John F. Kennedy speech about going to the moon.

It's a Christian intelligence alert. Video presentation (Transcribed).

Done in 1993 ?

In 1991 the Kennedy administration ordered a top-down secret study to determine the problems facing the United States if the world moved from a era of war into a golden age of peace. By 1963 the selection of specialists had been made. The final study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines. Selected for their expertise in their respective fields. Their first and last meetings were held at an underground nuclear survival retreat called Iron Mountain. This study was concluded in 1966. President Lyndon Johnson gave the order that the report was never to be released. Due to the nature of the conclusions reached one of the men involved in this study elected to release it the public at great risk to himself under the name of John Doe. It was published in 1967 by Dial Press. The establishment promptly renounced it as a HOAX. It was no hoax. IRON MOUNTAIN IS NOW HARD TO OBTAIN BUT MANY LARGE LIBRARIES STILL HAVE OF IT.

This report looks deep into the soul of the New World Order. Iron Mountain is the covert agenda to bring the world and America under the control of the United Nations. The conclusions reached ARE NOW BEING IMPLEMENTED UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. As this document will prove beyond all doubt what you are about to see and hear


It is very disturbing yet real. It is dangerous beyond belief, yet real. It is frightening, yet real. No person in America is safe because in spite of all the denials of authorities it is real, and these plans are now coming to pass. This report will show you how the "rich men of the earth" are operating and why. You will now understand why America is changing into a fascist police state. You will understand why all federal law enforcement agencies will soon be merged into one federal police force called the MJTF POLICE. (Multi-jurisdictional Task Force)

There is no regard for ethics, morality, religion or life in this report. It is a look into the SOUL OF LUCIFER, THE ANTICHRIST. Long foretold by Jesus Christ who in His love for mankind warned us 2,000 years ago this was coming. IT IS NOW HERE . . . .

Welcome to the report from Iron Mountain. This report is something you would never believe unless you read it but you also have to understand the mindset of the government that requested it. And that is one of the most important features of this video. The objective was to determine accurately and realistically the nature of the problems that would confront the United States if and when the condition of permanent peace should arrive. This is one of the key elements of the report because we are to go under, under the antichrist system, an era of supposed peace. And this is what this whole program was

about if and when a condition of permanent peace should arise that means that peace equals world socialism as we journey through this report. And they were to draft a program for dealing with this contingency, in other words, this is a planned situation. The program equals the agenda. How do we control the people of America if we move into an era of peace? And not only just America but the whole world at large.

And this "era of peace" was part of the agenda for eventual world government, under the United Nations, long planned by the elite. Iron Mountain was ordered in 1961, the same year that the United States made major moves toward disarmament.

The Kennedy administration knew that the United States would have to be submerged under the United Nations. How could the American people be convinced to give up their Constitution and Bill of Rights? How could they be controlled and what should the government expect? In 1961 public law 87-297 was passed, paving the way for the United States to be merged with the United Nations. It's a very crucial law in that it disarms the American people. Public law 87-297 violates the clear intent of the Constitution (our right bear arms) calling for the disarming of all Americans.

Comment: Disarms the American citizen in violation of the clear intent of the Constitution which calls for our right to bear arms to maintain our free state we lose our free state and we are submerged actually into a slave state. And by the calling for the disarming of the American The disarming was to be done.

It was to be done via a period of gradual disarmament, and then building up to the United Nations with a powerful standing army. The evidence suggests a powerful CFR/Trilateral Commission,/Bilderberg connection, "the rich men of the earth," the merchants of Babylon," "the killers of the just" according to the Bible.

The report concerns itself with the globalist agenda and the conclusions reached have been advanced by these groups. Every one of the conclusions in the Iron Mountain report have been advanced by these groups. (list groups) Committee of 300/the CFR/Trilateral Commission/Bilderbergers/Royal Institute for International Affairs/Tavistock/Club of Rome/ United Nations and it goes on and on. These hearings to place the United States under a World Government were held in 1950.

