Grade level: 10-12 Big Idea: Health Science I Prepared by: Union County Schools

|Time Frame |3 days |5 days and ongoing |70 days |5 days and ongoing |

|Unit Topic |Health Care Systems |Employability Skills |Anatomy and Physiology |Safety |

|(Specify skills/information that will be | | | | |

|learned.) | | | | |

|Enduring Understandings |A good understanding of how health care |Excellent employability skills are vital |Students will demonstrate knowledge re: |Students must understand and practice |

|(Give and/or demonstrate necessary |systems operate is vital for optimal |to successful employment. |the various body systems by labeling, |safety in the healthcare environment at |

|information) |performance in the health care setting. | |testing, and applicable classroom |all times. |

| | | |activities. | |

|Essential Questions |Compare healthcare delivery systems |Discover personal traits or attitudes |Students will be able to classify basic |Practice principles of infection control.|

|(Steps to check for student |(public, private, government, and |desirable in a member of the healthcare |structural and functional organization of|Describe methods of controlling growth of|

|understanding) |nonprofit). |team. Summarize basic professional |the human body (chemical, cellular, |microorganisms. Apply personal safety |

| |Explain factors influencing healthcare |standards of healthcare workers as they |tissue, organ, and system), to identify |procedures based on Occupational Safety |

| |delivery systems. |apply to hygiene, dress, language, |body planes, directional terms, |and Health Administration and Centers for|

| |Describe responsibilities of consumers |confidentiality, and behavior. Formulate|quadrants, and cavities, to analyze basic|Disease Control regulations. Apply |

| |within the healthcare system. |solutions to problems using critical |structure and function of the human body,|principles of body mechanics and |

| |Explain the impact of emerging issues |thinking skills by analyzing, |to describe the physical, emotional, and |ergonomics. Evaluate environment to |

| |such as technology, epidemiology, |synthesizing, evaluating independently |social changes associated with each life |recognize safe and unsafe working |

| |bioethics, and |and in teams. Apply employability skills |stage and the stages of grieving, to |conditions. Apply safety techniques to |

| | |in healthcare. Exemplify professional |describe common diseases and disorders of|prevent accidents and to maintain a safe |

| | |characteristics. |each body system (prevention, pathology, |work environment. |


Grade level: 10-12 Big Idea: Health Science I Prepared by: Union County Schools

|Time Frame |3 days |5 days and ongoing |70 days |5 days and ongoing |

|Essential Questions |socioeconomics on healthcare delivery |Engage in continuous self-assessment and |diagnosis, and treatment), to recognize |Recognize Materials Safety Data Sheets. |

|(Steps to check for student |systems. Discuss common methods of |career goal modification for personal and|emerging diseases and disorders, to |Comply with safety signs, symbols, and |

|understanding) |payment for healthcare. Discuss |professional growth. Compare careers |investigate biomedical therapies as they |labels. Recognize implications of |

| |complementary and alternative health |within the health science career |relate to prevention, pathology, and |hazardous materials. Practice fire |

| |practices. |pathways. Recognize levels of education,|treatment of disease, to apply |safety in a healthcare setting. Apply |

| | |credentialing requirements, employment |mathematical computations related to |principles of basic emergency response in|

| | |opportunities, workplace environments, |healthcare procedures (metric and |natural disasters and other emergencies. |

| | |and career growth potential. Complete |household conversions and measurements), |Apply behaviors that promote health and |

| | |components of a personal portfolio. |to analyze diagrams, charts, graphs, and |wellness. Describe strategies for |

| | |Demonstrate process for obtaining |tables to interpret healthcare data, and |prevention of diseases including health |

| | |employment. Participate in work based |to record time using 24-hour clock. |screenings and examinations. Apply |

| | |learning activities. | |practrices that promote prevention of |

| | | | |disease and injury. Apply appropriate |

| | | | |safety practices as related to high-risk |

| | | | |behaviors. Explain the benefits of |

| | | | |positive relationships among community |

| | | | |health professional in promoting a |

| | | | |healthy community. |


Grade level: 10-12 Big Idea: Health Science I Prepared by: Union County Schools

|Time Frame |7 days and ongoing |10 Days |3 days and ongoing |5 days and ongoing |

|Unit Topic |Medical Terminology |First Aid |Legal Responsibilities |Personal & Professional Qualities of a |

|(Specify skills/information that will be | | | |Healthcare Worker |

|learned.) | | | | |

|Enduring Understandings |Students must have a good understanding |Students will have a basic understanding |Obeying the SC Laws re: healthcare |Good work ethics, professional |

