12 Angry Men – A Display of Social Psychology in Action

12 Angry Men – A Display of Social Psychology in Action

1. Fundamental Attribution Error- crediting someone’s behavior to a person’s disposition/personality instead of to the situation they are in.

2. Conformity - adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard

3. Normative social influence- influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval

4. De-individuation- the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

5. Groupthink- occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives

6. Prejudice- unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group and its members

7. Stereotype- a generalized belief about a group of people

8. In-group- "Us". We favor our in-group over those in the out-group

9. Out-group- "Them”. We do not prefer those in the out-group, we often blame them.

10. Scapegoat theory- prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame

11. Aggression- behavior intended to hurt or destroy

12. Mere exposure effect- repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them (your best friend/acquaintance starts to look really good to you)

13. Minority Influence – influence that goes against the groups feelings/attitudes/behaviors

14. Majority Influence – influence that attempts to coerce others in the group to conform

14. Attraction – includes friendship that develops from perceived similarities

15. Memory - Problems with Eyewitness Testimony

16. Homeostasis – desire to maintain internal balance (temperature, thirst, hunger, etc)

17. Gender Influence – any bias as a result of gender

18. Racial Influence – any bias as a result of race

19. Social Influence – any bias resulting from different social backgrounds

20. Bystander Effect – the presence of other people reduces helping behavior

21. Psychodynamic Defense Mechanism – behaviors that are a result of a hidden anxiety (repression, displacement, etc)

22. Hearing/Vision – sensations that can influence our perceptions

23. Obedience to Authority – following instructions from a perceived authority figure

24. Personality Trait of Defendant – a label used to identify the dispositions of a person

25. Specific Motivation – the reason for doing things. Be specific, In this case, the reason for voting guilty or not guilty.


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