And called for testimony and to provide a true world government through the adoption of a world government constitution. It was a clear intent to place the United States directly under the United Nations and to scrap our constitution. That universal peace is a prerequisite for the pursuant of that goal. From the competitive anarchy of the national states; that therefore the age of the nations must end, and an era of humanity must begin. You will find there is a constant call for the merging of all humanity. Here's a resolution adopted in the United Nations. This is what it says: "Regulation, limitation and balanced reduction OF ALL armed forces and ALL ARMAMENTS". The all armaments means your weapons that you have in your closet for your own defense includes hand guns and rifles. Here's your blueprint for world peace (WE HAVE THIS DOCUMENT SEPARATED UNDER THE IRON

MOUNTAIN INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE) which was issued also in 1961 concurrently as this move toward putting us under the United Nations. You'll find the United Sates and Russian military are to be reduced, the UN is consistently brought up to a higher and higher position. The only thing we are left with are internal security forces. Under the Freedom from War, this is a packet issued by the (THIS IS ON OUR WEBSITE) Federal government to go along with 87-927, this can only be achieved, the merging and disarmament, through the progressive strengthening of international institutions under the United Nations and by creating a UN peace force. You see they want to progressively strengthen the international institutions all of which come under the UN. We are to lose our sovereignty. This can only be done by creating a UN peace (police) force to enforce the peace.

(This is what Daniel said "By peace shall destroy many, he shall also stand up against the Prince of Princes, but he shall be broken without hand. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and the power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a UN Peace force. They are going to bring the UN up to the point where no state will have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN peace force and all international disputes would be settled according to the agreed principles of international conduct. (Insert Biblical quote later)

No one can make war with this final world entity. You will find that the UN fulfills every parameter listed for the anti-Christ system. And Public law 87-297 has been updated, there are numerous updates if you go search them out, public law 101216 has been updated. HR 1495 the arms control and disarmament amendments act of 1989. It authorizes the fiscal appropriations to get this thing underway. Now the problem with it is the Bill of Rights and Amendment Two, the right to bear arms "A well regulated militia, BEING NECESSARY FOR THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." In reality, you can not infringe that right in any way, method or manner. The only way a people can remain free is to hold, in their power the weapons necessary to secure their free NATIONS. This amendment deals with the internal security of the United States from its own government. In other words, this amendment was to secure the people's freedom from their own government. This right is not there so we can go hunting. It is there to prevent the government of the United States from becoming a dictatorship by treason, by betrayal of the Constitution.

Now in order to merge the United States into the United Nations, requires a total betrayal of the Constitution which guarantees a free state through the right to bear arms. The United Nations is a Communist, Illuminist, Masonic World Dictatorship with no freedoms, hence, they must get the guns to eliminate our "free state/nation."

Iron Mountain is a report on how to circumvent the Constitution. It is a document of treason couched in innocuous titles and words on how the rich men of the earth will divert the attentions of the people. The guidelines given by government for the Iron Mountain Report: 1) Military style objectivity, 2)

Avoidance of value assumptions, 3) Inclusion of all relevant data. This is a very important part of this report is the avoidance of all value assumptions. This is what makes it so absolutely cold and inhuman. It is to be amoral as a computer is amoral. It deals in factual data, no mercy, compassion, right or wrong, good or evil. It is a report on the handling of men, women, children and babies on the basis of "herd or animal management" without regard to morality. It reduces people to objects. It reduces all humans to non-entities with no rights of self-determination, with no rights granted by the Creator, with no rights under a Constitution (Babylon trades in the souls of men). The Constitution has been effectively cancelled by Iron Mountain.

Now again, you'll find these resolutions coming up in Congress all the time to strengthen the UN Peace Keeping Role. They want to strengthen the UN to establish an international criminal court (SJ32) These are Bills. (19:50 Insert other resolutions here)

The Congress and the Senate, the implementation of Agenda 21 and other Earth Summit agreements is all United Nations. Regan called for a World Army. Clinton approved a world army. You're seeing it on TV all the time.

Report from Iron Mountain on the possibility and the desirability of Peace

Part I

War is required: the Glue of Nations

According to the Iron Mountain report war is required as the glue of nations. Is war the scourge of the nations? It is said that war is merely an extension of diplomacy by other means. It is also said that war is necessary waste. But what is war and why do peoples of the earth continuously fight and die. Why do millions of human families have a member, or members, that they have lost to this thing called war. What is the reality behind war? Does man have to fight wars or can he develop a system of peace? And would the development of peace be worse than war itself. (21:12 insert Biblical quote James)

The Bible gives us many clues as to why war is and to why war can never be stopped. (Jeremiah quote)

The rich men of the earth are in total control over money and they have developed a system of economic control (Silent Weapons Quiet Wars document). If the rich men gain power and control over the earth then they are only ones rich enough to wage war and gain power over the earth. They are the only ones who are wealthy enough to develop weapons of warfare. Iron Mountain was ordered by the rich men of the earth. They've elected not to wage war but to do something else. Warfare is drawing to a close. It has served its purpose. It is a deliberate effort to bring in another system. The system of wars has almost accomplished the goals originally intended.

