Resource Summary Report - Jubilee Primary school

|Classification |

|Title |

|Author |

| |

|200 MER |

|The Usborne encyclopedia of world religions |

|Meredith, Susan; Rogers, Kirsteen |

| |

|220 DOW |

|Bible guide / |

|Scott, Richard.; Dowley, Tim. |

| |

|220 GRE |

|28 Bible learning activities for kids 10-12 : puzzles, maze, games, scrambles ... / |

|Greene, Carol. |

| |

|220 PIE |

|Seek and Find Bible Mazes |

|Pierce, Martin |

| |

|220 PIE |

|Seek and Find Bible Mazes 2 |

|Pierce, Martin |

| |

|220 ROB |

|Spot the Mistake |

|Robb, Andy |

| |

|220.07 RYA |

|Teaching the Bible : a manual of teaching activities, commentary and blackline masters / |

|Ryan, Maurice. |

| |

|220.07 WIN |

|Just imagine 2 : creative ways of presenting scripture for people of all ages / |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|220.07 WIN |

|Just imagine 4 : many creative ways of presenting scripture / |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|220.3 FIS |

|Kids' Bible dictionary |

|Fischer, Jean |

| |

|220.5 |

|Good News Bible |

| |

| |

|220.5 BIB |

|The big rescue Bible |

| |

| |

|220.5 BIB |

|The holy Bible : new international version. Bible. |

| |

| |

|220.5 REA |

|Bible Read with me Bible : an NIV story Bible for children / |

|Rikkers, Doris.; Syswerda, Jean E.; Jones, Dennis. |

| |

|220.5 REA |

|Bible Read with me Bible : an NIV story Bible for children / |

|Syswerda, Jean E.; Rikkers, Doris.; Jones, Dennis. |

| |

|220.6 REA |

|Reading the Bible : an introduction for students / |

|Ryan, Maurice. |

| |

|220.9 AME |

|The Usborne children's Bible / |

|Edwards, Linda.; Amery, Heather. |

| |

|220.9 BAC |

|People of the Bible / |

|Backhouse, Robert.; Scott, Richard. |

| |

|220.9 DOW |

|Bible atlas |

|Dowley, Tim. |

| |

|220.9 DOW |

|Bible facts and figures / |

|Dowley, Tim. |

| |

|220.9 DOW |

|Life in Bible times / |

|Dowley, Tim. |

| |

|220.95 DOW |

|Changing picture Bible stories / |

|Martin, Stuart.; Dowley, Tim. |

| |

|221.5208 PER |

|The dramatized Old Testament : Volume 1: Genesis to Esther |

| |

| |

|221.5208 PER |

|The dramatized Old Testament : Volume 2: Job to Malachi |

| |

| |

|221.6 CHA |

|How to read the Old Testament / |

|Charpentier, Etienne. |

| |

|221.7 COL |

|The Collegeville Bible commentary. Old Testament : based on the New American Bible / |

|Bergant, Dianne. |

| |

|221.9 EVA |

|Old Testament introduction / |

|Evans, Mary J. |

| |

|221.9 OLD |

|Old Testament Bible stories : 10 beautifully illustrated fun to learn flip charts, laminated. |

| |

| |

|221.9 OLD |

|[Old Testament characters] |

| |

| |

|222 PIN |

|Noah's ark |

|Gagne, Paul R.; Reilly, Melissa.; Pinkney, Jerry. |

| |

|222 ROC |

|Noah and the Ark |

|Rock, Lois. |

| |

|222 SHE |

|Who Dared? Joshua Dared! |

|Shepard, Ellen |

| |

|222.4092 ALL |

|A Song of David |

|Allison, Sheila |

| |

|223 FLE |

|Wonderful Things |

|Flegal, Daphna |

| |

|223 HIN |

|Paul and His Friends |

|Hines, Vicki |

| |

|224 ROC |

|Jonah and the whale |

|Rock, Lois. |

| |

|225 BIB |

|Jesus is Born: Activity Book |

| |

| |

|225.6 CHA |

|How to read the New Testament / |

|Charpentier, Etienne. |

| |

|225.7 COL |

|The Collegeville Bible commentary. New Testament : based on the New American Bible / |

|Karris, Robert J. |

| |

|225.9 MIR |

|The miraculous change. |

| |

| |

|226 JOH |

|Talking with God: Prayers and activities based on the Lord's prayer |

|Johnson. Sarah Knights |

| |

|226 MCG |

|Let's explore the Sunday readings from Luke / |

|McGinlay, Andrea. |

| |

|226 WIN |

|The road to Calvary : a holy week resource for children, adolescents and adults |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|226.3 ISB |

