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Fall French 1 Study Guide 2018Short AnswerIn French, write out the number you associate with each of the following.1.months in a age to vote3.corners in a square4.days in a week5.hours in a dayRespond to each of the following questions and statements using a complete sentence.6.Salut. Comment tu t’appelles?ment ?a va?8.Tu as quel ?ge?9.Je te présente Ludovic. C’est un ami.10.? plus tard.For each response below, write out a logical question or statement.11.—Plus ou moins.Unscramble the following sentences you might hear in a classroom.12.une feuille / prenez / de papierRewrite each sentence below, adding the 2 missing accents and/or special marks.13.Il y a vingt eleves dans la classe.14.Il a quel age, le garcon?15.Il n’y a pas de television dans la classe.ment ca s’ecrit, ?porte??Using each verb form below, write a logical classroom command your teacher would belikely to use.17.ouvrez18.regardez19.allez20.retournez21.prenezUsing the correct form of avoir, create a complete sentence telling about one thing each person or place probably has.22.les professeurs23.nous24.j(e) salle de classe26.vousAnswer the following questions using complete sentences.ment tu t’appelles?28.Quelle est ton adresse e-mail?ment ?a s’écrit, fran?ais?ment tu épelles à bient?t?Answer the following questions using the prompts given. Be sure to use the correct forms of avoir and the appropriate articles.31.Tu as un livre? Oui, j(e)...32.Le professeur a 15 ans? Non, il/elle...33.Vous avez des amis fran?ais? Non, nous...34.Il y a des posters en classe? Non, il...35.Nous avons des bureaux? Oui, vous...36.J’ai un ordinateur? Non, tu...Read the text, then answer the questions that follow in English.Salut,Comment ?a va? Moi, je m’appelle Sophie et j’ai 15 ans. ? l’école, j’adore les maths et les sciences! Et toi? J’adore aussi le sport (le tennis et le golf) et le rap. J’ai des copains super! Caroline a 16 ans. Elle adore les maths, le tennis, le rock et le volley! Patrice a 15 ans. Il a un ordinateur moderne! ? l’école, mon professeur favori, c’est monsieur Dumas. Il est professeur de biologie. Il est intelligent et il a de la patience!? plus. Sophie37.What do you have in common with Sophie?38.Name at least two ways you differ from Sophie.39.What is your favorite teacher in school like?Write a sentence agreeing or disagreeing with each of the sentences below. Use the expressions Moi aussi, Pas moi, Moi, non plus or Moi si in your answers.40.J’adore parler fran?ais. Et toi? (agree)41.Moi, j’aime l’école! (disagree)42.Moi, je n’aime pas surfer sur Internet. (disagree)43.Moi, je déteste les bandes dessinées! (disagree)44.Je n’aime pas les voitures de sport! (agree)Answer each question about your likes and dislikes. For the positive answers, specify what you like. For answers in the negative, mention something that you like instead.45.Tu aimes lire? Oui...46.Tu aimes la musique? Oui...47.Tu aimes chanter? Non...48.Tu aimes travailler? Non...49.Tu aimes téléphoner à des amis? Oui...Describe one thing these people probably like or do.50.Nous...51.Les professeurs...52.Britney Spears...53.Moi, j(e)...54.Le Président...Read Souria’s responses to her friend Kader’s questions. Then, write the questions Kader probably asked Souria.55.—J’aime faire la fête et aller au café avec les copains.56.—Oui, de temps en temps. J’aime bien voir des films.57.—Oui, très bien. J’adore l’anglais.58.—Non. Je déteste le sport!59.—J’aime bien danser mais je préfère chanter.Now answer these questions about your own preferences and activities.60.Quelles sont tes activités préférées?61.Tu aimes étudier régulièrement à la bibliothèque?62.Tu parles régulièrement fran?ais au lycée? Tu parles bien?63.Tu aimes mieux regader la télé ou discuter avec des copains?64.Tu préfères le football ou le base-ball?Rewrite these statements replacing each of the underlined illogical phrases with logical phrases. Use mais, et, or ou, or a form of à + definite article.65.? la piscine, on nage et on étudie.66.On aime faire les magasins au café.67.Tu préfères lire et dormir?68.Je parle bien fran?ais ou je parle mal anglais!69.On aime faire un pique-nique au cinéma.In French, write two statements comparing your likes or dislikes with those of the boys and girls in the survey. Use et, mais, and ou in your answers.Les activités des 15–18 ans: Top et pas topLES FILLESLES GAR?ONS...aiment...n’aiment pas...aiment...n’aiment pas...Cinéma94%Sports61%Football85%Chanter88%Magasins72%Télévision29%Musique82%Danser24%Lire68%Dormir37%Télévision76%?tudier54%Café60%Tennis60%Lire22%Téléphoner87%Internet et jeux vidéo98%me les gar?ons, j(e) les filles, j(e)...Write a complete sentence to compare how you feel about or how well you do each pair of activities. Use et, mais or ou in your answers.72.parler fran?ais / parler anglais73.étudier / surfer sur Internet74.jouer au base-ball / nager75.jouer aux cartes / dessinerContradict each of these statements by writing just the opposite.76.Martina a les cheveux longs et elle est grande.Non, elle... !77.Yves est pénible et méchant.Non, il... !78.Nathalie est très sportive et elle a les cheveux blonds.Non, elle... !79.Pascal est petit et gros.Non, il... !Answer each question below with two or more complete sentences.ment est le/la prof de fran?ais?81.Il/Elle est comment, ton ami(e)?ment tu trouves Superman??83.Qu’est-ce que tu penses du Président des ?tats-Unis (U.S.)