Honors Geometry

Honors Geometry

Research Project/Lesson Information

65 points

Your project will consist of a 20 minute presentation, a works cited, and a lesson plan/outline. Each part, upon submission, should be labeled with your name (and partner’s name), topic, and presentation date. Each submission must be typed and printed out. Each partner will be graded on the project individually, and the project will be part of your 4th marking period grade.

1. Works Cited (5 pts): Use MLA format to write a works cited. A minimum of six sources is required. You may use primarily (or all) Internet sources, as long as they are credible. Look for university or company sponsored links, PhD. Authors, magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc. I will visit your sites to assess their credibility. Explore journals, books, magazines, etc., if possible. This is due on the day of your presentation.

2. Lesson Plan (10pts): A detailed lesson plan outline must be submitted for the topic you are teaching the class. Please use the format provided (attachment). This lesson plan should not only convey how you intend to integrate your content, but should also inform the teacher of what devices and class involvement techniques you will use in the presentation. One lesson plan may be submitted for a pair of partners. It must clearly identify which partner is presenting which parts.

4. Oral Presentation (50 points): The oral presentation is to be prepared in cooperation with your partner, and it will be at least 20 minutes in length (20-25). Each partner should have his or her own sub-topics to focus on and research. Some time may be used to present together and make connections between your sub-topics, but the bulk of your topics should be presented individually. It will be necessary for you and your partner to get together outside of school to prepare effectively for the presentation. You must come to class dressed to give a presentation; jeans and T-shirts are not appropriate. Remember that this is a math presentation; please limit historical/biographical information. Your presentation will be assessed regarding the following criteria:

A. Creativity and Audience Engagement (15 points): Creativity encompasses the method and format of your presentation. The degree to which your creativity influences the quality of your presentation is very important. Merely presenting information in a lecture format will earn you no higher than a C. The effectiveness of your visual aids: their neatness, appropriateness, and readability, as well as your use and explanation of them, will affect this part of the grade.

Involving your classmates throughout the presentation helps to hold their interest and helps them to learn. Your presentation must be engaging to your peers. You may have an activity that involves whole class participation, but keep an eye on the time. No “review games” are acceptable. Your entire presentation must be new information.

If you find videos to show, they must not total more than 1 minute in length. Only choose videos that are critical to your presentation because they are extremely creative and interesting. Do not show videos that merely have another person explaining something for you.

B. Neatness and Organization (5 points): Your presentation must be well organized in order to flow smoothly. Furthermore, your presentation must be clearly organized for the sake of your classmates’ understanding. Every aspect of your presentation must be neat and must exhibit your pride in your work. If you are using technology, you must test it after school several days in advance. Technology blunders will affect your grade. You must bring your own copy of the rubric on the day of your presentation or 1 point will be taken from your grade.

C. Delivery and Articulation (5 points): Your presentation should be professional, enthusiastic, engaging, and well-rehearsed. Your manner should be the manner of someone well versed in his topic and eager to share his knowledge with the rest of the class.

D. Content of Presentation and Knowledge of Subject (25 points): There is no paper accompanying this project. The presentation is the only format in which you present your research and your learning, and it must convey a multi-faceted, content-rich picture of your topic. Over the course of your presentation, you must convey that you have a deep knowledge of this content. The math in your presentation should be the vast majority of the presentation and should be a high level of math. You should be teaching something new and challenging.

Any late portion of the research project will be assessed 10% of its value per day of lateness. All work is due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. The works cited and lesson plan must be printed prior to class. Plan for printer troubles!

This research project should be a valuable learning experience for you. Please do not hesitate to ask me for help on any aspect of the project. This is the first time you have ever done a math project and presenting mathematics to your class will be a new and unfamiliar experience for you. I am happy to help you think of ways to make your presentation original and exciting.

Due Dates:

Top 3 topic choices and partner name: Due __________________________

Lesson Plan: Due Thursday 2 WEEKs before your presentation

My Lesson Plan Due Date: __________

My Presentation Date: __________

Honors Geometry

Research Project Lesson Plan

Your lesson plan/outline should follow the following format:

Topic, Both Partners’ Names, Presentation Date:


As a result of this lesson, the students will be able to understand and do the following:

(This should be a general list of topics and skills that a student in the class will understand and/or be able to do. List them: 1, 2, 3… )

Required Materials:

(Please indicate here any materials I will need to arrange for you and remind me in advance. These could include scissors, colored pencils, rulers, etc. Also include any materials you will be bringing.)

Catchy Opening:

(The opening of your presentation should pique the class’s interest and make them curious to learn your topic. There needs to be creativity involved while being relevant to your topic.)

Step-by-Step Procedures:

(This is an ordered list of topics and activities. It should almost read like a play-by-play account of what you and the students will be doing. This can be an outline, list, or bullets, but should be clear and organized. This should be clearly labeled according to which partner is delivering which information and facilitating the activities. You do not need to list the content itself, just the topics and methods of delivery. Remember, there should be more creativity going on here than just talking based on a PowerPoint slide!)

Honors Geometry Presentation Topics:

You must choose 3 possible topics, in order of preference. Please research the topics before you pick them! You will not be permitted to change topics at a later date. For some topics, your presentation must include the topics in parentheses, in addition to other sub-topics you find interesting.

Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi (Derivations and Patterns)

Pi (Buffon’s needle and other derivations)

Fractals 1 (Kotch’s Snowflake, coastlines)

Fractals 2 (Sierpinski’s Triangle, fractal dimensions)

Pascal’s Triangle (Patterns, expanding binomials, probability)

Networks (may contain: Famous Bridge Problem, Use in Navigation, Use in Computers, etc)

Mathematics & Music (may contain: Connection to Early Mathematicians, Chord Creation, Patterns, Octaves, etc)

Mathematics & Computers (may contain: Moore’s Law, Use of Binary, The Future of Computers - Nanotechnology & Quantum Computers, etc)


Platonic Solids & Euler’s Formula

Hyperbolic Geometry

Spherical Geometry (may relate to Escher’s work)

Problems of Antiquity (circle squaring, cube duplication, angle trisection)

Higher Dimensions



Coloring Polyhedra & the Four Color Theorem

Perfect Numbers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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