The Nativity of This Week’s Schedule Gospel Reflections A ...

The Nativity of John the Baptist June 23 & 24, 2018

Wednesday Wednesday Friday

This Week's Schedule

9:00 AM 10:30 AM

8:30 AM

Bible Study ? IM Hall Choir Practice ? Church Rosary Cenacle ? IM Hall

Mass Intentions


5:00 PM Mick & Susan Donovan / 50th Anniversary


8:00 AM Catherine Williams / John Williams

10:30 AM Michael Patton / Bill & Claire Patton


8:00 AM Deacon John Cretaro / Fr. Maria


8:00 AM

Deacon Pat Clemens / Altar Society


8:00 AM

Deacon Pat Clemens / Deacon

Richard & Hope Sullivan


10:00 AM Deacon Pat Clemens / Mary Smith


5:00 PM

Harry Fletcher / Ron & Pat Morris


5:00 PM = 62 8:00 AM = 56 10:30 AM = 67 Total = 185 STEWARDSHIP for June 17, 2018 Offertory = $1,646.00 Maintenance = $312.50 Seminarians = $394.00

Second Collection ? next week ? Holy Father (Peter's Pence)

(envelopes are in the pews)

Our Congratulations to Charles and

Pamela Patton on the baptism of their son, Michael, who will be baptized after SVdP Cthoelle1c0t:io30n A= M$3M77a.0s0s t~oMdany.y thanks!

To request a Mass in memory of or for the welfare of a loved one, please call the office.


Kindly pray for our parish family and all those who are journeying in a special way with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Juanita Baena, Bill Brennan, Berkleigh Cirilli, Sheila Clemens, Ginny Cook, Allen & Gwen Dretzka, Genny Dubin, Barbara Edwards, Jim Edward, Nicole Fehn, Jo Flynn, Diane Geiselman, June Henderson, Susan Henderson, Judy Jordan, Frank Kaczan, Mercedes Carol Knutson, Mary Link, Theresa Linville, Curtis Malone, Bob & Margaret Nail, Mary Lou Partridge, Vera Patterson, Claire & Bill Patton, Paul Peschel, Jerome Radtke, Bill Roman, Loretta Roy, George Schaff, Ann Scott, Larry Spears, Joseph Starkweather, Charles "Buddy" Strempel, Dave Woodford

~ Prayer Requests ~ Terry Danson ? 251-961-2165 or tsdanson@

If you or someone you know is homebound, ill, due to have surgery or is in the hospital and would like a visit from the pastor or to receive the sacraments,

please call the rectory or the office.

IMMASVCdUPLASTpEecMiaAl CRYolleHcAtiLoLn -RTEOPDAAIRY ~~MaWney thaasnkkse! ach parishioner to prayerfully consider to continue pledging (or re-pledging) to this needed cause. Please use the maintenance envelopes provided. Your continued support is greatly appreciated!

SANCTUARY FLOWERS ~ To offer flowers for our altar in celebration of a special event or in fmoretmheoroyooffraeplolavceedmoennet ,apnldeainsetecriaorll rHeapnanirsaihn our parish hGaall;le at 850-766-1645.

"Coffee with the Padre" next Sunday will be hosted by our Pastoral and Finance Council members in the double classroom in

Immaculate Mary Hall from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. We invite our visitors to come and join us.

ATTENTION: We have discontinued collecting cancelled stamps. We still collect box tops, labels, pop can pull tabs and greeting cards for Saint Benedict Catholic School. Please ? just bring the cards and not your mail and envelopes you received with them. Thank you! For Good Council Mary's Shelter Gulf Coast (GCMSGC), we collect ink cartridges. Place all collectable items in the containers provided in the classroom in IM Hall.

