Unscramble the words and then find them in the word search.

Find the words and complete the word search.

Unscramble the words and then find them in the word search.

ads antthesi prisdesur eadespl

gerea amedhsa

setup polimeti

fulcare eadry roudp disapointdep

ppyah uclyk parpreed

adlg icen oogd

Copyright ? 2009

Teacher's answers

1. Sad 2. Eager 3. Careful 4. Happy 5. Glad 6. Hesitant 7. Ashamed 8. Ready 9. Lucky

Wordsearch Vocabulary

10. Nice 11. Surprised 12. Upset 13. Proud 14. Prepared 15. Good 16. Pleased 17. Impolite 18. Disappointed

Copyright ? 2009


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