?Create complete sentences using the cues below. Be sure to use the appropriate forms of être and of the adjectives. Place each adjective in the correct position.84.Larissa et Nadine / être / filles / gentil85.nous / être / sérieux86.Julia / être / amie / / être / assez timide88.Mia et toi, vous / être / très sportifAnswer each question below about your family.89.Vous êtes combien dans ta famille?90.Tu as des frères et des s?urs? Combien?91.Tu as un animal domestique? Il s’appelle comment?92.Tu as des cousins? Ils ont quel ?ge?93.Qui (Who) est-ce que tu aimes bien dans ta famille?Write a complete sentence to restate each statement below replacing the underlined words with a possessive adjective.94.La tante de mon ami Pierre est divorcée.95.Ce sont les petits-enfants de M. et Mme Gilbert.96.Le neveu de Lucie est grand et mince.97.?va et Sophie sont les demi-s?urs de Patrick.98.La mère de Pauline et de Sylvie est remariée.Write sentences to describe how these famous people and TV characters are related. Be sure to use the correct possessive adjectives.99.Qui est Venus Williams? (Serena Williams)100.Qui sont Lisa, Maggie et Bart Simpson? (Marge et Homer Simpson)101.Qui est Chelsea Clinton? (Bill et Hillary Clinton)102.Qui sont Huey, Dewey et Louie? (Donald Duck)103.Qui sont Marlon, Shawn et Damon Wayans? (Keenen Ivory Wayans)Carmen always says things in a complicated way! Use possessive adjectives to tell another friend, how each family member is related to Carmen.104.C’est le fils du fils de ma mère.105.C’est la fille de mon oncle et de ma tante.106.Mes parents sont divorcés et c'est la nouvelle femme de mon père.107.Ce sont les fils de ma belle-mère et de mon père.108.Ce sont les parents de mes parents.Write two sentences to describe the physical features and/or personality traits that you associate with the following people. Use c’est/ce sont in one of your sentences and il(s)/elle(s) est (sont) in the other.109.the teachers at your school110.your favorite actress111.a young male athlete112.American teenagersDescribe each of the following people using a form of the verb être and two adjectives of your choice.113.Moi, je...114.Ma mère/Mon père...115.Mes copains et moi...116.Vous (les grands-parents)...117.Les filles de ma classe...118.Based on their descriptions, do you think these two people would make a good match? Why or why not? Give at least three pletionComplete each plete each sentence below with the appropriate subject pronoun.119.____________________ ai dix-huit ans.120.____________________ s’appelle Luc.121.____________________ parle (speak) fran?ais en France.ment ____________________ t’appelles?ment allez____________________,madame?plete your pen pal Lucy’s note with the correct articles.Salut,Comment ?a va? Tu as a.____________________ ordinateur, toi? Moi, je n’ai pasb. ____________________ ordinateur. J’ai c.?____________________ lecteur de CD et trente CD. Il y a d. ____________________ posters dans la salle de classe?Nous, nous avons e.____________________ carte de la plete each sentence below with the appropriate form of avoir.125.Gérald, tu ____________________ seize ans?126.Mon amie ____________________ un lecteur de CD et des CD.127.Les salles de classe ____________________ des fenêtres.128.Nous ____________________ des livres de fran?ais.129.J(e) ____________________ un poster de Paris.Give the correct indefinite article for each word below.130.____________________ bureaux131.____________________ amie132.____________________ chaise133.____________________ professeurs134.____________________ gar?onComplete each sentence with the correct subject or subject pronoun from the box.a. Onc. J(e)e. Les fillesb. Tud. Nousf. Vous135.____________________ n’avons pas de chaises!136.____________________ t’appelles Jérémy?137.____________________ ont des CD et des DVD.138.____________________ a une télé en salle de classe.139.____________________ avez vos cahiers?140.____________________ te présente Maryse, une plete each sentence with the correct verb form from the box.détestentaimesadorezregardonstéléphonetravaillons141.Nous ____________________ la télé.142.Céline et Monica ____________________ chanter.143.Qu’est-ce que tu ____________________ faire, L?ticia?144.Et vous, vous ____________________ la glace!145.Martin ____________________ à un ami.Joel and his friends are discussing their likes and dislikes. Complete their conversation with the missing articles or the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.146.— Amélie et Julia, est-ce que vous ____________________ (aimer) lire____________________ journal?147.— Non! Nous ____________________ (aimer) les BD.148.— Moi aussi! J’ ____________________ (adorer) les dessins.149.Et toi, Marc, tu ____________________ (aimer) lire ou regarder ____________________ télé?150.— Moi, j’aime beaucoup lire. Et les copains et moi, on ____________________ (écouter) aussi ____________________ radio.151.— Et vous ____________________ (téléphoner) à des amis aussi?152.— Oui! On adore ____________________ textos!Essay153.Write a paragraph describing your favorite and least favorite things or activities associated with each of the following: school (2 things), indoor activities (2 activities), outdoor activities (1 activity).154.Write a short paragraph about a friend. Give his/her name and age and describe 3 of his/her favorite activities and one activity he/she does not like.155.Have students create a short survey they could use to find out about the most popular leisure time activities among teens and places they like to go. The survey should ask how often students engage in a variety of sports as well as where they like to go on weekends.156.Write a paragraph in which you describe your favorite two actors (one male and one female). Give five characteristics for each person. Be sure to also include characteristics they both share.157.Write a self-portrait for your French club newsletter. Include your name, age, physical characteristics and personality traits. Be sure to also mention two of your likes and dislikes.158.Describe a famous real-life or TV family. Write a paragraph with at least five statements describing how the various family members are related to one another. Use extended family members if you’d like.159.Select one of your classmates, give his/her name, and write a detailed description of him/her.Son nom:Sa description:160.Your new francophone pen pal Gérald, who loves soccer, sent you this photo of his family. Write a paragraph describing his family.Other161.Put the following sentences in the correct order to create a conversation.a. — Comment ?a va?b. — Je m'appelle Luc. c. — Bonsoir. Comment tu t'appelles?d. — Je m'appelle Noémie. Et toi?e. — Très bien, merci.162.Read the e-mail your new pen pal, Sophie, sent you. Find and underline sixteen cognates in the text.Salut,Comment ?a va? Moi, je m’appelle Sophie et j’ai 15 ans. ? l’école, j’adore les maths et les sciences! Et toi? J’adore aussi le sport (le tennis et le golf) et le rap. J’ai des copains super! Caroline a 16 ans. Elle adore les maths, le tennis, le rock et le volley! Patrice a 15 ans. Il a un ordinateur moderne! ? l’école, mon