1985 jefferson davis hwy

    • [DOC File]Home | Department of General Services


      Regan Michael R 975-1985. 2151 Market St Camp Hill 17011. Sabatina Jr John P 215/281-2539. 12361 Academy Rd Philadelphia 19154. Santarsiero Steven J 215/497-9490. 3 Terry Drive Ste 201 Newtown 18940. Scarnati Joe 814/265-2030. 410 Main St Brockway 15824. Scavello Mario M 570/620-4326. 2398 Route 611 Ste 201 Scotrun 18355. Schwank Judith L 610 ...

      jefferson davis highway map



      9-1. self-help AND consumer support groups. Organization: 2-1-1 Pinellas Telephone: 2-1-1. 727-562-1542 (cell phone access) Description: Crisis and information and referral line for social services agencies in Pinellas County. 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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    • County - Alabama

      Segrest Grit Ms. May S. Kendall XX 1985. Rt 3 Box 848. Tuskegee, AL 36083. The Hoffman Place Jamie Riley Howard XX XX 2003. 1008 South Main St. Tuskegee, AL 36083. Davis Farm Betty Davis Campbell XX XX 2009. P. O. Box 57. Fort Davis, AL 36031. Cadenhaed Preserve Greg & Carol Cadenhead XX XX 2012. 494 Trammell Mill Road

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    • [DOC File]REGION A - North Carolina


      Year Opened 1985 Type 1 = Public (County) Columbus. Bolton Senior and Youth Center. Satellite of Whiteville Senior Center 15354 Sam Potts Hwy Bolton, NC 28423 Contact Person: Catherine Spaulding Telephone Number: (910) 655-4166. cspaulding@columbusco.org. Year Opened 2003 Type 1 = Public (County) Columbus. Chadbourn Senior Center

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    • [DOCX File]Hood River County Health Department 2011 - Oregon


      The Park District serves 21,285 residents excluding Cascade Locks who chose not to participate in this Park District (Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District, 2010). Other counties in Oregon comparable but smaller in population are: Baker, Crook, Curry, and Jefferson counties.

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    • [DOC File]Box - Texas State Library and Archives Commission


      Correspondence—Texas—Highway departments—1911-1985. Reports—Texas—Highway departments—1914-about 1970. ... G-C-3 Davis Mountain Park Highway, 1931-1945 ... requesting designation of Hwy. from Jefferson to Louisiana line via Karnack along …

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