|A Special Child of God |

|Isbell, Susan |

| |

|226.8 PRO |

|The prodigal son. |

| |

| |

|226.8 ROC |

|The good Samaritan / |

|Rock, Lois.; Ayliffe, Alex. |

| |

|226.9 MOO |

|The Lord's Prayer unplugged : a wealth of ideas opening up the prayer in ten sessions |

|Moore, Lucy |

| |

|227 FLE |

|Lydia Becomes a Follower of Jesus |

|Flegal, Daphna |

| |

|230 BRU |

|Easy to teach : Bible picture lessons : God helps me grow |

|Brunson, Dorothy. |

| |

|230 MCG |

|Christian theology : an introduction / |

|McGrath, Alister E. |

| |

|230 SEA |

|My Christian faith |

|Seaman, Alison. |

| |

|230 WAT |

|What do we know about Christianity? |

|Watson, Carol |

| |

|230 WRI |

|Key Christian beliefs : a faith for living / |

|Wright, Chris. |

| |

|230.022 COO |

|Firm foundations : exlporing Christianity at Foundation level : Book 1 |

|Cooling, Margaret. |

| |

|230.022 COO |

|Firm foundations : exlporing Christianity at Foundation level : Book 2 |

|Cooling, Margaret. |

| |

|230.022 COO |

|Firm foundations : exlporing Christianity at Foundation level : Book 3 |

|Cooling, Margaret. |

| |

|230.022 RYA |

|Religion quick prints : over 175 practical black line masters for busy religion teachers / |

|Ryan, Maurice.; Elliott, Mark. |

| |

|232 ROC |

|Baby Jesus |

|Rock, Lois. |

| |

|232.9 BEW |

|The life of Jesus / |

|Bewley, Rob J. |

| |

|232.903 BOH |

|Who was Jesus? / |

|Bohn, Diana Marie.; Hockerman, Dennis. |

| |

|232.9076 PLU |

|Teach me about the life of Jesus / |

|Plum, Joan Ensor.; Plum, Paul S. |

| |

|232.92 GAN |

|The Christmas story big book / |

|Phillips, Rachael.; Ganeri, Anita. |

| |

|232.92 NAV |

|[The nativity] |

| |

| |

|232.95 NOR |

|Come! Follow me! / |

|Gregory, Lane.; Norton, MaryJane Pierce. |

| |

|232.96 CRU |

|The crucifixion of Jesus. |

| |

| |

|232.96 EAS |

|[The Easter story] |

| |

| |

|234 RYA |

|LearningLinks to the sacraments of healing : teacher resources for the religion classroom |

|Ryan, Maurice |

| |

|241 RES |

|Respect for human life. Student book / |

|Maynard, Ann.; Petersen, Mary.; Nolan, Elizabeth. |

| |

|242 BOS |

|God and me : 365 daily devotions / |

|Boshoff, Penny. |

| |

|242 GOW |

|Be still : creation meditations / |

|Mangan, Michael.; Mangan, Anne Frawley.; Gowdie, Jill. |

| |

|242 PLU |

|Teach me about Mary : discussions and activities for young children |

|Plum, Paul S. |

| |

|242 ROC |

|The Lion book of 1000 prayers for children / |

|Rivers, Ruth.; Rock, Lois. |

| |

|242 ROC |

|Our Father |

|Rock, Lois; Ayliffe, Alex |

| |

|242 SNU |

|Imaging Mary Mackillop : with whisperings from Mary |

|Snudden, Patricia |

| |

|242 WHI |

|Teach it, early childhood |

|White, Ana Arista. |

| |

|242 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations for ordinary time : Year A |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|242 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations : liturgies for children / |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|242.3 MER |

|Guided meditations for children : 40 scripts and activities based on the Sunday lectionary / |

|Merritt, Sydney Ann. |

| |

|242.62 REN |

|God listens to our children : kid's prayers for every day of the liturgical year |

|Renz, Kelley. |

| |

|248.3 KAN |

|The little brown book : Mary MacKillop's spirituality in our everyday lives |

|Kane, Sue; Kane, Leo |

| |

|248.3 KAN |

|The little brown book too : more thoughts on the spirituality of St Mary of the Cross in our everyday lives |