professeur favori, c’est monsieur Dumas. Il est professeur de biologie. Il est intelligent et il a de la patience! ? plus. SophieRespond to the following questions in French.163.Salut! Comment tu t'appelles?ment ?a va?165.Tu as quel ?ge?bien d'élèves il y a dans la classe?ment dit-on goodbye en fran?ais?168.Act out the following situation with a classmate.You're meeting the new francophone student at your school. Introduce yourself, tell him/her how old you are, and ask his/her name and age. Find out how he/she is feeling and say how you are feeling. Finally, say goodbye. Then, switch roles.Respond to the following questions in French.169.Moi, je n’aime pas faire les magasins. Et toi?Fall French 1 Study Guide 2013Answer SectionSHORT ANSWER1.ANS:douzePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Numbers 0–302.ANS:dix-huitPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Numbers 0–303.ANS:quatrePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Numbers 0–304.ANS:septPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Numbers 0–305.ANS:vingt-quatrePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Numbers 0–306.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answers: Bonjour. Je m'appelle John.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye7.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answers: Bien, merci.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how someone is8.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answers: J'ai quatorze ans.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how old someone is9.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answers: Salut, Ludovic.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Introducing someone10.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: ? tout à l'heurePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye11.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Salut! ?a va?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how someone is12.ANS:Prenez une feuille de papier!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands13.ANS:Il y a vingt élèves dans la classe.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Accents and special characters14.ANS:Il a quel ?ge, le gar?on?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Accents and special characters15.ANS:Il n’y a pas de télévision dans la classe.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Accents and special characters16.ANS:Comment ?a s’écrit, ?porte??PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Accents and special characters17.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Ouvrez vos livres!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands18.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Regardez la carte!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands19.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Allez au tableau!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands20.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Retournez à vos places!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands21.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Prenez une feuille de papier!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Classroom commands22.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Les professeurs ont des bureaux.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir23.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Nous avons des livres.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir24.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J'ai un ordinateur.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir25.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: La salle de classe a une porte.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir26.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Vous avez des cahiers.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir27.ANS:Some answers will vary. Possible answer: Je m'appelle (Paul Helms).PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye28.ANS:Some answers will vary. Possible answer: C'est (paul) arobase (b-l-a) point (c-o-m).PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking for and giving e-mail addresses29.ANS:Some answers will vary. Possible answer: ?a s'écrit f-r-a-n-c cédille a-i-s.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how words are spelled30.ANS:Some answers will vary. Possible answer: ?a s'écrit a accent grave b-i-e-n-t-o accent circonflexe-t.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how words are spelled31.ANS:Oui, j'ai un livre.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns32.ANS:Non, il/elle n'a pas 15 ans!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns33.ANS:Non, nous n'avons pas d'amis fran?ais.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns34.ANS:Non, il n'y a pas de posters en classe.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns35.ANS:Oui, vous avez des bureaux.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns36.ANS:Non, tu n'as pas de copain.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir | Indefinite articles and plural of nouns37.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: We both like math, science, tennis, and rap.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.338.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Sophie likes golf, but I like soccer. She is 15 and I am 14 years old.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.339.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: My favorite teacher is my French teacher. She is so smart and funny.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.340.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Moi aussi, j'adore parler fran?ais.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Agreeing and disagreeing41.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Pas moi. Je n'aime pas l'école.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Agreeing and disagreeing42.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Moi, si. J'aime bien surfer sur Internet.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Agreeing and disagreeing43.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Pas moi. J'aime bien les bandes dessinées.