|(Give and/or demonstrate necessary |of medical terminology and abbreviations |and will be proficient in performing CPR,|workers is vital. You must operate |appearance, and team work are vital to a |

|information) |to effectively function in the healthcare|1st Aid, and AED for infant, children, |within your scope of practice. |successful career. |

| |system. |and adults. | | |

|Essential Questions |Interpret verbal and nonverbal |Apply procedures for measuring and |Analyze legal responsibilities and |Differentiate between ethical and legal |

|(Steps to check for student |communication. Recognize barriers to |recording vital signs. Apply skills to |limitations. Explain practices that |issues impacting healthcare. Compare |

|understanding) |communication. Report relevant |obtain training or certification in CPR, |could result in malpractice, liability, |personal, professional, and |

| |information in order of occurrence. |AED, FBAO and first aid. Report client |and/or negligence. Apply procedures for |organizational ethics. Recognize ethical|

| |Report subjective and objective |vital signs and other indicators of |accurate documentation and record |issues and their implications related to |

| |information. Recognize elements of |health status. Record client health |keeping. Comply healthcare facility |healthcare. Apply ethical behaviors in |

| |communication using a sender-receiver |information according to facility |policies and procedures. Use problem |healthcare. Apply procedures for |

| |model. Apply speaking and active |protocol. Collect appropriate supplies |solving techniques when confronted with |reporting activities and behaviors that |

| |listening skills. |and equipment necessary for a procedure. |legal dilemmas or issues. Apply |affect health, safety, and welfare of |

| | |Explain procedures to the client. |standards for Health Insurance |others. Recognize religious and cultural|

| | |Maintain equipment. Describe therapeutic|Portability and Accountability Act |values as they impact healthcare. |

| | |diets. |HIPAA). Describe advance directives. | |

| | | |Summarize the Patient’s Bill of Rights. | |


Grade level: 10-12 Big Idea: Health Science I Prepared by: Union County Schools

|Time Frame |7 days and ongoing |10 Days |3 days and ongoing |5 days and ongoing |

|Essential Questions |Demonstrate interviewing skills. Adapt | | (Understand Informed consent. Determine |Demonstrate respectful and empathetic |

|(Steps to check for student understanding)|communication to accommodate individual | |when an incident is reportable. Analyze |interactions with diverse age, cultural, |

| |needs. Use medical terminology | |legislated scope of practice of healthcare|economic, ethnic, and religious groups. |

| |appropriately in verbal and nonverbal | |professionals. Explain the laws governing| |

| |communication. Provide written and/or | |harassment, labor, and employment. | |

| |electronic communication (spelling, | | | |

| |grammar, formatting, and confidentiality. | | | |

| |Describe techniques for planning and | | | |

| |organizing. | | | |

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|Standards |Standard 2: Communications |Standard 10: Technical Skills |Foundation Standard 5: |Foundation Standard 6: Ethics |

| |Healthcare professionals will know the |Healthcare professionals will apply |Legal Responsibilities |Healthcare professionals will understand |

| |various methods of giving and obtaining |technical skills required for all career |Healthcare professionals will understand |accepted ethical practices with respect to|

| |information. They will communicate |specialties. They will demonstrate skills|the legal responsibilities, limitations, |cultural, social, and ethnic differences |

| |effectively, both orally and in writing. |and knowledge as appropriate. |and implications of their actions within |within the healthcare environment. They |

| | | |the |will perform quality healthcare delivery. |

| | | |healthcare delivery setting. They will | |

| | | |perform their duties according to | |

| | | |regulations, policies, laws, and | |

| | | |legislated rights of clients. | |

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Grade level: 10-12 Big Idea: Health Science I Prepared by: Union County Schools

|Time Frame |7 days and ongoing |10 Days |3 days and ongoing |5 days and ongoing |

|Standards cont. | | | |Foundation Standard 8: Teamwork |

| | | | |Healthcare professionals will understand |

| | | | |the roles and responsibilities of |

| | | | |individual members as part of the |

| | | | |healthcare team, including their ability |

| | | | |to promote the delivery of quality |

| | | | |healthcare. They will interact |

| | | | |effectively and sensitively with all |

| | | | |members of the healthcare team. |

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|Integrations |Reading, research, hands on activities, |Reading, research, hands on activities, |Reading, writing, research, media usage, |Reading, writing, role play, |

|(with other discipline areas) |media usage, classroom activities. |media usage, role play. |role play. |demonstration. |

|District Assessments |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

|(culminating assessments) | | | | |


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