|Kane, Sue; Kane, Leo |

| |

|248.3 PRA |

|The prayer box II : pray for mission / |

|Pirola, Teresa.; Children's Mission.; Gates, Peter.; Catholic Mission. |

| |

|248.3076 PLU |

|Teach me about prayer : discussions and activities for young children / |

|Plum, Paul S.; Plum, Joan Ensor.; Odell, Catherine M. |

| |

|248.8 OMA |

|The power of a praying kid / |

|Omartian, Stormie. |

| |

|248.8 WRI |

|Life issues : a Christian perspective / |

|Wright, Chris. |

| |

|261.8 JUS |

|Justice for the earth : 1990 Anglican social justice statement / |

|Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission (Australia); Anglican Church of Australia. Diocese of Perth. Social Responsibilities Commission. |

| |

|262 HUE |

|The constitutions / |

|Huebsch, William.; Thurmes, Paul. |

| |

|262 HUE |

|The Council / |

|Huebsch, William. |

| |

|262 HUE |

|The decrees and declarations / |

|Huebsch, William. |

| |

|263 TRA |

|Transforming love, hope for the world : Lent to Pentecost program Year B |

| |

| |

|263 TRA |

|Transforming love, hope for the world : resource for primary-aged children : Lent to Pentecost Year B |

| |

| |

|263 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations for Advent and Christmas. Year A : celebrating our unexpected God / |

|Hall, Linda.; Wintour, Rina.; Cosgrove, Jim. |

| |

|263 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations for Advent and Christmas. Year B : voices that challenge and inspire |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|263 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations for Advent and Christmas. Year C : live the dream / |

|Hall, Linda.; Wintour, Rina.; Cosgrove, Jim. |

| |

|263 WIN |

|Sacred celebrations for Lent : prayers, reflections, ideas and activities for Lent, Holy Week and Easter |

|Wintour, Rina. |

| |

|263.92 RIF |

|A very happy day / |

|Fisher, Nell.; Riffe, Joyce. |

| |

|264 AND |

|And Jesus said : Do this in memory of me |

| |

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|264 AND |

|And Jesus said : Go baptise them |

| |

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|264 AND |

|And Jesus said : I will send the Holy Spirit |

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|264 AND |

|And Jesus said : You are forgiven |

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|264 BAL |

|Catholic traditions in the home and classroom : 365 days to celebrate a Catholic year |

|Ball, Ann. |

| |

|264 LAV |

|Prayer templates for schools |

|Lavercombe, Pat. |

| |

|264 OUR |

|Our special bread |

|Catholic Broadcast Unit (Rockhampton, Qld.); Bell, Jennifer.; Powell, John. |

| |

|264 PAT |

|Praying with children : some ways and means / |

|Pate, Jenny.; Knock, Paula. |

| |

|264 PLU |

|Teach me about The Mass : discussions and activities for young children |

|Plum, Paul S. |

| |

|264 THO |

|The complete children's liturgy book : liturgiesof the word for years A,B,C / |

|Carter, Jennifer.; Thompson, Katie. |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Acting justly : Year 1 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Bible tools : Year 5 |

| |

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|268 BCE |

|Christian beliefs and teachings : Year 5 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Church unity and diversity : Year 6 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Expressions of prayer and ritual : Year 5 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Images, symbols and language : Year 7 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Introducing scripture : Year 1 |

| |

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|268 BCE |

|Jesus and Christianity : Year 7 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Justice in the local community : Year 6 |

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|268 BCE |

|Making meaning through prayer and ritual : Year 6 |

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| |

|268 BCE |

|Morality : stories and messages : Year 2 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Morality : values and pathways : Year 7 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Perspectives on morality : Year 5 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Prayers and rituals : mystery and wonder : Year 1 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Scripture : historical, social and cultural contexts : Year 6 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Spirituality in the Christian tradition : Year 7 |

| |

| |

|268 BCE |

|Who is Jesus? : Year 1 |

| |

| |

|268 DUL |

|Here we go. Teachers' book. Part 1 : to be used with Here we go children's papers, for children aged 6-8 years / |

|Simmons, Jill.; Council for Christian Education in Schools (Vic.).; Dullege, Dorothy. |

| |

|268 HEH |

|To know and grow. Book seven / |

|O'Brien, Anthony.; Macaione, Peter.; Hehir, Peter. |

| |

|268 HEN |

|A spirituality of Catholic aborigines and the struggle for justice / editors, Joan Hendriks, Gerry Hefferan |

|Hefferan, Gerry.; Hendriks, Joan. |

| |

|268 NEU |

|Puppets + kids + Bible stories = a creative way to learn / |

|Neuberger, Anne E. |

| |

|268 REL |

|Religious education : guidelines for the religious life of the school |

| |

| |

|268 RYA |

|LearningLinks to religious education in early childhood : teacher resources for the religion classroom |

