Word Within the Word List #2 - birdvilleschools

Word Within the Word List #2

1. archy

(government) monarchy, hierarchy, anarchy, matriarchal, patriarch

2. ard

(always) drunkard, coward, dullard, sluggard, braggart

3. cide


genocide, herbicide, homicide, suicide, regicide

4. ician

(specialist) clinician, technician, musician, beautician, physician

5. itis

(inflammation)appendicitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, gastroenteritis

6. aqua

(water) aquarium, aquatic, aquaplane, aqueduct, aquifer

7. audi


audience, audition, auditory, audiometer, audiology

8. bell


rebellion, bellicose, belligerent, rebel

9. cap


capture, captive, captor, captious, captivate, captivity

10. cise


excise, incisors, incision, circumcise, incisive, precise

11. bio


biography, biology, biomorphic, biochemistry

12. auto


autobiography, automobile, autograph, automatic

13. port


transport, import, report, deport, important, portage

14. scrib


scribble, inscribe, scribe, describe, transcribe

15. logy

(science) biology, anthropology, geology, mythology

16. dict


dictionary, predict, malediction, dictation, contradict

17. cred

(believe) credit, incredible, credible, incredulous, discredited

18. cent

(one hundred) century, bicentennial, centimeter, centipede

19. neo


neologism, neophyte, neon, neonatal

20. ad


adhesive, adapt, addendum, addition, adherent

21. cede


recede, precede, antecedent, proceed, secede

22. miss


dismiss, remiss, missile, admission, missionary

23. centri

(center) centrifugal, centripetal, centrist, concentric

24. biblio


bibliography, bibliophile, bible, bibliomania, bibliophobia

25. anthropo (man)

anthropology, anthropomorphic, anthropoid


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