Matrix EncryptionPerhaps when you were a child, you had a decoder ring from a cereal box or Cracker Jacks. If you wanted to send someone a secret message, you could use the ring to?encode?your message and send the?encrypted message?to your friend. Your friend uses the same ring to?decode?the message. (In the movie "A Christmas Story", the hero sends in Ovaltine labels to get a decoder ring so he can decode the secret messages from Orphan Annie which were broadcast on the radio show.)The basic idea of?cryptography?is that information can be encoded using an?encryption scheme?and decoded by anyone who knows the scheme. There are lots of encryption schemes ranging from very simple to very complex. Most of them are mathematical in nature.It's not difficult to guess at the importance of this application. It is surmised that Hitler may well have won WWII had not a bright British mathematician been able to break the codes used by the Axis forces in their radio transmissions. Today, sensitive information is sent over the Internet every second: credit card numbers, personal information, bank account numbers, letters of credit, passwords for important databases, etc. Often, that information is encoded or encrypted.We are going to play with matrix encryption. The encoder is a matrix and the decoder is it's inverse. Let's see just how that works. Let A be the encoding matrix, M the message matrix, and X will be the encrypted matrix. Then, mathematically, the operation is(Note, the sizes of A and M will have to be consistent and will determine the size of X.) OK, let's say someone has X and knows A. and wants to recover M, the original message. That would be the same as solving the matrix equation for M. Multiplying both sides of the equation on the left by??we haveNotice then that the encoding matrix, A, must have an inverse for this scheme to work.Let's do an example. The first thing to notice is that letters aren't numbers and so we'll have to assign them. Let A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, and so on. (Make a list, you will need it for the assignment.) We are going to need blanks, too, so let a blank be represented by 0.Let's encode the message "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED". (Does anyone know what event made this line famous?) We need to translate letters into numbers. Using the list above, the message becomes:20, 8 ,5, 0, 5, 1, 7, 12, 5, 0, 8, 1, 19, 0, 12, 1, 14, 4, 5, 4Now we need to decide on a coding matrix. I'm going to suggestSince this is a 4 x 4 matrix, we can encode only 4 numbers at a time. We break the message into packets of 4 numbers each, adding blanks to the end if necessary. The first group is 20, 8, 5, 0. The message matrix will be 4 x 1:So the first 4 encrypted numbers are 65, 61, 43, 45,. Let's do the next 4: 5, 1, 7, 12The second group is 34, 42, 27, 29. Notice that 5 (or "E") came out as 43 in the first group, but as 34 in the second group. That's one of the advantages of the matrix scheme. The same data can be encoded different ways making it harder to find a pattern.Encoding the entire sequence gives us the encrypted message:65, 61, 43, 45, 34, 42, 27, 29, 24, 45, 29, 19, 70, 79, 55, 51, 51, 47, 33, 37Let's play it back. We know what the message is supposed to be. Let's decode it using the inverse matrixDecoding the first 4 numbers, we haveThe first 4 numbers decode as the first 4 numbers in the original message. (For practice, you could decode the rest of the message.)Matrix encryption is just one of many schemes. Every year, the National Security Agency, the military, and private corporations hire hundreds of people to devise new schemes and decode existing ones. It's big business. It's important. It's also fun.Work with a partner to complete this task. With the encoding matrix used above, encode the message "MY NAME IS (YOUR FIRST NAME). Swap messages with your partner and decode each other’s message.Can the matrix??be an encoding matrix? Discuss, then explain.What are the advantages of using large encoding matrices? Are there any disadvantages?Create your own encoding matrix. Write an original message, then have your partner decode it.All of us rely on encryption for Internet use: passwords, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc. There are laws regarding your privacy on the Internet, but laws do not necessarily keep up with technology. Research one of the following and write a short paragraph. Your privacy on the Internet An example of how encryption is used todayAn example of how encryption has been used in historySource: ................

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