|Ryan, Maurice; Grajczonek, Jan |

| |

|268 SHE |

|Religious education : years 1 to 10 learning outcomes |

|Barry, Graeme. |

| |

|268 WOR |

|A working syllabus for religious education at the Jubilee Primary School, Gaven |

| |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 1 Video 1 : St Joseph, St Bernadette |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 1 Video 2 : St Patrick, St Tarcisius |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 1 Video 3 : St Francis of Assissi, St Therese of Lisieux |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 2 Video 1 : St Paul, St Maximilian Kolbe |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 2 Video 2 : Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Fred Hollows |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 2 Video 3 : Archbishop Romero, Martin Luther King |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 3 Video 1 : Blessed Frederic Ozanam, Catherine McAuley |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 3 Video 2 : Thomas Merton, St Maria Goretti |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 3 Video 3 : Eileen O'Connor, Oodgeroo Noonuccal |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 4 Video 1 : Mary MacKillop, Caroline Chisholm |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 4 Video 2 : Nelson Mandela, Helen Keller |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 4 Video 3 : Fr Damien of Molokai, Edward "Weary" Dunlop |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 5 Video 1 : St Francis Xavier, Bishop Carlos Belo |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 5 Video 2 : Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity, Irene McCormack RSJ |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|270.092 POC |

|Saints and heroes for kids / |

|Pochocki, Ethel. |

| |

|271.0092 MAR |

|Mary MacKillop : a spiritual model for all |

|Cuskelly, E.J |

| |

|279.4 MCC |

|The Australian church story / |

|McClish, Bruce. |

| |

|282 BIG |

|The big book of Catholic customs and traditions : for Children's Faith Formation |

