Lesson plan - Study Island

|Reading Lesson: Root Words and Affixes |Grade Level: 3 |

|Lesson Summary: The students will be introduced to words containing root words and affixes. The teacher will conduct a pre-assessment using Yes/No cards. The |

|students will be asked to define words containing root words and affixes. The teacher will distribute a list of root words, affixes, and words containing these |

|word parts. The teacher will show the students a large chart containing prefixes, suffixes, root words, and words that contain these word parts. The teacher will |

|elicit definitions and examples from students of root words and affixes. The teacher will give an identification worksheet to students. Students will work in pairs|

|to identify root words and affixes in text. Once students have finished, the students will review the worksheet as a class. The teacher will split students into |

|groups according to level (on-level, struggling, or advanced). The students will engage in different activities depending upon their skill level. On-level students|

|will create new words using root words and affixes, write a paragraph, and draw corresponding illustrations. Advanced students will write stories using words they |

|have created that contain root words and affixes and draw corresponding illustrations. The teacher will review material with struggling students, who will form |

|words using index cards containing root words and affixes, write 1-4 sentences containing root words and affixes, and draw corresponding illustrations. For |

|homework, students will complete a matching quiz. |

|Lesson Understandings: |

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|The students will know… |

|Some words are comprised of root words and affixes. |

|Affixes can modify the meaning of a word. |

|The difference between root words and affixes. |

|How words are formed using root words and affixes. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|Use knowledge of root words and affixes to define basic words. |

|Generate new words using root words and affixes. |

|Locate root words and affixes in text. |

|Define root words and affixes as well as give examples. |

|Write a sentence using words containing root words and affixes. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: Distribute yes/no cards to each student. Show the students 5 words containing root words and affixes and ask them if they know what each word |

|means. Ask students who say “Yes” to provide a definition of what the word means. If the students are correct, ask them how they figured out the definition. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: a copy of the Root Words and Affixes List*, Identification Sheet*, and Matching Quiz* for each student, chart paper, 1 piece of paper for each |

|student, markers, crayons, highlighters, pens or pencils |

|Procedure: |

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|Before class, create a large chart that is split into 4 columns: Prefixes, Root Words, Suffixes, and New Words. Write the following in the prefix column: dis-, |

|post-, pre-, and un-. Write the following in the root word column: happy, important, test, agree, sad, hope, and able. Write the following in the suffix column: |

|-ness, -less, -ful, and -ly. Write the following in the last column: disagree, post-test, pre-test, unimportant, disable, unhappy, unimportant, unable, happiness, |

|sadness, hopeless, and hopeful. |

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|Distribute the Root Words and Affixes List (also contains words made on the word chart) to students. |

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|Define prefix, suffix, and root word for students. Show students an example of each from the chart. Then, show students examples of “new words” found in the last |

|column. Define each prefix and suffix for the student. Have students write down the definitions of each example on his/her Root Words and Affixes List. Give |

|students additional prefixes (multi-, mis-, and non-) and suffixes (-able, -ment, and –or) along with their definitions. Have students write down the new prefixes |

|and suffixes on their Root Words and Affixes Lists. Write the additional prefixes and suffixes on the board after students have written them on their Root Words |

|and Affixes Lists so students can check their work. |

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|Nominate students to come up to the board and write their own examples of prefixes, suffixes, and/or root words. |

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|Distribute the identification worksheet and ask students to work in pairs on highlighting root words and underlining affixes. Monitor students. After the students |

|have finished the activity, review the worksheet as a class. Go over what the words containing root words and affixes mean. |

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|Based on the students’ pre-assessments and your observations during teaching, break students into groups according to level: struggling, on-level, and advanced. |

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|For on-level students: Give each student a piece of paper. Ask students to write one paragraph (5 sentences) that uses at least 5 words with word parts. They may |

|use words they have created and words they have learned in class. Ask students to draw a picture for their paragraph. Recognize students who do well on this |

|assignment. For homework, distribute the matching quiz to each student. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: notebook paper, writing utensils |

|Procedure: |

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|Ask students to brainstorm in pairs or small groups (depending on number of students) and come up with as many words containing root words and affixes as possible,|

|along with definitions. |

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|Have students write and illustrate a story that has at least 8 words containing root words and affixes. Give out awards for the most creative story, highest number|

|of root words and affixes, etc. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: index cards with a root word or affix written on the front of each one and definitions written on the back of each one |

|Procedure: |

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|Review the Root Words and Affixes List with students. Elicit definitions of root words and affixes from students. Use the index cards as flash cards to quiz the |

|students. |

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|Review the identification sheet with students and make sure they have highlighted and underlined the correct word parts. |

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|Give students the root words and affixes index cards. Have students practice forming new words using the index cards and write down the words they form. Ask |

|students to write 1-4 sentences using their newly formed words and draw a picture to go with their sentence(s). Give out awards for most creative sentence, best |

|illustration, etc. |

* see supplemental resources


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