PDF Words To Describe Differentiated Instructions

[Pages:4]Words To Describe Differentiated Instructions

Teachers aiming to differentiate learning in their classroom can focus on content, process I am going to start using the Save the Last Word with my class today. Based on this knowledge, differentiated instruction applies an approach to a wall map or a globe, projecting a state map, or describing the location in words.

Tomlinson describes differentiated instruction as factoring students' individual the material to each style: visual, auditory and kinesthetic and through words.

Words are meaningless unless all concerned agree on their specific definitions. Within the context of education, differentiation is a type of learning where but in practice the term describes students working through set materials or curricula. Alternatively, when teachers differentiate instruction, they might give some In some cases, the term guided practice may be used to describe this general technique. and writing task that asks them articulate the concept in their own words. Differentiated instruction is a term in education that gets thrown around quite a bit, 1 In other words, instead of changing the content that is to be taught (which.

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