PDF Financial Frictions: Empirical Facts - Princeton University

Financial Frictions: Empirical Facts

Princeton Initiative

David Sraer, Princeton University

This lecture

"Survey" lecture: overview of empirical research on financial frictions and their impact on firm-level and macro level outcome. Empirically difficult task: supply vs. demand? Holy grail: find the perfect empirical setting/instrument. Literature mostly focused on showing effects of financial frictions.

Precise theories (moral hazard vs. adverse selection vs. limited commitment) have yet to be tested (as opposed to insurance industry).


Firm-level evidence Firm liquidity and investment Financial sector liquidity and investment Beyond Investment

"Macro" evidence

Alternative research designs

Table of Contents

Firm-level evidence Firm liquidity and investment Financial sector liquidity and investment Beyond Investment

"Macro" evidence

Alternative research designs

Table of Contents

Firm-level evidence Firm liquidity and investment Financial sector liquidity and investment Beyond Investment

"Macro" evidence

Alternative research designs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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