NBA Design Configuration

[Pages:20]Next-Best-Action Design and Configuration

Pega Marketing for Financial Services 7.4

April 2018


New authoring capabilities in Pega Marketing for Financial Services simplify the definition and management of Next-Best-Actions. Marketers now have a fully guided process for modeling marketing strategies across every customer interaction type and business issue.

The Next-Best-Action models are pre-configured in our reference application for the data architect to use as a starting point. Marketers can use or modify the preconfigured actions, relevancy, customer eligibility criteria, and engagement prioritization. The results are exposed to real-time channels through pre-configured real-time containers. Users can simply manage Business as Usual changes to their always-on strategies through the use of the Revision Manager.

The following Next-Best-Action hierarchy and decisioning artifacts are available in the Pega Marketing for Financial Services CRM Sample Application. In the sample application, the hierarchy is blank as to not pollute the customer's QA and Production environments on installation. The Strategy Result (SR) classes and key SR properties that define the NextBest-Action hierarchy are however present so that the new customer's SR classes created can inherit from them. This allows for customers to decide what they wish to leverage from the Pega Marketing for Financial Services sample application and save as into their customer specific application layer.

For more details on Next-Best-Action Designer, see the Pega Marketing 7.4 User Guide on the Pega Marketing product page.


? Pega Marketing for Financial Services next-best-action hierarchy ? Pega Marketing for Financial Services real-time containers

- Auto Loan container

? Pega Marketing for Financial Services Next-Best-Action designer

- Supporting decisions - Next-Best-Action - Next-Best-Offer

- Collection node - Cross Sell node - Upsell node - Service node

NBA Design Configuration


- Sales node

? Updating the Next-Best-Action model

Pega Marketing for Financial Services next-best-action hierarchy

To identify a next best action, the system evaluates the customer in context against configured Business Issues. Business Issues encapsulate the strategies and models used to identify the relevant actions against this customer at a macro level, e.g., whether to sell to the customer in context or to service the customer. After a business issue has been identified, available actions are evaluated against the current customer interaction.

Pega Marketing for Financial Services 7.4 provides the following business objectives:

? Collection: This issue provides appropriate actions for customers in collections, such as

Take a Payment or Negotiate Settlement.

? Cross Sell: For existing customers, this business issue provides sales offers for new

products that are complementary to current product holdings.

? Upsell: For existing customers, this business issue provides sales offers to entice

customers to upgrade to higher value products.

? Service: This issue provides appropriate service recommendations to customers, such

as Update Contact Address or Credit Line Increase.

? Sales: This issue provides standard sales offers to both customers and prospects.

Pega Marketing for Financial Services real-time containers

Applications can access Next-Best-Action by invoking real-time containers. Containers provide a standard API through REST services. The following table shows the Pega-provided containers in this application. You can find these containers configured in the Next-BestAction Designer menu of the Pega Marketing portal.

Business issue Next-BestAction


Strategy name NBA_TopLevel

IsCollectionRelevant NBA_Collection

Container name(s) NextBestAction

N/A (part of NextBestAction)


This real-time container serves "Next-BestAction" requests. It provides Collection, Make Sales Offers (Upsell/Cross Sell/Sales), and Service Intents for a customer based on Supporting Decision rules "Next-Best-Action" and "Next Best Offer." Returns a Collection Action such as Payment Plan if the customer is in Collection. No other Sales/Upsell/CrossSell offers will be presented if the customer is in Collection. However,

NBA Design Configuration


CrossSell Upsell Sales Service

IsCrossSellRelevant and NBA_CrossSell IsUpsellRelevant and NBA_UpSell SalesStrategyReleva nceand NBA_Sales IsServiceRelevant and NBA_Service

TopOffers and NextBestAction TopOffers and NextBestAction TopOffers and NextBestAction N/A (part of NextBestAction)

relevant Service Intents will be presented based on definition at the Service Level. Provides top cross sell offers to be considered for TopOffers and NextBestAction. Provides top upsell offers to be considered for TopOffers and NextBestAction. Provides top sales offers to be considered for TopOffers and NextBestAction. NBA Service strategy outputs the top two services recommended to the customer as long as the customer is not in collection.