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Agreeing and disagreeing44.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Moi non plus. Je n'aime pas les voitures de sport.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Agreeing and disagreeing45.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Oui, j'adore les romans.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes46.ANS:Insert AnswerPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes47.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Non, j'aime écouter de la musique.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes48.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Non, je n'aime pas travailler. J'aime dormir.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes49.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Oui, j'aime envoyer des SMS.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes50.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Nous aimons dormir.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | -er verbs51.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Les professeurs parlent fran?ais.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | -er verbs52.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Britney Spears chante.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | -er verbs53.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Moi, j'aime étudier.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | -er verbs54.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Le Président adore travailler.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | -er verbs55.ANS:Quelles sont tes activités préférées?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Leisure activities| Talking about preferences56.ANS:Tu aimes aller au cinéma régulièrement?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Leisure activities | Asking about how well you do an activity | Asking how often you do an activity57.ANS:Tu parles bien anglais?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences58.ANS:Tu aimes faire du sport?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Leisure activities| Asking about how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences59.ANS:Tu préfères danser ou chanter?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Leisure activities| Asking about how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences60.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J'adore nager et jouer aux échecs.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences61.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: De temps en temps.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how often you do an activity62.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Oui, souvent. Je parle bien fran?ais.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how often you do an activity | Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences63.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J'aime bien regarder la télé mais j'aime mieux discuter avec des copains.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about likes or dislikes | Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences64.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Je préfère le football.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences65.ANS:? la piscine, on nage mais on n'étudie pas.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Conjunctions | Contractions with à66.ANS:On aime faire les magasins au centre comercial.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Conjunctions | Contractions with à67.ANS:Tu préfères lire ou dormir?PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Conjunctions68.ANS:Je parle bien fran?ais mais je parle mal anglais!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Conjunctions69.ANS:On aime faire un pique-nique au parcs.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Contractions with à70.ANS:j'adore le football mais je n'aime pas danser.PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Ask about likes or dislikes | Conjunctions71.ANS:je n'aime pas regarder la televisión ou dormir.PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Ask about likes or dislikes | Conjunctions72.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Je parle assez bien fran?ais et je parle très bien anglais.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences | Conjunctions73.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J'adore surfer sur Internet mais je n'aime pas étudier.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences | Conjunctions74.ANS:Je ne joue pas au base-ball et je nage très mal!PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences | Conjunctions75.ANS:J'aime bien jouer aux cartes mais je préfère dessiner.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking how well you do an activity | Talking about preferences | Conjunctions76.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Non, elle a les cheveux courts et elle est petite.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about and describing people77.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Non, il est sympa et gentil.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about and describing people78.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Non, elle est très paresseuse et elle a les cheveux bruns (roux, ch?tains).PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about and describing people79.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Non, il est grand et mince.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Asking about and describing people80.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Elle a les cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Elle est gentille et très intelligente!PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about and describing people81.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Mon ami Mark n’est ni grand ni petit. Il est assez gros. Il a les cheveux roux et les yeux noirs. Il est très fort!PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about and describing people82.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Je le trouve génial. Il est grand et fort. Il est intelligent et très gentil.