Words within words - answers - BBC


Words within words - answers

Below (in bold) are some words within words. Some will be more helpful for learning spellings than others. Just choose what you find helpful for your own use.

1. Did you find these words or different ones? character appointment recovery calendar dangerous language neurotic inflation

2. Did you find all of these? Sometimes the words have more than one word inside and you might have found a different word. Some of these words are root words with endings; others are part of compound words.

My parents came from China in 1948. They came to Hong Kong and met each other and built up a family. They were very difficult days because the Second World War had just finished. In 1988, I came to England with a work permit. It was very lonely in my first year because my family was still in Hong Kong. In the second year, my wife and two daughters came to England. I worked in the restaurant eleven hours a day, six days a week, but I was very happy because my family was there and my job.

1. After four years, I had my own business. Although it is a small business, my family are living in my own house, working altogether and my daughters have degrees. They have good jobs and one is married. They moved to Cambridge. We meet at church every Sunday. I am very lucky to live in England.

3. How many did you find?

cardigan (3)



fortunate (4)



management (4) man


transportable (5) transport port









? BBC 2011


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