Albert Pike wrote an historical letter in which he outlines three world wars each had a specific purpose and each had a goal. The last world war, world war III was to be fought to bring in an era of peace under Lucifer. It was to be fought predominantly between the US and the Soviet Union and it would come in an era of seeming peace when it seemed like everything was fine, everything was great. (26:45 insert Bible) The Bible says that the Antichrist is a man of peace. He rides a white horse and has no war

machine. There are no arrows in his bow. He is to usher in an era of peace after great wars. Iron Mountain is to about this era of peace. Iron Mountain is about this era of peace. Iron Mountain is to aid the antichrist in his rise to power. Iron Mountain is a report from hell.

Iron Mountain asks what can be expected if peace comes? What should we be prepared to do about it? What, for instance, are the real functions of war in modern society? These are very important questions.

The Soviet Union says the peaceful exploration of outer space is the constructive alternative to the plans aimed at spreading the arms race over to outer space. It's the constructive alternative to the We're always going to find that the opposite of war is peace, and it is in reality, but what Iron Mountain is getting at is what are the real functions of warfare, the invisible functions of warfare, what role do they play in the overall structure of human society? For example, the soviet union has been on a war footing for years and years and we have to a lesser extent in America been on a war footing, but it has been predominantly a cold war for many years but never the less it has been as far as the economics of it are concerned it has been a war era. An age of war and what this report is asking about is what about peace. It is surely no exaggeration to say that conditions of world peace would lead to changes in the social structure of the nations.

These changes would be of unparalleled and revolutionary magnitude. As we would transition then from an era of war into peace what would be the problems. It is an incorrect assumption that war as an institution is subordinate to the social system it is believed to serve. What they're saying here is that nations wage war for reasons other than what they state. War itself is the basic social system within which others are secondary modes of organization, conflict or conspire. In other words, war itself is the basic social system of mankind. It is the system which has governed most human societies of record, as it is today.

And if we go to peace we are going to have problems unless we understand that. It is the system which has governed most human societies on record today. Of course, very true in our day and age, we have seen nothing but war starting predominantly with WWI and coming forward. The Soviet Union has made tremendous expenditures in its military and the US has done likewise. It has been in reality an arms race. We're going to find out there is a reason for it.

The capacity of a nation to make war is the greatest social power it can exercise; war making, active or contemplated is a matter of life and death says Iron Mountain. The misconceptions of war: 1) to defend a nation from military attack by another or deter such attack; 2) to defend the national interest, economic, political, or ideological; 3) to maintain or increase a nations military power for its own sake. Now you see these are the visible or ostensible functions of war. But there are other broader more profoundly felt functions of war.

Now you see these are the visible or more obvious reasons why a person would say we need war but what they are saying is that there are invisible reasons as to why we need war. This is what the entire Iron Mountain report is all about.

Its conclusion was that war is absolutely necessary. It's an absolute requirement for human societies and nations to come together. It is in reality, they claim, the glue of the nations. The Soviet military machine is the absolute glue that has held the Soviet empire and the communist people together. If they were to move into an era of peace, what would happen?

It is these invisible or implied functions that are the dominant forces in our societies. What are they?

What are the true functions of war in a society? Why, for example has the United States and the Soviet Union, both of which are controlled by the rich men of the earth, been on a constant war footing, constantly escalating this conflict? Why are they doing it and what are the reasons for it?

Economic necessary waste. It operates outside the normal economic supply and demand system. It creates artificial demand. The war system itself creates a demand.

This waste of money outside the system acts as a counterbalance force to the overall economy. It is progressive for research and development of weapons systems, spurring technological advances. Defense spending per se might be countenanced on economic grounds alone as a stimulator of the national metabolism. In other words, war itself, for economic purposes is a tremendous growth factor.

Political: A nation is a group of people organized together with a common goal and a national identity.

The nation has an outlook/attitude of how it will deal with other nations. We call it "foreign policy." A nation's foreign policy, says Iron Mountain, can have no substance if it lacks the means of forcing its attitude on other nations. War itself is the defining element of any nations existence vis-?-vis any other nation. War equals nations, peace equals no nations.

The elimination of war implies the inevitable elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional nation state. Please understand the importance of that remark in Iron Mountain. It is the elimination of war that brings us to world government. The war system not only has been essential to the existence of nations as independent political entities, but has been equally indispensible to their stable internal political structure.

