Cellular Respiration Activity

Name: _______________________________________________________Date:__________Period: ______Exercise LabResearch Question: How does exercise affect disposal of waste (CO2) from cellular respiration? Does gender have an effect on cellular respiration rates?Procedure: Your goal is to design an experiment to investigate the research questions listed above about cellular respiration. When identifying your design, be sure to address the following:What assumptions are made about the questions be addressed? Can those assumptions be verified in the classroom?Will the measurements you choose to make provide the necessary data to answer the question under study?Did you include a control in your experiment?CAUTION: If you feel dizzy or weak while exercising, stop immediately and sit down.Have you included the appropriate tools/materials listed below:Materials: BeakersBromothymol blue (BTB)- will turn from blue to yellow or green in the presence of carbon dioxide)strawwaterExperimental Design:Hypotheses: Increased exercise will Girls/boys will have a higher rate of cellular respiration. (circle one gender)Teacher approval: __________Once you have teacher approval conduct your experiment(s) and record data and any answers to your questions. Using BTBLabel two test tubes A and B. Put 10 ml of water and 10-15 drops of bromothymol blue, using the pipette in each test tube. Place the straw into the test tube and place your hand over the opening as best as possible. When your partner says ‘go’, gently blow air through the straw into the bottom of test tube A. CAUTION: Do not inhale through the straw! Your partner will record the time it takes for the color to change.Data: In this experiment determine each of the following:VariableSymbols/unitsDescription of use in labIndependentDependentConstantsControlData Collection:Class AverageGender M or F (circle)Time for solution to change color(sec)Average Time for Girls (sec)Average Time for Boys (sec)Before exerciseAfter exerciseData Analysis:What process in your body (specifically) produces carbon dioxide? How does exercise affect this process? What happens to the carbon dioxide you produce? Does exercise affect cellular respiration in boys and girls differently? Justify your answerWhat is the indicator used in this lab?Describe possible sources of error you may have in this lab. Where is the ETC found in eukaryotic cells? Prokaryotic cells?What is required for the ETC that is produced in the previous two steps of aerobic respiration? In certain cases, regular exercise causes an increase in the number of mitochondria in muscle cells. How might that improve and individual’s ability to perform athletic activities? 48006002424430Word Bank2 ATP32 ATP2 ATPNADHFADH2Electron Transport ChainMitochondriaCytoplasmFermentationGlycolysisGlucosePyruvateLactic AcidKrebs’s Cycle00Word Bank2 ATP32 ATP2 ATPNADHFADH2Electron Transport ChainMitochondriaCytoplasmFermentationGlycolysisGlucosePyruvateLactic AcidKrebs’s Cycle27127203930650001417320-39477950032639001905 ................

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