Skeletal System Project

Skeletal System Project Name:__________________________ Due Date:_______

Purpose: Option 1: To demonstrate knowledge of the parts of an osteon (Haversian System) using student selected materials. Option 2: To demonstrate knowledge of the articulated adult human skeleton and the moveable joints.

Option 1:

The osteon is the structural unit of compact bone. Each osteon is an elongated cylinder oriented parallel to the long axis of the bone. Functionally, they are tiny weight bearing pillars. Collectively, osteons serve as passageways for blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. Your original, student-constructed model should include the following structures, minimally:

A Haversian canal (with vessels), Volkmann’s canals, lamellae, osteocytes, lacuna, and canaliculi.

You will be given extra credit points for depicting a section of spongy bone, and the periosteum of the bone. Also if you construct a piece of long bone, you can earn extra by showing the red marrow, the yellow marrow, and the endosteum.

Suggested Materials: Clay, playdough, macaroni noodles or similar, toothpicks, paper, paper mache, pipe cleaners, straws, chocolate chips, beads, etc. **No size requirements

Option 2:

The adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones, along with cartilages, tendons, and ligaments. The skeleton can be divided into the axial skeleton, which includes everything along the midline of the body from the cranium to the coccyx, and the appendicular skeleton, which includes all the long bones of the appendages and the girdles that provide them an attachment site to the trunk of the body. The appendages are given some functional movement at joints (where two or more bones articulate, allowing rigid support, yet some flexibility). Your original, student-constructed model of the skeleton should include the following, minimally:

Cranium and facial bones, vertebral column, sternum and ribs, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, full arms and hands, full legs and feet. It should be flexible at the joints for the appendages.

You can earn extra credit points for including hyoid bone, carpals, tarsals, patella, and anything else you can detail.

Suggested Materials: craft paper or construction paper, balsa wood, toothpicks, straws, newspaper and masking tape, fishing line, metal brads, etc. **No size requirements

Scoring Rubric

|Category |Comments |Points |Points |Points |Points |

| | |Earned |Earned |Earned |Possible |

| | |(self) |(peer) |(teacher) | |

|Minimal Structures |Osteon (4 pts ea) | | | |24 +10 |

|Included( see above) |Skeleton (2 pts ea) | | | | |

| |Extra (ea) | | | | |

|3-D representation |(Can carve into | | | |32 |

| |Model), moveable, | | | | |

| |etc | | | | |

|Structures look | | | | |32 |

|detailed & accurate | | | | | |

|List of structures in | | | | |12 |

|Model included with | | | | | |

|Legend or numbered | | | | | |

|Key included | | | | | |

|Wow! Points—Bonus | | | | |? |

|For exceptional | | | | | |

|Creativity, presentation, | | | | | |

|Etc. | | | | | |

|Possible Deductions | | | | |? |

|(late, missing structures) | | | | | |

|TOTAL | | | | |110+ |


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