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking for and giving opinions83.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: ? mon avis, il est sympathique. Il est sérieux et très intelligent. Il n’est pas timide.PTS:3DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking for and giving opinions84.ANS:Larissa et Nadine sont de gentilles filles.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement85.ANS:Nous sommes sérieux.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement86.ANS:Julia est une bonne amie.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement87.ANS:Je suis assez timide.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement88.ANS:Mia et toi, vous êtes très sportifs.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement89.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Nous sommes quatre.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family90.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Non, je suis fille unique.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family91.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Oui, j’ai un chat. Il s’appelle Maui.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family92.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: Oui, j’ai un cousin, Carl. Il a quinze ans.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family93.ANS:Answers may vary. Possible answer: J’aime bien mon beau-père. Il est cool!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family94.ANS:Sa tante est divorcée.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives95.ANS:Ce sont leurs petits-enfants.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives96.ANS:Son neveu est grand et mince.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives97.ANS:?va et Sophie sont ses demi-s?urs.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives98.ANS:Leur mère est remariée.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives99.ANS:C’est sa s?ur.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives100.ANS:Ce sont leurs enfants.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives101.ANS:C’est leur fille (enfant).PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives102.ANS:Ce sont ses neveux.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives103.ANS:Ce sont ses frères.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives104.ANS:C'est son neveu.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives | Identifying family members105.ANS:C'est sa cousine.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives | Identifying family members106.ANS:C'est sa belle-mère.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives | Identifying family members107.ANS:Ce sont ses demi-frères.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives | Identifying family members108.ANS:Ce sont ses grands-parents.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Possessive adjectives | Identifying family members109.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Ce sont des professeurs intelligents. Ils sont très sympathiques.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits | C'est versus Il/Elle est110.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: C’est une femme sérieuse. Elle n’est pas marrante!PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits | C'est versus Il/Elle est111.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: C’est un homme très fort. Il est très sportif.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits | C'est versus Il/Elle est112.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Ce sont des filles et des gar?ons sympas. Ils sont marrants.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits | C'est versus Il/Elle est113.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Moi, je suis sportive et marrante.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement114.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Ma mère est grande et belle.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement115.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Mes copains et moi, nous sommes intelligents et gentils.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement116.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Vous êtes sérieux et sympathiques.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement117.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Les filles de ma classe sont jeunes et mignonnes.PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:The verb être | Adjective agreement118.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: No, they would not be a good match. The woman is much younger than the man and they are both looking for someone about their age. She is tall and he prefers someone who is short. She is mainly into sports whereas he is more into art and animals.PTS:15DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traitsCOMPLETION119.ANS:J'PTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns120.ANS:IlPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns121.ANS:OnPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns122.ANS:tuPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns123.ANS:vousPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns124.ANS:un, d', un, des, unePTS:10DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns125.ANS:asPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir126.ANS:aPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir127.ANS:ontPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir128.ANS:avonsPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir129.ANS:aiPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 2OBJ:Reading | WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:The verb avoir130.ANS:desPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns131.ANS:unePTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns132.ANS:unePTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns133.ANS:desPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns134.ANS:unPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Indefinite articles and plural of