10 sentences with pronouns

    • [DOC File]PRONOUNS


      Directions: Underline the compound personal pronouns (reflexive/intensive pronouns) in each of the following sentences. We helped ourselves to dessert. The instructor said all students must prepare themselves for the examination. He prepared himself for the test by studying carefully.

      10 pronouns examples

    • [DOC File]Personal Pronouns in Academic Writing


      Beyond problems with personal pronouns, essay readers also see a problem with vague pronoun references. Beginning a sentences with a vague demonstrative pronoun (this, that, those) or indefinite pronoun (many, some) can be confusing. Revise the vague pronoun use in the following sentences. 1.

      pronouns used in a sentence

    • [DOC File]Pronouns - Mrs. Celello


      10/20/05. Pronouns. A Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun or of more than one noun.. Example: The high school graduate accepted the diploma proudly. She. had worked hard for . it.-The pronoun she takes the place of the noun graduate.

      pronouns in sentences examples

    • [DOC File]Direct Object Pronouns Part I: Quiz #1


      10. I love you. amo. B. Translate the following sentences by writing the correct form of the verb. 11. You-all (formal) understand the lesson. (comprender) La . 12. She watches television. (mirar) La . 13. You (familiar) understand the lesson. ... Direct Object Pronouns Part I: Quiz #1 ...

      examples of pronoun

    • [DOC File]Topic: Improving Sentences Chapter: Pronouns


      There are different types of Pronouns- Personal Pronouns. Personal Pronouns refer to the speaker (first person), the person spoken to (second person), or the person, place or thing spoken about (third person). Personal Pronouns must agree with the nouns in . gender, number. and . person . for which they stand. For example-The apples are ripe.

      pronouns in a sentence

    • [DOCX File]Indirect Object Pronouns


      Indirect Object Pronouns Practice. Ejercicio A. In the following sentences, identify the direct object and the indirect object. Remember: Direct is “what”, Indirect is “who or for whom”. Direct Indirect . John tells me a story. _____ She buys him nothing._____ _____ They send us food. _____ The chef cooks us a meal. _____ The cannibal ...

      subject pronoun sentence examples

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