Guidelines for Speech-Language Therapy in ... - ParkinsonNet

Guidelines for Speech-Language Therapy in Parkinson's Disease

Hanneke Kalf, Bert de Swart, Marianne Bonnier-Baars, Jolanda Kanters, Marga Hofman, Judith Kocken, Marije Miltenburg, Bas Bloem, Marten Munneke

(c) ParkinsonNet/NPF


Kalf JG, de Swart BJM, Bonnier M, Hofman M, Kanters J, Kocken J, Miltenburg M, Bloem BR, Munneke M. Guidelines for speech-language therapy in Parkinson's disease. Nijmegen, The Netherlands / Miami (FL), U.S.A.: ParkinsonNet/NPF.

Originally published in Dutch as Logopedie bij de ziekte van Parkinson. Een richtlijn van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logopedie en Foniatrie. ? 2008 NVLF, Woerden 2008/Lemma Publishers. A guideline developed under supervision of the Parkinson Centre Nijmegen, commissioned by the NVLF (Dutch Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics) . The development of the guideline was financially supported by the Dutch Parkinson's disease Society and Fonds NutsOhra.

Translation of the guideline is financially supported by the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF, ). The guideline is translated by under supervision of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Neurology, ParkinsonNet (, SHJ Keus and JG Kalf.

? 2011 ParkinsonNet/National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system of any nature, in any form or by any means, or, without prior permission in writing of the copyright owner.

(c) ParkinsonNet/NPF


Preface to the English translation

The English version of this guideline is a direct translation of the complete Dutch text published in 2008 (see copyright & credits), except for a few minor corrections and adaptations to increase comprehension. The guideline has been developed in accordance with international standards for guideline development. In addition to internationally published evidence and expert opinion, the expert opinion of the Dutch guideline working group has been used for development of the recommendations. Accordingly, the specific vision and context of speech-language therapy in the Netherlands may emerge in the choice of key questions, in the reference to Dutch handbooks and under "other considerations" (e.g. concerning the organization of healthcare or the availability of resources, and training of therapists). The user of this guideline should bear in mind that this context may differ from the context in other countries. Nevertheless, we believe that this guideline is the first to describe best practice in speech-language therapy in Parkinson's disease rehabilitation, according to international standards of guideline development and covering both assessments and interventions.

(c) ParkinsonNet/NPF



With justifiable pride, we recommend this guideline to you.

The fact is that this is not just any guideline. It is an evidence-based guideline for speech-language therapy. What's more, it has a "twin" in occupational therapy. As far as we know, it is unique for two monodisciplinary evidence-based guidelines in allied health professions to come out at the same time: Occupational Therapy in Parkinson's Disease and Speech and Language Therapy in Parkinson's Disease, guidelines from the Dutch Association of Occupational Therapy (Ergotherapie Nederland) and the Dutch Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logopedie en Foniatrie; NVLF). These guidelines were developed simultaneously and in close collaboration.

The primary aim of developing a guideline is to guarantee the level of care and, where possible, to improve it by making it more efficient and effective. By effective, we mean safer, more acceptable to both the person providing treatment and the client; and more applicable and practicable. In other words, guidelines are necessary and useful because they create standards for the content, provision and organization of care.

A new guideline is an important innovation because it bundles the best available scientific evidence. It is innovative in the sense that the evidence is viewed from a practical perspective. A guideline provides professionals with valuable recommendations about good and proper care. A practical guideline describes the care content from the available scientific evidence and incorporates the experiences of therapists and clients. The provision of care is, after all, based on a partnership between the client and therapist. Moreover, it is aimed at participation and is thus context-oriented. But this guideline offers even more than this. The group of researchers and professionals from Nijmegen collaborated intensively on these guidelines. Not only does the correlation between the guidelines and the Parkinson's Disease Guideline of the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF) from 2004 provide a solid foundation for monodisciplinary treatment, it also facilitates the collaboration between the various allied health disciplines. It is precisely this collaboration that is a critical factor of success for the provision of good care in which the needs of the client are served. Integrated care plays an increasingly important role in how the quality of care is experienced.

As Cervante's character, Don Quixote, said in 1605, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." This guideline's value will have to be proven in practice. Before that happens ? before speech-language pathologists actually begin to apply the guideline in practice ? an implementation process will have to be completed. This is an important task for the professional associations.

To our great satisfaction, steps have already been taken to evaluate the use of the guidelines through scientific study. This will make it possible to determine the extent of the application of the guidelines in detail and, for example, to study the relationships between the application of the guidelines and the outcome of the care.

We would like to pay our compliments to the following individuals in this classic example of strengthening care - its content, provision and organization - through collaboration!

Dr. Chris Kuiper, Scientific director The Dutch Association of Occupational Therapy (Ergotherapie Nederland)

Marjolein Coppens (MSc) Speech and language therapy researcher Member of association board and chair of professional content commission (Commissie Vakinhoud) Dutch Association for Logopedics and Phoniatrics (NVLF)

(c) ParkinsonNet/NPF



Part I: Introduction and summary


1. Speech-language pathology domains in Parkinson's disease


2. Patient management


3. Overview of the recommendations


Summary cards


Part II: Explanation and justification


1. General introduction and justification


2. Parkinson's disease


3. Dysarthria and communication


4. Dysphagia


5. Drooling




1. Contributors to the guideline


2. Sample questions for taking a patient's history of speech and language


impairments in Parkinson's disease

3. Questionnaire on dysarthria in Parkinson's disease


4. Nijmegen Dysarthria Scale (NDS)


5. Rating form for dysarthria and language production


6. Sample questions for taking patient's history of oropharyngeal dysphagia in 109

Parkinson's disease

7. Questionnaire on dysphagia in Parkinson's disease


8. Sample questions for taking patient's history of drooling in Parkinson's



9. Drooling Severity and Frequency Scale, modified for Parkinson's disease



10. Questionnaire on drooling in Parkinson's disease


11. Medication for Parkinson's disease


12. Overview of desired evidence


13. Evidence tables




(c) ParkinsonNet/NPF



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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