19th century society in america

    • Irish and German Immigrants of the Nineteenth Century ...

      Century: Hardships, Improvements, and Success Amanda A. Tagore ... thousands of Irish and Germans emigrated their homelands and fled to America in search of a better life. During the first few decades upon their arrival in America, these groups ... but their incredible contribution to the American society serves as a success story

    • [PDF File]Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture


      Independence," the United States entered the nineteenth century as a primarily agricultural society along the Atlantic coastline. The start of this century saw the first generation of people who were born "Americans," and what it means to be an "American" would concern this culture and its writers (like Whitman) for decades.

    • [PDF File]Becoming American: Immigration and Assimilation in Late ...


      To deepen your understanding of late nineteenth century immigration to the United States, focusing on what it meant for the nation and what it meant for the immigrants themselves. To provide fresh insights and resources to strengthen teaching. Becoming American: Immigration and Assimilation in Late 19th Century America

    • [PDF File]19th Century Immigration – Causes and Effects (Teacher ...


      • Industrialization – the large-scale introduction of factories and businesses into a society Students should have a basic understanding of the following ideas: • Issues of national concern during the late 1800s (19th century) To get students thinking, teachers could ask them to answer the following questions in an individual journal



      During the 19th century, communication fundamentally changed from what was available at America's founding. From a society that communicated through voice, art, and the written word (letters, newspapers, and books), the country added a federal postal service, telegraphs, photographs, and telephones. Oral and written languages were well ...

    • [PDF File]Railroads and their Effect on American Society, 1840-1890


      Railroads and their Effect on American Society, 1840-1890 . Greg Balliet . From their earliest beginnings, railroads have played an extreme-ly significant role in shaping America; its society, its culture, and its destiny. A key aspect of the new corporate scheme ushered in by the railroad was the development of a new stratum of management, typ-

    • [PDF File]The Racial Caste System - Stanford University


      the early 20th-century immigrants, chiefly Southern and Eastern European immigrants, had managed to assimilate into U.S. society, and specifically into White U.S. society. The Poles, Italians, and Greeks (among others) had faced a great deal of discrimination in the United States when they first arrived, but somehow

    • African American Slave Medicine of the 19th Century

      society during this time period would also be shaped by the new ... the 19th Century COLIN FITZGERALD century were equally as effective in treating ailments of the body ... North America was a whole new alien continent with a vastly different ecosystem. This was a similar problem that first

    • The Rise of 19th-Century American Spiritualism, 1854–1873

      result was a 19th-century crisis of faith just at the time that relief from the loss associated with death was more in demand (Braude 1989:4). Several factors combined to make Spiritualism a viable new source of comfort and assur-ance during this period. The mid-19th century was a time of social and geographic mobility,

    • The American Family in the Nineteenth Century

      The American Family in the Nineteenth Century By WILLYSTINE GOODSELL W HEN the nineteenth century dawned upon the new republic of America, the family was a closely knit institution-the unit of society, as, indeed, the family had been since the beginnings of civilization. Father power had not yet been seriously chal-lenged. Both law and public ...

    • Lawyers in American Society 1750-1966

      nineteenth century role, while it was there, is dwarfed by compari-son with the range of the lawyer's twentieth century role as plan-ner, arranger, and administrator of men's relationships. The reasons for this go deep into the nature of modern society. For one thing, the increased specialization, the increased division

    • [PDF File]PRESBYTERIANISM IN AMERICA The Nineteenth Century: The ...


      PRESBYTERIANISM IN AMERICA The Nineteenth Century: The Formative Years Christopher K. Lensch Introduction Presbyterians in America organized on a national level at the same time the U.S. Constitution was being hammered out in Philadelphia. The Presbyterian Church was popular for its having championed the cause of American independence.

    • Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU

      teenth-century America. The phrase did not become popular xmtil the 1910s as efforts began to focus aroimd women's suffrage, yet pre-feminist activity began long before 1910 (Cott 13). During the mid-nineteenth cen-tury, the "Woman Movement" developed as a result of "women's striv-ings to improve their status in and usefulness to society."



      independently throughout the 19th century; by 1866 they could be found in most important industrial towns nationwide. (Parker, p.25) The westward expansion in the first half of the 19th century created a surplus in agricultural production as those lands were settled and cultivated. Farmers faced difficult economic

    • Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century America: Behavior ...

      problem for nineteenth-century society. Sexual Behavior Historians who examine nineteenth-century sexual behavior take two demographic facts as starting points. One is the steady decline in white marital fertility rates, from 7.04 births in 1800 to 3.56 births in 1900.3 The other is a two-phased shift in premarital pregnancy rates-first, a decline

    • [PDF File]The Idea of Pluralism - Our Plural History


      the 18th and 19th centuries, the “typical American” was white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant. By the late 19th century, that self-image no longer held. Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, as well as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East—indeed, everywhere—changed the make-up of U.S. society and redefined American culture.

    • Equality and Opportunity in America, 1800-1940

      America's pre-Civil War patterns of wealth and social mobility appear to have persisted to a remarkable extent during the 75 years that followed the war, but, because of the lack of data, one can only guess at the distribution of income during the 19th century. Local tax assessors and census takers estimated wealth, not income.

    • [PDF File]Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston


      High Culture in America that will engage us here. In order to grasp the extent to which the crea- of modern high-cultural institutions was a task that irivolved elites an organic group, we will focus on that process in one American city. Paul DiMaggio on in the nineteenth century was the most active center of American

    • [PDF File]Religion and Reform in 19th Century America


      Religion and Reform in 19th Century America FROM THE FORUM Challenges, Issues, Questions ... All this the American Anti-Slavery Society demands of you. Do it! and be most grateful for the opportunity of fulfilling a work which is its own exceeding great reward. Do it, and find yourself the chosen of God, to keep alive in

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