Among the Hidden

Among the Hidden- Study Guide

Chapter 1


• type of figurative language (simile) p. 1 “as silently as a shadow.”

• Vocabulary: defy, defiance p. 2

• Type of figurative language (simile) p. 3 “Their absence made everything look different, like a fresh haircut exposing a band of untanned skin on a forehead.”

• Type of figurative language (metaphor) Death was a fly that stopped buzzing when the swatter hit it.” P. 4

Chapter 2

End of chapter: Turn and Talk: Any ideas why no pets allowed?

And why no 3rd children allowed?

Chapter 5

Infer: What can you infer about the Garners from this excerpt of text?

“ The letters Mother wrote back, painstakingly, late at night, when she’d saved up enough money for a stamp, contained plenty of news of Matthew and Mark, but never once had mentioned Luke’s name.”

Chapter 6

Clarify: Colloquial term: hangdog expression, vocabulary : Stupefied

Chapter 7

Clarify: What is a Baron?

Foreshadowing: Can you identify any foreshadowing in chapter 7?

What text evidence influenced your opinion?

Infer: At the end of the chapter, why does Luke turn away?

How does Luke really feel about giving up getting tucked in?

Chapter 8

Conflict – Describe both sides of Luke’s person vs. self conflict regarding going into the kitchen.

Infer - p. 38 What can we infer about these families? “Three or four of the women didn’t seem to have jobs, but they left too, returning late in the afternoon with shopping bags.”

Clarify - What form of figurative language is used on the bottom of page 39?

“Luke suddenly felt like the radio was as loud as an entire orchestra.”

A) Metaphor and Personification

B) Simile and Alliteration

C) Simile and Hyperbole

D) Personification and Alliteration

“…like the smell of baking bread could fill three counties.”

A) Metaphor

B) Hyperbole

C) Personification

D) Simile

Clarify What is the significance of the number 28 now to Luke?

Chapter 9

Infer: Why do you think Luke keeps what he saw in the window a secret from his mother?

Conflict: Describe Luke’s dilemma as a person vs. self conflict.

Chapter 10

Infer: What can you infer about the Sports Family on p. 48?

“Only the Sports Family had all their windows totally blocked, covered by heavy blinds.

Clarify : Vocabulary p. 55 Sanctuary, Telepathy

What type of figurative language is used on p. 54

“He’d been like some confused animal hibernating during nice weather.”

Chapter 14

Clarify: Vocabulary p. 57 pristine

Chapter 15

Clarify: Vocabulary p. 63 baffled, p. 64 prissy

What is another (colloquial) term for an illegal third child?

What specific law has Luke and the girl broken just by existing?

Figurative Language On page 63 Luke compares himself to Alice in Wonderland and the prey of a snake. What type of figurative language is used in both these descriptions?

On page 65 the girl compares Luke to a mole.

What type of figurative language was used in this description?

She then describes herself as a “ticket out.”

What type of figurative language was used in this description?

Chapter 16

Clarify: Vocabulary p. 66 crow/ed (verb), p. 68 propaganda, p. 71 infiltrator, botching

Evaluate What character traits could you give Jen and why?

Chapter 17

Clarify: Vocabulary p. 76 nonchalantly, p.78 flippantly

Why did the government create the population law that outlaws third children?

Chapter 18

Carlos says it’s 105 degrees in his house but his parents won’t let him run the air conditioner during the day. Sean suggests that he turn on the AC when his parents are gone and then turn it off right before Carlos’ parents get home. Carlos is afraid of breaking his parents’ rules.

What is funny then, about Yolanda’s joke to Carlos?

“So what are they going to do? Ground you?”

Chapter 19

Clarify: Vocabulary p.91 Hydroponics,

p. 93 Genocide, Belatedly

Point of View: p. 93 From whose point of view was The Population Disaster written? (Who do you think wrote this book and why?)

p. 93 From whose point of view was “The Problem of the Shadows” article written?

(Who do you think wrote this book and why?)

What do you think was the purpose of each piece of propaganda?

Why did the government create the population law?

Who do you think is right, the government or Jen?

Chapter 20

Conflict: Describe Jen’s person vs. person conflict regarding the rally with Luke and the kids in her chat group. Describe both sides of the conflict.

Chapter 21

Clarify: Why did the government make pets illegal?

Evaluate: Why do you think the government made hydroponics illegal?

Chapter 22

p. 112 What does this text excerpt mean? “ Luke could feel the ice in her words.”

Evaluate: Have a debate in your literature circles.

1. Who has the best plan of action at this point and why?

(Jen’s plan is going to the rally she’s organized to try to bring about change.

Luke’s only plan at this point is hiding and waiting for change to happen. )

Chapter 24

Infer p. 118 What is ironic about Jen saying “We can hope…” as she left Luke?

Chapter 27

Analyze/Evaluate: What character traits of Jen is Luke describing on p. 127?

“ Stop Jen? That’s like trying to stop the sun.”

A) Being daring, being a risk taker

B) Being strong willed, being determined

C) Being endlessly hopeful, being optimistic

D) Being trustworthy, being a compassionate friend

Infer p. 129 Again, what is so ironic about Jen’s last words to Luke “We can hope…” as she left for the rally? (Challenge: See if you can identify two (2) ironies in her statement.)

Clarify: What is ironic about Jen’s Step-Dad working for the Population Police?

Chapter 28

Clarify: Vocabulary p.133 Sabotage, Totalitarian, p. 136 Cynicism

Summarize: Explain how each of these factors led to General Sherwood’s population law:

Drought, Famine, Overpopulation, Inequality in Food Distribution, Riots

Chapter 30

Clarify: p. 149-150 What is meant by the figurative language below

“…still stabbed at him.”?

“The boy’s right. He needs to go now, if he can.”

Luke could tell his father’s words came out painfully, but they

still stabbed at him. Maybe part of him had been secretly hoping his parents would forbid him to go, would lock him in the attic and keep him as their little boy forever.


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