Directions For Beginning Consonant Sorts 1-7

These directions offer some basic guidelines for each sort. See Words Their Way: Word Study Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling 5e for complete instructions about how to place students, how to conduct sorts, and the follow-up activities that will assure students practice for mastery over the week. Chapter 2 describes assessment, Chapter 3 describes organizations and core activities and Chapter 5 describes the letter name-alphabetic stage in detail and suggests follow up activities to do with these sorts. Sorts are optional depending on the needs of your students and the pace you need to use. Similar sorts, as well as additional sorts for this stage, can be found in the supplemental book: Words Sorts for Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers offers more details about implementing the sorts.

Website Printable Word Games: Look for three "follow the path" games for BRSPTM, CFDNGW and KLJVYZ or create your own games by choosing the words or pictures you desire.

Pretest: To determine how much students already know about initial consonants you may

want to administer Spell Check 1 and use the Progress Monitoring/Goal Setting Forms available under the Assessment Tools tab, then select Assessment Materials.

LN-A Sort 1. Picture sort for B, R, S

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: B has the sound you hear at the beginning of bell. Say that with me ? bell. R has the sound you hear at the beginning of ring. Say ring. S has the sound you hear at the beginning of sun. Say sssun. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under bell, ring, or sun. Here are some socks. Socks ? bell, socks= ring, sockssun. SSSSocks starts like sun so I will put them under S. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 2. Picture sort for P, T, M

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: P has the sound you hear at the beginning of pig. Say that with me ? pig. T has the sound you hear at the beginning of tent. Say tent. M has the sound you hear at the beginning of mouse. Say mmmouse. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under pig, tent, or mouse. Here is a tag. Tag-pig, tag-tent, tag?mouse. Tag starts like tent so I will put the picture under T. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 3. Picture sort for C, F, D

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: C has the sound you hear at the beginning of cat.. Say that with me ? cat. F has the sound you hear at the beginning of fffish. Say fish. D has the sound you hear at the beginning of dog Say dog. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under cat, fish, or dog. Here is a duck. Duck-cat, duck-fish, duck-dog. Duck starts like dog so I will put it under D. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 4. Picture sort for K, L, J

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: K has the sound you hear at the beginning of key. Say that with me ? key. L has the sound you hear at the beginning of lllamp. Say lamp. J has the sound you hear at the beginning of jug. Say jug. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under key, lamp, or jug.. Here is a leaf. Leaf-key, leaf-lamp, leaf-jug. Leaf starts like lamp so I will put it under L. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 5. Picture sort for V, Y, Z

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: V has the sound you hear at the beginning of vvvan. Say that with me. Y has the sound you hear at the beginning of yarn. Say yarn. Z has the sound you hear at the beginning of zip Say zip. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under van, yarn, or zip Here is a yoyo.. yoyo-van, yoyo-yarn, yoyo-zip. Yoyo starts like yarn so I will put it under Y. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 6. Picture sort for N, G, W

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: N has the sound you hear at the beginning of nnnet. Say that with me. G has the sound you hear at the beginning of ghost. Say ghost. W has the sound you hear at the beginning of watch Say watch. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other words; Listen to see if they will go under net, ghost, or watch. Here is a web. Web-net, web-girl, web-watch. Web starts like watch so I will put it under W. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

LN-A Sort 7. Picture sort for H, CH, SH

Introduce the headers and model a few pictures: H has the sound you hear at the beginning of hand. Say that with me. SH has the sound you hear at the beginning of shovel. Say sh-shovel. CH has the sound you hear at the beginning of chair. Say chair. We are going to listen to the first sound in these other

words; Listen to see if they will go under hand, shovel, or chair. Here is a chain. Chain-hand, chain-shovel, chain-chair. Chain starts like chair so I will put it under CH. C and H work together to spell the /ch/ sound. Sort several pictures and then get students to help you sort the rest. After sorting, read through all the pictures to emphasize the initial sound. Ask students how the words in each column are alike (They have the same beginning sound.) Leave up the headers and scramble the rest of the words to resort, check and reflect again in the group before giving students their own set of words to sort.

Posttest: At this point you may want to administer spell check 1 using the Progress Monitoring/Goal Setting Forms available under the Assessment Tools tab, then select Assessment Materials.


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