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    • 2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading At A Glance

      2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading At A Glance . Theme Wk Comprehension Strategy Comprehension Skill Phonemic Awareness . Phonics/ Word Structure Vocabulary Spelling High Frequency Words Back To School - Review 1: Silly Stories 1 Summarize Story Structure short vowels a,i base words and endings –s,-ed,-ing homophones short a,i . words bought, front, kitchen, roll, until 2 Monitor/ Clarify ...

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    • [DOC File]Mathematics Common Core State Standards Curriculum Map


      Grade Level: 2nd grade Unit 7: Expressing and comparing three-digit numbers. Essential Question: How does a digit's position affect its value? How can I apply place value knowledge to make comparisons? Suggested Days: 10. Vocabulary: Base-ten numerals, place value, expanded form digit, three-digit numbers, more than, less than, equal to, one, tens, hundreds, compare, results, symbols ...

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    • [DOC File]SECOND GRADE: - Weebly


      FIRST GRADE: Just a reminder that ROOM 8 IS A NUT FREE ROOM! HOMEWORK for the week of October 13, 2014. MONDAY Math Page. Words in Color. Clippers Reading Log TUESDAY Math Page. Grammar wrsht & Fluency. Clippers Reading Log WEDNESDAY Math Page. Writing worksheet. Clippers Reading Log THURSDAY Math Page. Practice Spelling Test. Clippers Reading Log CLASS …

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    • [DOC File]Long Range Plans - Grade 2/3


      Long Range Plans - Grade 2/3 Continued Math. Throughout the Year:-Problem Solving Grade 2 Grade 3 September. Review/Assessment. Graphing Data Management (chapter 1 and 5) - sorting and classifying objects using two attributes simultaneously - gather data to answer a question, using a. simple survey - collect and organize primary data -read primary data presented in concrete. graphs ...

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    • [DOC File]Second Grade


      CFISD First Grade Math. COMPOSE AND DECOMPOSE NUMBERS TO 10. Teacher Notes/TEKS/Overview Page # Unit Title . Compose and Decompose Numbers to 10. Power of 10-number bracelets. Power of 10-part-part-whole. Power of 10-Rekenrek. Addition. Addition Using the 4 Step Process. More Addition Practice. More Practice Using the 4 Step Process. Subtraction. Subtraction …

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      2nd Grade Math Probes. Title: INFORMAL MATH PROBES - GRADE 2 Author: Computer Center Last modified by: North Central Special Education Coop Created Date: 8/28/2007 7:09:00 PM Company: NSU Other titles: INFORMAL MATH PROBES - GRADE 2 ...

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    • [DOC File]Second quarter - Scholastic


      It has been a pleasure getting to know _____ this quarter. _____ is putting forth good effort in language arts and math. He is beginning to read for longer periods of time without distraction and has taken great pride in his work during writing. We continue to work on staying focused on class work and completing one task before moving to the next. _____ is making good progress in math, working ...

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