First Friday Memorial Mass Association

Our Loved Ones ? Bob & Margaret Nail Living & Deceased Kaiser, Klein & Murphy Families Living & Deceased Scott & Weiss Families Living & Deceased Bush, Alvarez & McAleer Families Living & Deceased Mullek & McCandless Families Living & Deceased Patton & Norton Families Living & Deceased Shields, Self & Chambers Families

James E. Link Deacon J. Cretaro Doris Mullek Frank Mullek, Jr. Joe Lacoy Mignon Kilday

James D. & Mary Lou Chunn Partridge & Family Living & Deceased Lacoy & Clancy Families Living & Deceased Kearns & Patterson Families Living & Deceased Kilday Families Living & Deceased Altar Society Members Living & Deceased Lang & Pope Families The Baptized Who Do Not Practice Their Faith

Living & Deceased Cretaro Families

Holy Souls in Purgatory

Gospel Reflections ? A Stewardship Moment

Today we celebrate the birth of St. John the Baptist. This prophet, who practiced austerity in the desert, proclaimed the kingdom of God, a coming judgment, and baptism as a sign of repentance. With deep humility, John directed attention not to himself but to Jesus. John's attitude was "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30). John's birth, days after the summer solstice when daylight hours begin to decrease, contrasts with Jesus' birth days after the winter solstice, heralding daylight's increase. Like John the Baptist, stewards turn attention away from themselves and toward Jesus. The stewardship question for us is whether or not we ourselves are prepared to "decrease" and allow Jesus to "increase" in our hearts, minds, words and actions.

"CIRCLE OF CARE" ~ If anyone is in need of a ride to the doctor, store, church, etc., please call Sr. Th?r?se at 251-979-6515 or call the office. We are also looking for more people who are interested in helping with this ministry. For more information, please call Sr. Th?r?se.

Online Parish Directory Look it up at mobile.. For more information, pick up a flyer in the vestibule, call Tracey Bryant at 251-228-6002 or e-mail office.stjoseph@.

GIFT BEARERS ? If any of our previous faithful gift bearers or anyone else would like to present the offertory gifts at a particular weekend Mass, please call the office or let the ushers know before Mass begins. We appreciate your ministry.

NO THEORY ~ Let your religion be less of a theory and

more of a love affair.

--G. K. Chesterton

CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES FOOD PANTRY This is the last week for us to provide nonperishable food items for the CSS pantry in Robertsdale. Bring them to IM Hall or place them in the container provided in the vestibule.

Church Cleaning ? July 2018

Donna Jo Johnson, Harriet Shields More help is needed. Please check the weekly cleaning schedule. Contact the office if you'd like to help or if you are unable to clean as scheduled.


July 13-15 at Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat, Ft. Mitchell, AL. The presenter is Timothy Carmody, Ph.D., from Spring Hill College in Mobile where he is the director of Graduate Programs in Theology and Ministry. The fee is $l80.00. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more information, or to register you may call 334-855-4474.

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK Serving Others in God's Love ? June 22-29, 2018 People of faith are committed to serving others in God's love in healthcare, child welfare, migration and refugee resettlement, education, and more. Religious freedom protects the space in which we can continue to serve. Religious Freedom Week begins June 22, the Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher. Join Catholics across the country to pray and act for the freedom to serve faithfully and with integrity. Learn more at ReligiousFreedomWeek!

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION It's midsummer day! We have the advantage of celebrating one of the great hidden treasures of our liturgical calendar on a Sunday this year. There are only three "nativity" feasts on our calendar: for the Lord, the Blessed Mother (September 8), and today's birth of the Baptist. Today's date is anchored by the Annunciation (March 25) when Mary learns not only of her own child's advent, but of Elizabeth's child. We are exactly half a year away from Christmas Eve. There are strong traditions around this feast. Just as the winter solstice provides a rich vocabulary for Christmas, so does the abundance of light at midsummer inform this celebration. Just as at Christmas, a religious festival spills over into culture. As summer light reaches its peak, the sun-drenched zones of northern Europe see people staying up all night kindling "St. John's fires" in the long summer twilight. Bonfires seem to be the unifying force in all these celebrations, kindled along the shores of the St. Lawrence in Quebec and Montreal, with harbor illuminations in France. You may be interested in the custom in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Baptist's own city. People there will leap into the sea between midnight and dawn to honor John. Why not find your way to a pool, a lake, or a sandy beach today and plunge in to recall your baptism? It's a tradition!

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SWaitn:g5. :00 PM

L. McGourty J. Caudill / S. Th?r?se

Sun: 8:00 AM

J. Zieman

J. & N. Alemany

10:30 AM

R. Fortunati B. & W. Zielinski

Gift Bearers

Ushers' Choice Sally McKinney Ushers' Choice


F. Mullek / E. Hasselback R. Geiger / Tom Shields J. Hilderbrandt / B. Jarveis


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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