Your Temperament Type: Guardian - Inspector (ISTJ)

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Your Temperament Type: Guardian - Inspector (ISTJ) Your Scale Scores

Guardian - Inspector (ISTJ)


I n a world filled with unique individuals, when it com es to personality there are only four different tem peram ents and 16 types of people. Underst anding t hese personality types and m astering your own can be the keys to achieving your goals.

Your t em peram ent is t he Guardian ( SJ) . You have a lot of com pany out t here as Guardians m ake up as m uch as 40 to 45 percent of the population. Your part icular personalit y t ype, t he I nspect or ( I STJ) , m akes up j ust about 10-11% of the total population.

( E) 1 ( S)8 ( F) 4 ( J) 8

9 (I) 2 ( N) 6 ( T) 2 ( P)

( E) = Ext raversion ( S) = Sensation ( F) = Feeling ( J) = Judgm ent

(I )= I ntroversion (N)= I ntuition ( T) = Thinking ( P) = Percept ion

The above graph represent s your score for each letter preference, on a scale of 0 to 10. A "10" m eans that you answered all questions in favor of a particular preference, while a "0" m eans that you answered no questions in favor of that preference.

Love and Relationships

About Your Guardian Temperament

There are four t ypes of Guardians ( SJs) : Supervisors, I nspect ors, Providers, and Prot ect ors. These four personality types share several core charact erist ics. First ly, Guardians are dependable, hard-working individuals focused on credentials and traditions. MORE > >

Being An Inspector (ISTJ)

Get t ing int o relat ionships is harder for m any I nspectors than keeping them going. I n fact, you m ay som etim es feel out of the loop in the modern dating gam e. Typically, you're m ore reserved in social situations than m any other people are. MORE > >

Famous Inspectors

Find out which well- known individuals are I STJs j ust like you. MORE > >

The one word t hat best describes I nspectors like you is dependable. Whether at home or at work, your type can be extraordinarily persevering and dutiful, particularly when it com es to keeping an eye on

What Each Letter Means

The let t er nam es of t he sixt een personalit y t ypes ( I STJ, for exam ple) are based on four letter pairings that


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the people and proj ects you're responsible for. MORE > >

Work and Career

You are m ost com fort able when your life is structured. As a result, you usually prefer a workplace that lets you create a routine you can settle int o. MORE > >

represent t he Jung- Myers dim ensions of personalit y. Each pair of let t ers defines a different aspect of personalit y. Toget her t hey creat e a detailed picture of a unique type of individual. MORE > >

Frequently Asked Questions

What is tem perament...? How can t he Tem peram ent Sort er help m e...?

About Your GuardianTem peram ent

Guardians t end t o be bot h helpful and dut iful, wit h a st rong work et hic t hat can take them far. However, grand rewards aren't necessarily very im portant to Guardians. I nst ead, t hey t end t o be hum ble t ypes who are happy t o sim ply receive grat it ude for a j ob well done. Guardians are t ypically m ore caut ious and deliberate that m any people are; this is not a tem peram ent that jum ps into any personal or professional sit uat ion half- cocked. Their grounded approach t o life can m ake Guardians loyal m at es, responsible parent s, and st abilizing leaders. I ndeed, t his group can serve as t he very cornerst one of societ y. They t end t o be concerned citizens who are willing to j oin together with others around them . Perhaps t his is because Guardians t ypically value t he cam araderie and securit y inherent in belonging to groups. As law- abiding individuals who place trust in aut horit y, Guardians will oft en go out of t heir way t o seek out j ust ice.

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Be in g a n I n spe ct or ( I STJ)

I n your own quiet way, you're the kind of person who will see that rules are followed, laws are respected, and standards are upheld. I nspectors are the true guardians of institutions. As a result, in professional settings you're one to be patient with your work and with any procedures you're expected to follow. People who aren't willing t o behave accordingly t end t o rub you t he wrong way. Responsible t o t he core, you like it when people know t heir dut ies, follow guidelines, and operate within the rules. Because of these beliefs and your hardworking nature, you can be the perfect person to exam ine the quality of products and services, m onitor schedules, and oversee resources. I f only everyone were as dependable as you are.

Because you can be hard-nosed about rules, others m ay not always look favorably on you. I n fact, you m ay earn a reputation for being cold or unfeeling. People who feel t his way about you m isj udge your charact er and fail t o see your good int ent ions. This is t oo bad since your vulnerabilit y m eans t hat you m ay


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take others' criticism s to heart. Som etim es your good work m ay also go unrecognized because you're not one to trum pet your accom plishm ents as they happen.

I nspectors can be highly sociable people. As a m em ber of this type you're likely t o be bot h t alkat ive and involved. Liking t o st ay connect ed, you m ay spend your free tim e with com m unity service organizations, especially ones focused on t radit ional values. Perhaps you've volunt eered wit h your nearby Sunday school, lit t le league t eam , Boy or Girl Scout s, or ot her local clubs now or in t he past .