To invoke a container, applications must provide the required information in JSON format. Below is a sample request:

{"ContainerName":"NextBestAction","Channel":"CallCenter","Resource":"Actions","CustomerID":"P EGASAFS-WORK-CONTACT CON20824","Direction":"Inbound","Contexts":[{Type":"Intent","Value":"phone","Key":"Channel"},{"Type ":"Intent","Value":"","Key":"NetPromoterCategory"},{"Type":"Intent","Value":"Txn Review","Key":"IVR"},{"Type":"Intent","Value":"52655582","Key":"AccountNumber"},{"Type":"Intent" ,"Value":"1","Key":"AccountType"},{"Type":"Intent","Value":"CSR interaction","Key":"CurrentPage"},{"Type":"Intent","Value":"Y","Key":"IsInCollections"},{"Type":"Inte nt","Value":"Y","Key":"ActiveScheduledPaymentPlan"},{"Type":"Intent","Value":"1","Key":"BrokenPr omiseCount"}]}

Pega applications such as Pega Customer Service for Financial Services are pre-configured to use the real-time containers referenced here. For more information, see the Pega Customer Service for Financial Services 7.4 Implementation Guide on the Pega Customer Service for Financial Services product page.

CRM-specific real-time containers

The Pega Marketing for Financial Services Application provides a series of real-time containers that are integrated to the other Customer Relationship Management application suite's applications, Customer Service for Financial Services and Sales Automation for Financial Services. These real-time containers are designed to return top offers, services, and actions to sales representatives and customer service representatives. They are shipped in the PegaMarketingFS-CRM ruleset and the ruleset can be added to a customer's implementation application to take advantage of CRM specific assets. Note, the real time containers in the PegaMarketingFS-CRM ruleset are shipped not mapped to the below listed supporting strategies. It is expected that customers create and define their own strategies to use with these real-time containers. They are only mapped in the Pega Marketing for Financial Services CRM sample application.

NBA Design Configuration


Container name HandleSer viceTask

SelectChan nels

PrioritizeO ffer

SalesOffer sForProsp ects

TopOffersf orSalesRep

TopOffers WSS


NextBestA ction

Supporting strategy PrioritizeNBAS ervice PreferredChan nelsforSSA NextBestOffer


TopOffersforS alesRep



PrioritizeNBAO utput

Integrated application Customer Service for Financial Services Customer Service for Financial Services Customer Service for Financial Services Customer Service for Financial Services

Sales Automation for Financial Services

Customer Service for Financial Services Customer Service for Financial Services and Sales Automation for Financial Services Customer Service for Financial Services


Returns next best service recommendations for the Self-Service Advisor functionality in Customer Service for Financial Services. Returns the recommended contact channel for a customer in the Self-Service Advisor functionality in Customer Service for Financial Services. Returns top offer for the Self-Service Advisor functionality in Customer Service for Financial Services. Returns top offers for the Web-Self-Service functionality in Customer Service for Financial Services for a non-authenticated, unidentifiable customer/prospect. Returns top offers on the Sales Representative portal in Sales Automation for Financial Services. These are offers that sales representatives can suggest to prospects. Returns top offers for the Web-Self-Service functionality in Customer Service for Financial Services for an authenticated customer. Returns top offers to Customer Service for Financial Services and Sales Automation for Financial Services. This is a legacy real-time container.

Returns top service recommendations and top offers in the advisor widget located in the bottom left hand corner of the Customer Service Sales Rep portal.

Pega Marketing for Financial Services Next-Best-Action designer

The following screenshots show the Next-Best-Action top level definition for the Pega Marketing for Financial Services CRM sample application.

NBA Design Configuration


Next-Best-Action is called through the real-time container "Next Best Action".

Supporting decisions


The "Next-Best-Action" container is configured with supporting decision rule "Next-BestAction".

NBA Design Configuration


The Next-Best-Action supporting rule includes the alternate strategy "PrioritizeNextBestActionOutput" and is configured to return the Action ID's using the NBA_Top Level definition and PrioritizeNBAService strategy, as well as NBATopOffers. This means that Next-Best-Action not only includes service intents (actions), but also top offers. This is a new change in Pega Marketing for Financial Services 7.31 and higher. The NBATopOffers here return the same result as the TopOffers real-time container.

The "PrioritizeNBAService" strategy provides the next best action between the Collections action and Service actions.

NBA Design Configuration


Next Best Offer

The TopOffers real-time container is configured to run the NextBestOffer supporting decision, which runs the NBATopOffers strategy.

NBA Design Configuration


The Pega-provided PrioritizeTopOffers strategy prioritizes upsell offers before cross sell offers and finally, sales offers.

The TopOffers container returns relevant Offers based on the NextBestOffer supporting decision rule. This is designed to return the top offers based on eligibility among Upsell, CrossSell, and Sales offers. Running this container discounts Services and Collections.

NBA Design Configuration



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