailed statement of the knowledge you gained through this activity and how it will improve your professional practice in your classroom. Experience that is not directly related to your teaching assignment does not qualify for portfolio credit.

MSAD 40 Professional Development Days: (May be used for recertification if applicable to the individual’s PRP and with documentation provided by the Director of Instruction and Staff Development). Please submit a description of the activity. Detail how the knowledge you gained will be useful to you in the classroom.

Participation/Active Involvement on Study Committees or Task Forces: Please attach a description of the focus of this committee/task force. Provide a statement of your involvement and how your participation in this activity relates to your PRP/MTPRP, teaching position, or extends your professional knowledge. The committee chairperson must document your hours of participation. (Maximum of 60 contact hours may be accumulated for all committee work in a 5 year period, with the exception of participation on an NEASC visitation committee, which receives a maximum of 60 contact hours (30 hours contact hours per visitation)).

Educational Research Related to Classroom Practice: Please provide topic(s) outline, bibliography, and an explanation of how the information will used in your classroom or curriculum. Estimate the clock hours spent in research.

Extended Mentoring of a Student Teacher/Intern/Practicum Student: Please provide documentation of clock hours of extended mentoring beyond the school day.

Travel Resulting in Projects and Activities Applied in the Classroom: Please provide a description of the trip and several classroom activities/projects developed for classroom use based on your travel experience/information gained while traveling.

Formal Coursework/Classwork Taken While Traveling: Please provide a course/class description. Attach transcript or grade report as documentation.

Publication of Educational Articles or Books: Please provide a copy of the published article/book, or draft submitted for publication, and an estimate of clock hours.

Innovative Programs, Projects, and Teaching Units Developed Independently or With Others Beyond the Regular Teaching Responsibilities: Please provide a copy of the program, project, or teaching unit with an estimate of clock hours spent preparing it. Include goals, objectives, sample activities, and evaluation strategies.

Experiences Outside the School Setting Which Provide Professional Growth: Please provide a detailed description of the experience. Attach a statement of the knowledge you gained through this activity and how it will be useful in your classroom. Experience that is not directly related to your teaching assignment does not qualify for portfolio credit.


Logs and journals should include relevant time/s, date/s, resources, and reflection about actions to be taken, learning that occurred, and/or implications for teaching.


If for any reason you are not able to complete an activity on your plan and need to substitute another activity, you must submit to the RSC an amended plan.

Please rewrite your plan on a new form with the new activity starred or indicate it as a substitution.


See your building representative with any questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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