Reading-L.I I can identify interesting vocabulary in a text. Reading lots of different types of books helps you become a better writer. This week in our reading we are going to focus on vocabulary. Remember when we do a piece of writing we have to think about VCOP – Vocabulary Connectives Openers PunctuationTask 1Find five words in the book you are reading just now that are new to you or are very effective/interesting. Write them down and, using the context of the story, guess what the words could mean. Note down your ideas by writing the word in one column of a jotter page and the definition in another column. Remember reading the sentence around a word helps to work out the meaning. Finally, use a dictionary/online dictionary to find the true definition. How close were you?!?Task 2While reading your book, record any powerful adjectives, similes, metaphors and adverbs you come across to keep so you can use them in your writing. When you have found a good adjective - can you think of other synonyms (words that mean the same thing)? For example - Enormous – massive, gigantic, huge, …Remember as well as reading yourself, there are also lots of opportunities to listen to fantastic books online too, just follow these links - You can search for audio books on: you might choose to listen to an author reading online: to be able to respond to a textThis week we have a series of tasks, based around a text called ‘Jurasssic.’Click on the link simply type into your browser. There are lots of tasks which you could complete over the course of the week. Each task will take between 30 – 60 mins. Choose 1 task per day, starting with 1. Question Time, then 2. Perfect Picture, 3. Sentence Challenge, 4. Sick Sentences, finishing off with 5. completing the story from the starter. Remember to use the skills we’ve practised over the last two weeks regarding Setting and Characterization to bring your story to life.Spelling-L.I L.I. – I can construct and spell correctly words with in them.This task can be completed a bit each day over the week. Write your chosen 10 words out neatly twice. 2. Write a story, using ALL of your chosen words. Remember to highlight all of the words in the story. You can email your story to us if you like!Choose from the words below :hardcardharmstartmarkbargelargeapartmentharshlycharcoalcompartmentarchaeologistparticularlypharmacycarnivorous3 : Word building : make as many new words as possible by adding prefixes or suffixes eg.Harm – unharmed, harmful, harmed, harms, harming4 : Quiz – test your knowledge by reciting your words to a sibling or parent.Talking and Listening-L.I I can communicate in a clear and expressive manner.Games are a fun way to develop talking and listening skills. Here is a game to try this week – To play this game, one person must draw a picture of anything they like. The more detailed, the harder the game! Once you have drawn your picture, keep it hidden! Challenge someone in your house to draw the same picture as you by giving them a clear description of what your picture looks like. Remember, don’t show them your picture until they have completed theirs!Modern Languages-L.IA marvellous website to practise some French this week….. french-Numeracy and Maths-L.I to be able to extract information from a bar graph\s\s \sThis task should take between 45 mins to an hour. Choose a task from above – don’t forget to challenge yourself – and answer the questions . You will need to use addition and subtraction strategies in order to be successful. If you can’t open using the icon above, the activities can also be found at the bottom of this file.Health and Wellbeing-L.I I I know that I can experience a range of emotions and I can show awareness of how other people might be feeling.Remember last week we started a new Resilience unit called – Expect the Unexpected. Learning about how change is a necessary part of life and that it can be both positive and negative. Also that people can react very differently to change. This week we are looking at how during change, we may experience a variety of thoughts and emotions and that these emotions can affect how we feel and behave.Task 1Go through some of these feeling words, exploring some of the newer, more complex words and think about how we might recognise that someone was feeling like this:happy relaxed unhappy tense moody surprised confident lonely anxious jealous content sad angry worried embarrassed ecstatic miserable furious guiltyconcerned pleased withdrawn enraged timid ashamed delighted helpless irritated shy uncomfortable calm gloomy mean curious unsettled safe grumpy bold uneasy disgusted panicky terrified horrified bored confusedTask 2Choose 5 emotions and try to answer these questions:Is this a feeling that we like or not? When might someone feel like this?Can we think of any times the characters in our books have felt this way? If it’s an uncomfortable feeling, how can we stop ourselves feeling this way?Task 31690370430530happyrelaxed00happyrelaxedDraw a circle and put all the good, positive feelings inside the circle and the not so good/negative feelings on the outside. unhappy tenseHere is a booklet with activities to help you record some of your feelings and thoughts during this unexpected timeSocial Studies-L.IN/AExpressive Art (Drama/Music/Art)-L.I - Inspired by the work of artists, I can express myself through art.Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist/sculptor, who is well known for his nature sculptures. His creations are made of branches, rocks, flowers and other natural materials you can find on a walk e.g. in a park or in your garden.Your task this week is to research him, get inspired by his creations and then express yourselves by creating your nature sculptures at home! If you want you could take a photo and put it on Teams? A good starting point is to follow the links below: L.IScience- Please follow the following link below and look at Activity 4 – Spring into Action. (this is the Dundee Science Centre website – Home Learning section) Do the heart rate test and if you have time try the healthy eating task. If you don’t have a stopwatch you can use a clock or a watch. The STEM challenge this week is Cardboard Boat – Challenge Card 7 Follow the link below, the challenge card is one of the orange cards for STEM (not blue science cards). – Task 1 - Create three paper airplanes of your choice from this website. Test which one glides the furthest in your hallway/garden. Task 2 - Decorate your winning plane and add a logo based on your initials to it.\sA Message from my TeacherA big ‘hello’ from Miss Welsh and Miss Murphy! You will notice that the Learning Grid is a little different this week. Hopefully it is a bit easier to navigate but remember to message us if you have any problems. Send photos of your work and successes to to be loaded onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning JournalDaily tasks:Read for at least 15 minutesPractice your times tablesTake some daily exercise- Check out Joe Wicks Body Coach for kids at graph to show children’s favourite sportsHow many children liked rugby and cricket the best?What is the total number of children who like tennis and swimming the most?What is the sum of children who like netball and football?What is the total of the two most popular sports?What is total of the two least popular sports? ChallengeHow many children prefer sports played with a ball?How many children like sports played with a racquet?0590550SPICY- A graph to show which sport children voted as their favourite sport74 children like football and which other sport? What is the difference between the total of children who prefer athletics and swimming and the number of children who prefer football?Rugby has 21 fewer children prefer it than another sport. What is this other sport?What is the difference between the total of the two most popular sports and the total of the two least popular sports? The least popular sport has 33 fewer votes than which sport?ChallengeHow many children prefer sports played with a ball? How many children like sports played without a ball? What is the total number of children who voted?-35560467995HOT- A graph to show which sport children voted as their favourite sport586 children like football and which other sport? What is the difference between the total of children who prefer athletics and swimming and the number of children who prefer football?Rugby has 111 fewer children prefer it than another sport. What is this other sport?What is the difference between the total of the two most popular sports and the total of the two least popular sports? The least popular sport has 221 fewer votes than which sport?The total of two preferred sports is 574. Which two sports are they?The people who did the survey wanted to question 3000 children. How many more children did they need to survey to make this target?ChallengeAnother survey had double the number of participants. How many participants did they have?? of these participants are girls. How many are boys? 3/8 of the participants are under 10. How many children are over 10? ................

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