| |

| |

|282.03 HAR |

|The HarperCollins encyclopedia of Catholicism / |

|McBrien, Richard P.; Attridge, Harold W. |

| |

|291 SPE |

|Special to me : religious ceremonies in Australia / |

|Hendry, Leone. |

| |

|292.08 HER |

|Heroes of ancient Greece / |

|Douglas, Ann. |

| |

|294.3 ADI |

|My Buddhist faith / |

|Adiccabandhu. |

| |

|294.3 ARQ |

|Buddhism / |

|Arquilevich, Gabriel. |

| |

|294.5 ARQ |

|Hinduism / |

|Arquilevich, Gabriel. |

| |

|294.5 GAN |

|My Hindu faith / |

|Ganeri, Anita. |

| |

|296 CLA |

|My Jewish faith / |

|Clark, Anne. |

| |

|296.4 GAN |

|The Hanukkah story / |

|Phillips, Rachael.; Ganeri, Anita. |

| |

|297 ARQ |

|Islam / |

|Arquilevich, Gabriel. |

| |

|297 KNI |

|My Muslim faith / |

|Knight, Khadijah. |

| |

|297 SAL |

|Ramadan activities / |

|Salah, Comilita M.; Lewis, Kathleen Kehl. |

| |

|298 ALB |

|How the birds got their colours / |

|Albert, Mary.; Lofts, Pamela. |

| |

|298 MIL |

|Legends of Fraser Island / |

|Miller, Olga.; Bird, Nainai. |

| |

|298 MUN |

|How the kangaroos got their tails : an Aboriginal story |

|Mung Mung, George Lirrmiyarri; Lofts, Pamela |

| |

|298 REC |

|Sharing our stories : teacher resource |

|Recht, Eve |

| |

|298 REC |

|Sharing our stories : teacher resource. 2 |

|Recht, Eve |

| |

|298 THO |

|The devil-devil from Warlock : a story from Jilkminggan Community |

|Thompson, Liz |

| |

|298 THO |

|The frog and the brolga : a story from Purnululu Community |

|Thompson, Liz |

| |

|298 THO |

|The mermaid and the serpent : a story from Wugularr Community |

|Thompson, Liz |

| |

|298 THO |

|Woonyoomboo : a story from Jarlmadangah Community |

|Thompson, Liz |

| |

|298 WAR |

|Warnayarra, the Rainbow Snake / |

|Lajamanu School.; Lofts, Pamela. |

| |

|TR 200 UND |

|World religions / |

|Underwood, Shelley.; Underwood, Gary.; Australian Multicultural Foundation. |

| |

|TR 220 MRO |

|The most beautiful images from the bible : sharing the stories with children |

|Mrowiec, Katia |

| |

|TR 220 WIG |

|Wiggle and Wonder |

| |

| |

|TR 226.8 GOO |

|The Good Samaritan. |

| |

| |

|TR 226.8 PAW |

|Paws and Tales : the animated series : a closer look |

| |

| |

|TR 226.8 PAW |

|Paws and tales : the animated series : seeing the unseen |

|Swindoll, Chuck. |

| |

|TR 226.8 VEG |

|VeggieTales : Duke and the great pie war |

| |

| |

|TR 226.8 VEG |

|VeggieTales : Larry boy and the bad apple |

| |

| |

|TR 23 CAT |

|My Voice Our Story / Hear My Voice Believe |

| |

| |

|TR 230 AND |

|Compassionate Community Work: An Introductory Course for Christians |

| |

| |

|TR 230 AND |

|People of Compassion |

| |

| |

|TR 230 ANO |

|Anointing of the Stick |

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| |

|TR 230 BAP |

|Baptism of a Child |

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| |

|TR 230 CHI |

|Hanging out with Jesus |

| |

| |

|TR 230 EAS |

|Easter |

| |

| |

|TR 230 FRA |

|Let your Light Shine |

| |

| |

|TR 230 HOR |

|Sacred Objects and Symbols |

| |

| |

|TR 230 LAU |

|Launch 1 Red Book - Teacher Book |

| |

| |

|TR 230 MAR |

|Images of Mary from Around the World |

| |

| |

|TR 230 PAL |

|Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday |

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| |

|TR 230 PAS |

|The Passion Gospels |

| |

| |

|TR 230 PEO |

|People and Nature |

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| |

|TR 230 PEO |

|People at prayer : 24 digital images from around the world |

|O'Donnell, John |

| |

|TR 230 PLU |

|God's Creation |

| |

| |

|TR 230 Rob |

|The Bible God's Great Book of Books |

| |

| |

|TR 230 STA |

|Stations of the Cross |

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|TR 230 SYM |

|Symbols of Advent |

| |

| |

|TR 230.2 THO |

|The Emmaus series |

|Thornhill, John; Lim, Patrick |

| |

|TR 232.9 JES |

|Jesus is born. |

| |

| |

|TR 232.92 CHI |

|Under your star - Music CD |

|Chinn, Andrew; Brown, Jacqui |

| |

|TR 241 TEN |

|The Ten Commandments : Bible cards |

| |

| |

|TR 242 ROC |

|Good King Wenceslas |

|Rock, Lois; Ayliffe, Alex |

| |

|TR 246 COM |

|Come dance with me |

|Chinn, Andrew; Gilmore, Larry |

| |

|TR 248 FRE |

|Meditation with Children |

| |

| |

|TR 248.3 MAN |

|Open our hearts : Christian meditations for children. 11 minute meditations |

|Mangan, Michael; Frawley-Mangan, Anne |

| |

|TR 248.3 MAN |

|Open our hearts : Christian meditations for children. 5 minute meditations |

|Mangan, Michael; Frawley-Mangan, Anne |

| |

|TR 248.3 MAN |

|Open our hearts : Christian meditations for children. 9 minute meditations |

|Mangan, Michael; Frawley-Mangan, Anne |

| |

|TR 264 WIT |

|Welcome to the Lord's table : activity book |

|Withers, Margaret |

| |

|TR 268 BER |

|The complete guide to godly play : an imaginative method for presenting scripture stories to children. Volume 8 |

|Berryman, Jerome W |

| |

|TR 268 CAT |

|Religious education : Archdiocese of Brisbane. |

| |

| |

|TR 268 COO |

|Bible storybags : reflective storytelling for primary RE and assemblies |

|Cooling, Margaret |

| |

|TR 268 HAR |

|Primary Assemblies in Primary Schools |

| |

| |

|TR 268 KIR |

|How do alligators praise the Lord? |

|Franklin, Kirk |

| |

|TR 268 WHI |

|Into the deep : strategies to foster "DEEP" thinking in the religious education classroom |

|White, Dan; O'Brien, Kate; Todd, Stephen |

| |

|TR 270 POW |

|Saints and heroes : Set 5 Video 3 : Mahatma Gandhi, John Flynn |

|Powell, Madeline. |

| |

|TR 270 STE |

|Learning centers : Saints |

|Stewart, Catherine |

| |

|TR 270.092 RYA |

|LearningLinks to saints and heroes : teacher resources for the religion classroom |

|Ryan, Maurice |

| |

|TR 298 ISL |

|Island Treasures : Torres Strait Children Share Stories |

|Walker, Dot; Griffiths, Lynnette |

| |

|TR Religion |

|Noah's Ark - soft toys |

| |

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