Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Exam

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Exam


Directions: Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

1. Where do living organisms get their energy? __________________________________________________________________

2. What kinds of organisms make their own food?___________________________ 3. What do cells use to move materials into and out of cells?___________________ 4. What kind of energy do living cells need?________________________________ 5. Where do cells get the raw materials and energy needed to perform the functions

of the cell?_________________________________________________________ 6. Organisms can be grouped on how they obtain their food, basically on how they

get their nutrition, so what are organisms called that need to consume or eat another organism called?_____________________________________________ 7. What is a producer, and explain what it produces?_________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the name of the type of organism that breaks down dead organisms called? __________________________________________________________________ 9. Where does nearly all life get its energy from? ____________________________ 10. What is the process called where plants make food/sugars from carbon dioxide and water and sunlight?______________________________________________ 11. What else besides glucose does photosynthesis produce?____________

Review the elements, using a period table to answer questions 12-14.

12. What is the chemical symbol for Carbon?___________

13. What is the chemical symbol for Hydrogen?_________

14. What is the chemical symbol for Oxygen?___________

15. Write the chemical formula for Carbon dioxide___________________________

16. Write the chemical formula for water.___________________________________

17. Write the chemical formula for glucose (sugar) ___________________________

18. Write the chemical formula for oxygen gas ______________________________

19. What type of energy is light energy converted into?________________________

20. Where is this type of energy stored? ____________________________________

21. What is the name of the organelle where photosynthesis occurs?______________

22. What is the name of the pigment that captures the light energy?_______________

23. Write the chemical equation below for photosynthesis:

__________ + __________ + light energy

___________ + _______

(FYI: The things on the left of the arrow are called reactants and the things to the right are called the products)

24. What does glucose used for?__________________________________________

25. If glucose is not used and it is stored what is the name of the substance it is often

stored as called?____________________________________________________

26. Where does photosynthesis in the plant usually occur at, name the structure of the

plant where chloroplasts are usually found? _____________________________

27. How do cells get energy from food?_____________________________________


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28. What is ATP? ______________________________________________________

29. What process produces ATP?__________________________________________

30. Where does cellular respiration happen inside a prokaryotic cell?


31. In eukaryotic cells where does cellular respiration occur?____________________

32. What are the starting materials of cellular respiration? ______________________

33. In eukaryotes where does the first stage of cellular respiration occur? __________


34. What is glucose broken down into during the first stage of cellular respiration?


35. What does the next stage of cellular respiration require? ____________________

36. Where does this stage (the second stage) of cellular respiration occur at?


37. As oxygen enters a cell and travels to the mitochondria the 3-carbon molecule is

broken down and WHAT is captured and stored in ATP?___________________

38. What are the products of cellular respiration?


39. How is carbon dioxide released by animals?


40. Most of the energy from cellular respiration is transferred to ATP, but what

happens to some of the energy, how is it released?_________________________

41. What happens when ATP is broken down?_______________________________

42. Write the chemical equation below for cellular respiration:

__________ + __________

___________ + _______ + ________

43. What are the chemicals on the left side of the reaction called?________________

44. What are the chemicals on the right side of the arrow called?_________________

45. What is the function of the chloroplast and what process occurs in this organelle

and where is it found? ________________ _______________ ______________

46. What is the function of the mitochondria, and what is the name of the process, and

in what types of cells can you find mitochondria?

______________________ ____________________ ________________________

47. What problems can too much carbon dioxide in the environment cause?



48. How can humans reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?


49. How is carbon recycled in the environment? ______________________________


50. How are animals and plants connected to one another? _____________________



EXTRA CREDIT: How many protons, ______neutrons______ and electrons_____ does an atom of the element of Carbon have? What is the molecular mass of carbon dioxide?

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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Exam ANSWER KEY

1. From either making or consuming food. 2. Producers 3. Cells use energy 4. Chemical energy 5. Food 6. Consumers 7. Producers such as chemotrophs and phototrophs make their own food 8. Decomposers 9. From the Sun 10. Photosynthesis 11. Oxygen 12. C 13. H 14. O 15. CO2 16. H2O 17. C6H12O6 18. O2 19. Chemical Energy 20. In glucose stores chemical energy for use, and if it is not used then it converts to starch 21. Chloroplast 22. Chlorophyll 23. CO2 + H2O + Sunlight Energy C6H12O6 + O2 + ATP(Chemical Energy) 24. Glucose is a sugar used for food that is broken down into energy for cells to do work 25. Starch/Glycogen 26. In the leaf primarily 27. In the mitochondria glucose is broken by cellular respiration 28. A high energy molecule Adenosine triphosphate 29. Cellular Respiration 30. In the cytoplasm and cell membrane 31. In the mitochondria 32. Glucose and oxygen 33. In the cytoplasm 34. Two 3 carbon molecules 35. Oxygen 36. In the mitochondria 37. Energy 38. ATP, water and carbon dioxide

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39. In animals it is carried to the lungs and exhaled 40. Some is released as heat 41. The energy released is used for cellular activities 42. C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O+ ATP 43. Reactants 44. Products 45. Capture light energy, photosynthesis, in cells of photosynthetic organisms such as plants 46. Break down glucose into energy, cellular respiration, mitochondria can be found in animal and plant cells 47. It can trap too much heat in the atmosphere and possibly lead to global warming 48. Plant trees, stop clear cutting forests, and reduces carbon emissions, use cleaner burning fuels 49. Carbon is released by organisms in the process of cellular respiration and by burning fossil fuels, and is taken up by phytoplankton in the oceans and plants and used to make food that animals eat, and in the process of cellular respiration get energy for their cells to do work and then release carbon dioxide as a waste product where the cycle continues by an interaction between organisms and their environment. 50. Plants use carbon dioxide animals release along with water and sunlight energy to make glucose and oxygen which animals need in the process of cellular respiration to extract the energy for their cells to do work. This energy is in the form of ATP and water, and carbon dioxide are released as waste products, plants and photosynthetic organisms use.

EXTRA CREDT: Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons, and its mass is 12 amu

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