Government Action Plan for the Social and Cultural Development

of the First Nations and Inuit


DO MORE, DO BETTER Government Action Plan for the Social and Cultural Development

of the First Nations and Inuit


This publication was produced by the Secr?tariat aux affaires autochtones in collaboration with the Direction des communications.

To obtain information on the Secr?tariat aux affaires autochtones, please visit its website:

Direction des communications du minist?re du Conseil ex?cutif et du Secr?tariat du Conseil du tr?sor 1er ?tage, secteur 400 875, Grande All?e Est Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1R 4Y8

Telephone: 418 643-2001 Fax: 418 643-3006 Website:

Legal deposit ? June 2017 Biblioth?que et Archives nationales du Qu?bec ISBN 978-2-550-78757-0 (print version) ISBN 978-2-550-78758-7 (electronic version)

All rights reserved for all countries. ? Gouvernement du Qu?bec ? 2017


In its policy on Qu?bec affirmation and Canadian relations entitled Quebecers: Our Way of Being Canadian published on June 1, 2017, the Government of Qu?bec notes that "Qu?bec's identity is enriched by contributions from people of all origins while remaining closely attached to the continuity of its distinct, French-speaking character and to the historic contribution of Aboriginal peoples" (page 58). The Government of Qu?bec clearly expresses its desire there to harmonize and develop its relations with the Aboriginal peoples on the basis of reciprocal respect and cooperation.

In the 21st century, at a time when the world is changing and Qu?bec must meet new challenges, it is crucial to be able to rely on all of our society's strengths. The Government of Qu?bec intends to work with all Quebecers to build a fairer, more prosperous, inclusive, open Qu?bec. The First Nations and Inuit were present in the territory long before the arrival of the first Europeans and are at the root of our history. They have largely contributed to building the Qu?bec that we now know and must have the means to fully contribute to the Qu?bec of tomorrow.

However, to contemplate the future optimistically, we must first lucidly examine the past. The relationship with the Aboriginal peoples has also been marked by sustained attempts spread over several generations to assimilate them. They have, unfortunately, suffered numerous forms of discrimination before being recognized for what they are, that is, full-fledged, living, resilient nations which are proud of their differences and cultures, enriched by their identities and anxious to take their rightful place in society. It is, therefore, incumbent upon us to ensure that this cohabitation is now based on respect, mutual aid, collaboration and friendship.


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