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    • [DOC File]Simulating Trees Using Fractals and L-Systems


      Nevertheless, the ideas presented in the software could be utilized in a 3D model generator for future applications. To represent the tree structure, I started with a Tree class, which is composed of one or more instances of a Branch class (actually a C++ struct, since I never moved any behavior into the Branch class itself – rather, it is ...

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    • [DOC File]Explanation of software for generating simulated observations


      File=tdat_NR_01 opened for reading 3D data on unit= 12. File=qdat_NR_01 opened for reading 3D data on unit= 12. File=surf_NR_01 opened for reading surface data on unit= 12. NR fields read for 1 times [REPEAT OF ABOVE FOR NR_02] [REPEAT OF ABOVE FOR NR_03] Pole values set. td converted to q at surface. Setup of NR fields completed

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    • [DOC File]Calculations of some additional tolerance effects for the ...


      M – the mesh generator. S – the static solver. P – the post processor. Mesh generator. The mesh generation for the main magnet 3D model was realized with 300000 meshpoints. Because of the magnet symmetry it was generated for the Ľ magnet part. The minimal value for the meshsize for this model was achieved about 1 - 2 cm.

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    • [DOCX File]TG3d Channel Modelling Document (CMD)


      The modeling approach is based on the description in [3.4]. A 3D ray tracing (RT) simulator is calibrated with the measured data of the three aforementioned scenarios. By setting 6 as the highest reflection order, contributions of different orders of reflection are compared.

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    • IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1)

      Now that we are sure we can use the new design, we introduced the resulting curves from the 3D generator coordinates program, and the propeller blade we got is the one shown in the figure 10. Fig ...

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    • [DOC File]Notification of Coverage Under RCSA Sec 221-174-3d ...


      (Note: The aggregate of the maximum generator “Nameplate capacity” {See RCSA 22a-174-3d(a)(11)} for the CHP system as well as for all other fuel-fired electricity generating units combined, excluding emergency generators, located at the same premises shall at the time of construction be less than 10 MW.) Part II: CHP Information (continued) b.

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      The manufacturer, model, and software version of the AMG equipment. Verification that the final 3D data which is provided in the Plans is compatible with the AMG equipment. Personnel qualifications: The name, authority, relevant experience, and qualifications …

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    • [DOC File]Rapid Application Development Tool Tesla for Fast ...


      In the first place the prototype is build from a basic geometry. From these data a 2D or 3D Figure 2: Generator simulation with stator design template CAD model can be exported for further mechanical and electromagnetic design. In many cases a rotational 2D model would be satisfactory.

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    • [DOCX File]Geopak - Corridor Modeling


      Design File Generator ”, create a new . 3D Corridor Modeling Design File. ... – Proposed 3D Model DTM. L. TIN – Geopak Tin File. Basic Rendering of 3D Model. Use “View Display Mode” to View. Basic Rendering of Model. Turn of. f. both . Reference Files. ...

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