nouns135.ANS:dPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns136.ANS:bPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns137.ANS:ePTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns138.ANS:aPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns139.ANS:fPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns140.ANS:cPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Subject pronouns141.ANS:regardonsPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs142.ANS:détestentPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs143.ANS:aimesPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs144.ANS:adorezPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs145.ANS:téléphonePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs146.ANS:aimez, lePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs | Definite articles147.ANS:aimonsPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs148.ANS:adorePTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs149.ANS:aimes, laPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs | Definite articles150.ANS:écoute, laPTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs | Definite articles151.ANS:téléphonezPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbs152.ANS:lesPTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:|-er verbsESSAY153.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer:? l'école, je n'aime pas les maths et je n'aime pas étudier à la bibliothèque. Je déteste jouer aux échecs mais j’adore regarder la télé. J’adore le base-ball.PTS:25DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: ?critureOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Leisure activities | Likes and dislikes154.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer:Il s'appelle Matt Smith et il a quinze ans. Il adore le sport. Il aime aller au stade avec les copains. Il joue très bien au base-ball. Il aime aussi écouter de la musique et voir des films au cinéma. Il déteste jouer aux échecs! Il joue très mal!PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Leisure activities | Likes or dislikes155.ANS:Answers will vary.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Performance AssessmentOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Likes or dislikes156.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J’aime Leonardo di Caprio. Il est jeune et sympa. Il a les cheveux blonds et courts. Il est très mignon! J’aime aussi Angelina Jolie. Elle est brune, elle a les yeux bleus et elle est grande et mince. Ils sont intelligents, gentils et généreux.PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Grammaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about and describing people | Physical descriptions and personality traits157.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Je m’appelle Brandon. J’ai quinze ans. J’ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux verts. Je suis sportif et intelligent. Je ne suis pas très grand mais je suis mince. J’adore jouer au football et aller au cinéma. Je n’aime pas faire les magasins ou jouer aux échecs.PTS:15DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Application 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits158.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: George W. Bush et sa femme Laura ont deux filles, Jenna et Barbara. Les grands-parents de Jenna et de Barbara sont George et Barbara Bush. George W. Bush a un frère. Il s’appelle Jeb. C’est l’oncle de Jenna et de Barbara.PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 2OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Family and pets | Physical descriptions and personality traits159.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer:Son nom: Mary WhiteSa description: Mary est une fille très mignonne. Elle est grande et mince. Elle est blonde et elle a les yeux noirs. Elle a un petit nez et une belle bouche. Elle est intelligente, sympathique et marrante. Je la trouve très cool!PTS:7DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Physical descriptions and personality traits | Asking about and describing people160.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer:Gérald est grand et mince. Il a les cheveux ch?tains. Il a deux s?urs. Ce sont des filles mignonnes et sympas. Sa mère est grande et mince aussi. Elle est brune et elle a les cheveux courts. Son père est grand aussi. Le grand-père et la grand-mère de Gérald sont assez vieux. Sa grand-mère a les cheveux courts et blancs. Son grand-père n'a pas de cheveux! C’est une famille très sportive.PTS:10DIF:CoreREF:ExamenOBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about someone's family | C'est versus Il/Elle estOTHER161.ANS:c, d, b, a, ePTS:2DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: Vocabulaire 1OBJ:WritingNAT:National Standards 1.2TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye | Asking how someone is162.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answers: adore; maths; sciences; sport; tennis; golf; rap; super; rock; volley; moderne; professeur; favori; biologie; intelligent; patiencePTS:16DIF:CoreREF:Quiz: LectureOBJ:ReadingNAT:National Standards 1.2 | National Standards 3.1163.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Je m'appelle Sophie. Et toi?PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye164.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: ?a va bien, merci! Et toi?PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how someone is165.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: J'ai quinze ans.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking how old someone is166.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer: Il y en a vingt.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Asking about things in a classroom167.ANS:On dit au revoir.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.3TOP:Classroom commands168.ANS:Answers will vary. Possible answer:—Salut, ?a va?—Oui, ?a va bien, merci. Et toi? —?a va. Je m'appelle Claire. Et toi? Comment tu t'appelles?—Je m'appelle Fatuo. J'ai quinze ans. Et toi?—Moi, j'ai seize ans.—Au revoir!—? bient?t!PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.1TOP:Greeting someone and saying goodbye | Asking how someone is | Asking how old someone is169.ANS:Answers will vary.PTS:1DIF:CoreREF:Examen OralOBJ:SpeakingNAT:National Standards 1.2 ................

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