Lesson Three Worksheet

Lesson Three Worksheet

Step One: Determining a Health Goal

Directions: Answer the questions on this worksheet to guide you in completing Step One of developing your logic model.

Skip Section A if you already know your health goal.

Compile information to help identify possible health goals.

1. What are the key health issues or problems facing your target population?

Example: a. STD rates are high.




2. Convert the health problem statements into problem-oriented health goals.

Example: “a. STD rates are high” can be converted to “a. Reduce STDs.”




3. You may also generate potential proactive health goals.

Example: “a. adequate nutrition for all students”




For problem-oriented health goals only (from Question 2):

4. How severe or critical are the health problems addressed by the health goals?

That is, how negative are the consequences of these problems?

Example: a. High STD rates are critical because STDs can be transmitted quickly, can be painful and/or bothersome, can cause infertility and cervical cancer, and in some cases, can lead to death (AIDS).

5. How prevalent are the health problems addressed by the health goals? (County health departments can be a good source of prevalence data.)

Example: a. One out of four teens in the target population (or 25%) have been infected with STDs.

For proactive health goals only (from question 3):

6. Which health goals are most crucial for enhancing the quality of life for the target population?

7. To what extent are these health goals lacking in the target population? For example, to what extent do people fail to exercise or fail to eat a healthy diet?

For problem-oriented and proactive health goals (from questions 2 and 3):

8. Which health goals are consistent with the mandate of your organization (or coalition)? If you are unsure, consult your organization’s mission statement and/or strategic plan.

9. Currently, which health goals are not being adequately addressed by other organizations in the community?

10. Given the resources (staff time, staff expertise, funds, equipment, etc.) at your disposal, which health goals can you realistically affect?

11. Completing the matrix below by filling in "low," "medium" or "high" in each of the cells will help you get a snapshot assessment of your goal.

|Possible |Severity of consequences|Prevalence of |Consistency with my |Currently addressed|Ability to |

|Health Goals |or enhancement of |problem in my |organization’s mandate |by other orgs. in |affect health |

| |quality of life |community | |my community |goal |

| | | | | | |

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B. Select and state the health goal.

1. After reviewing your answers to the questions above, select the priority health goal that your agency has resources to affect. Write your health goal below.

Example: To reduce STDs.

2. State your health goal while including your target population.

Example: To reduce STDs among 12-14 year-old males and females attending Itchy County middle schools.

C. Assess the health goal your have chosen for your logic model.

1. Is the stated goal a priority? ( Yes ( No

2. Is it well defined? ( Yes ( No

3. Are the populations well enough defined (e.g., by age, sex, income level, location)?

( Yes ( No

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, rework your worksheet answers to meet the criteria before you proceed.

D. Write your health goal in your logic model template.

********Congratulations – You finished Step One!********


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