NASA Engineers Report High­ Performance, V-Shaped UFO


NASA Engineers Report HighPerformance, V-Shaped UFO

On January 27, 1965 , Major John Nayadley, a retired Air Force pilot and now a NASA research engineer, sighted a fast-moving object at Hampton, VA. At first he thought it was a typical shooting star (meteor) because of its speed, but when it came closer and persisted, he saw that it was a V-shaped object with blinking red-orange lights on the outer edges, zigzagging at a low level. The sighting was fully confirmed by ano ther NASA engineer, A.G. Crimmins, Jr. , who filed a report with NICAP. Crimmins also saw the object maneuvering close to the ground, but he interpreted the shape differently.

"It was zigzagging as if searching for a landing spot," Crimmins

said in his report to NICAP. "I watched it through 20 x 50 binoculars

and I could see the flashing lights. They appeared to be on the edge or rim of a rapidly rotating disc." After a brief touch-landing, the flying disc took off and climbed rapidly out of sight. The Air Force rushed out the explanation tha t the so-called UFO was a helicopter, but when an investigator from Langley AFB questioned Crimmins, who had already checked that possibility, Crimmins pointed out that "no helicopters were flying at that time. "lll

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