Like all Guardians, I nspect ors hold fam ily social cerem onies dear. Weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries can be really im portant to you. However that doesn't m ean t hat you need a lot of public fanfare at t hese t im es. You'll usually prefer to keep such occasions intim ate, and m ay becom e shy if celebrations becom e too large.

Generally speaking, I nspect ors like you are not com fort able wit h anyt hing t hat gets too fancy. When speaking, you usually will be plain and down-to- earth. Your clot hes will t end t oward t he funct ional rat her t han t he flashy. As for your personal space, you strive to keep your hom e and work environm ents neat, orderly, and com fort ably t radit ional. Regard less of t he product t ype, you don't really trust newfangled gadgets. I nstead, you'll stick with the tried- and- true option alm ost every tim e.

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W or k a nd Ca r e e r

Alt hough you like t im e alone, you are m ost at ease working wit h ot hers. This is particularly true when work standards and others' behavior are predictable. Work environm ents where people "do their own thing" strike you as sloppy or even dangerous. Unlike m any people, you appreciat e having corporat e policies and hierarchies t o adhere t o. They give you a sense of order and clarit y t hat can enhance your j ob satisfaction.

Like ot her Guardians, you are wired t o seek belonging wit hin a group or com m unity. As a result, in the workplace, you'll typically m ake attem pts to stabilize both relationships and institutions through responsible, conventional behavior. You t hrive as a conservat or who est ablishes, nurt ures, and m aint ains traditional social and business structures.

At Work wit h t he Four Tem peram ent s

At Work wit h Art isans: Art isans ( SPs) are wired t o seize freedom and spont aneit y. They hunger for t he libert y t o act on t heir im pulses, t o play, and t o creat e. They m ake up about 35% of t he populat ion.


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I n business, Art isans are crisis m anagers and t roubleshoot ers. They can be expert at solving problem s and doing what is necessary, whether they are expressly perm it t ed t o or not . They are pract ical, resourceful, flexible, and riskt aking individuals. Coworkers are apt t o enj oy t heir creat ivit y and verbal wit , but m ay perceive Artisans as indecisive or even as troublem akers.

At Work wit h Guardians: Guardians ( SJs) are wired t o seek belonging t o a group or com m unit y. They oft en st abilize relat ionships and inst it ut ions t hrough t heir responsible, convent ional behavior. They m ake up about 40- 45% of t he populat ion.

At work, Guardians t end t o be adm inist rat ors and m anagers. They can be expert at doing what needs t o be done, and in t he m anner is m ust be done. They are dependable, account able, realist ic, and service- orient ed. Coworkers likely appreciat e t heir desire t o belong and cont ribut e, but m ay perceive Guardians as being either slave drivers or sticks- in- the- m ud.

At Work wit h Rat ionals: Rat ionals ( NTs) are wired t o acquire com pet ence and int elligence. Ordinarily, t hey st rive t o learn, know, predict , and cont rol t he resources and ideas in t heir environm ent . They m ake up less t han 10% of t he populat ion.


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I n t he workplace, Rat ionals are oft en t he researchers and st rat egist s. They can be expert at conceptualizing and seeing the big picture, as well as architecting and im plem ent ing t he necessary syst em s. They are logical, precise independent individuals who usually are responsive t o new ideas. Coworkers oft en appreciat e t heir ingenuit y and com pet ence, but m ay perceive Rat ionals as being im personal and not good with follow-through.

At Work wit h I dealist s: I dealist s ( NFs) are wired t o pursue personal growt h, aut hent icit y, and int egrit y. They can yearn bot h t o develop fully as individuals and to facilitate growth in others. I dealists m ake up little m ore than 15% of the populat ion.

I n work environm ents, I dealists are usually positive, helpful, and peopleorient ed. They can be expert at dealing wit h t he hum an resource concerns of an organization, whether these issues are part of their j ob description or not. I dealist s are warm , idealist ic, caring individuals. Coworkers are apt t o appreciat e their authenticity and loyalty to the hum an side of the business, but m ay perceive I dealists as not being effective enough or even of being flaky.

Tips t o Help You Find t he Right Workplace

l Seek out a relatively structured environm ent where people work well t oget her .

l Look for environm ent s where t here's enough of a sense of order t hat you feel com fortable, supportive, and productive.

l Don't let your need for com fort and security stand between you and opportunities to learn new skills, contribute in ways you m ay not have im agined, or take advantage of positive changes in your com pany or field.

When it com es t o your work life, you're part of a pret t y sat isfied bunch. Overall, Guardians seem ed t o be as sat isfied in t heir j obs as t he bot h t he I dealist s and Rat ionals. About 75% of Guardians ident ify t hem selves as being happy in t heir current posit ion. Challenging work and alt ruist ic service seem ed t o be t he fact ors t hat creat ed t he m ost j ob sat isfact ion for Guardians. Perks like being allowed t o bring pet s t o work or have com pany- sponsored beer on Fridays held m uch less im port ance. Guardians are t ypes who enj oy being of service, so feeling challenged and providing service to the em ployer are really top priorities, especially if that em ployer provides altruistic services to the com m unity at large.

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