Without it, the war system, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its legitimacy or right to rule its sovereignty. War is the basis of that claim to rule and it is therefore, the glue that holds a nation together according to IM. The possibility of war provides a sense of external necessity without which no government can remain in power. The organization of society for the possibility of war is its principle political stabilizer. For the Soviet Union they said that the American people were the enemy which rallied the people to make the sacrifices to spend money on the war machine. The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in its war powers. That's another very important statement. Therefore, a substitute for the war system must be found in order to control the people and provide stability and legitimacy of government if we go to an era of peace. Now we know that the UN is to be that era of peace so what they are saying is we have to find substitutes for what war does, the invisible functions of war, if we are going to go to peace. Obviously, if the war machine is discarded, new political machinery will be needed at once.

In other words, as they phase war out, they have to phase whatever they are going to put in its place, in to control the people, to control the nation. This is an essential part of Iron Mountain. Until "IT", the substitute for war is developed, the continuance of the war system must be assured to maintain the stability of its internal organization of power. In other words, we have to keep the war system going until all substitutes are in place and running so we don't lose our rulership. In other words, those that are in power are going to remain in power and they have to figure out a way to do that, they are going to de-escalate the war system as they bring in the peace system, and the peace system is going to radically alter our society.

What substitutes for war are there? Iron Mountain offered several substitutes: 1) It has to be a universal threat of equal magnitude as that of World War; the immediate loss of life and the immediate threat of bloodshed and it must be credible, it must be accepted by the vast majority of the population of the whole world. Credibility, in fact, says Iron Mountain, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war. We must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. In other words, a nation would self-destruct without an external threat of some type. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be INVENTED rather than developed from some unknown conditions. That means exactly what it says, they are going to invent a system to accomplish this.

(Showing scenes of intentional Pollution of the Earth)

An effective political substitute for war would require alternate enemies. In other words, we have to find an external threat that is exceptionally large, it may be, for instance, that GROSS POLLUTION of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principle threat to the survival of the species.

They are going to bring the environment up to a point of global threat, poisoning of the air and of the principle sources of water and food supply is already advanced and at first glance would seem promising in this respect. It constitutes a threat that can only be dealt with through social organization and political power but from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution will be sufficiently menacing on a global scale to offer a solution as a substitute for war. We replace the war threat with an environmental threat.

Now you know why the environment is on the media and the tv's constantly. A generation equals 30 years. Then when you figure 1961 plus 30 years equals 1991 that was the year they figured they could make the environment into a real issue as a threat to life on a global scale. It is true that you could selectively find areas where you could deliberately increase the pollution for this purpose. To get this threat in motion a little quicker, it is true that the pollution could be increased selectively. In fact, the mere modifying of existing programs for the deterrence of pollution could speed up the process enough to make the threat credible much sooner. Let's have the government drag their feet on pollution controls or the enforcement of pollution controls and around the world that is in fact what we have seen. Allow pollution to deliberately get worse until it could be manipulated by the controlled media

into a world crisis. A global crisis has to be developed. Al Gore, VP, very timely book, perhaps coincidentally, he wrote the book "Earth in the Balance." Ecology and the human spirit . . .Earth in the Balance is a modern version of IM in ecology. In reality, it's quite an interesting book. You should read it. The world organizations are pushing this ecology and environmental crisis. Emergency earth rescue administration. The people of the earth have a new common enemy which requires an emergency worldwide campaign in which we have to abandon our armaments in order to join in a common cause for survival. The people of the earth have a new common enemy . . . the threat to survival of the species. What did Iron Mountain say . . . it had to be a threat to the survival of the human species.

(NASA footage and propaganda about pollution and ozone loss inserted here, blaming people for this damage to the ozone.)

It is now up to the world community to take responsibility for the future of our global environment.

The IM recommendation that the environment be made a global threat has been accomplished.

One substitute for war has then been found. The IM agenda is being carried out. The objective of the eco-scam? 1) UN control over all land, 2) ownership of the land to be held by the RICH MEN.

"There is a arising a crisis of world-wide proportions involving developed and developing countries alike--the crisis of human environment." --George Kennan, CFR

The process of compromise of national interest will, of course, have to take place. International economic security is inconceivable unless related not only to the world's environment, but also to the elimination of the threat to the world's environment (Private Property Ownership and Rights).

Let us also think about setting up within the framework of the UN a center for emergency environmental assistance. You can see how they're raising this thing up to emergency status and that is what Mikhail Gorbachev said (December 8, 1989 speech at the UN): "the UN will be the controller of all the lands in the world through their various ecological, environmental organizations that they are in the process of setting up". The UN was set up by the RICH MEN. It is their front for world control. The Rio Earth Summit was for that specific reason.

ECO Foundations:

1) The World Wild Life Fund 2) Heritage Trust 3) Nature Conservancy 4) National Wildlife Federation 5) The Sierra Club 6) World Wilderness Congress 7) Conservation International 8) And many UN organizations, et cetera


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