4 digit appropriation codes

    • What is an appropriation code?

      Definition: Specific designation of Federal Government funds as contained in an Appropriations Act passed by Congress and signed into law by President. Each account has a unique four digit code. Examplesof interest to Acquisition Community: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Army(2040) Aircraft Procurement, Navy(1506)

    • What is an appropriation account?

      Appropriation Accounts Definition: Specific designation of Federal Government funds as contained in an Appropriations Act passed by Congress and signed into law by President. Each account has a unique four digit code. Examplesof interest to Acquisition Community: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), Army(2040)

    • How are account symbols and titles assigned by the Department of Treasury?

      Receipt, appropriation, and other fund account symbols and titles are assigned by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) consistent with the principles and standards prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. This release contains account symbols and titles assigned by the Treasury.

    • [PDF File]Funding Policies and Fiscal Law


      4 Major Appropriation Categories APPN CAT FUNDING POLICY OBLIGATION PERIOD O&M ... Each account has a unique four digit code. ... • Aircraft Procurement, Navy (1506) • Operations & Maintenance (O&M), Air Force (3400) 6 Appropriation Numerical Codes Appropriation Account USA USN USMC USAF DoD RDT&E 2040 1319 3600 0400

      dod appropriation account codes chart

    • [PDF File]NASA Financial Management Manual Draft


      A 4-digit number is assigned to each facility project under the Construction of Facilities appropriation for FY 1994 and prior years, under the Mission Support (MS) appropriations for FY …

      us treasury appropriation codes



      fmo/acctg 06/15 ii - 4 department of human services appropriation codes special fund accounts appropriation f-yr-app-d appropriation title division

      treasury appropriation codes

    • [PDF File]I Introduction to Fiscal Law - Library of Congress


      This appropriation is available for obligation indefinitely. b. Third Digit = 9/0 = Multi-year appropriation. In this example, funds were appropriated in FY 2009 and remain available through FY 2010. 3. The next four digits reveal the type of the appropriation. The following designators are used within DoD fund citations: Appropriation Type

      federal appropriation code list



      Part II contains appropriation and other fund accounts for each agency, which are arranged numerically within each fund group; that is, general, revolving, special, deposit, and trust. In this section, accounts are listed by the three-digit agency identifier codes.

      us government appropriation codes



      department, and appropriation level organization code. section 2 - name, title and user id. print or type your name, title, and user id in the spaces provided. section 3 - signature. have the head of your department sign the authorized signature. letter in the space provided. section 4 - batch upload/interface transaction codes and organization ...

      dod appropriation code list

    • [DOCX File]Appendix 4 - Web Fund Code Master File Layout


      A four digit numeric data element representing a specific appropriation or fund account established by the U.S. Treasury for expenditure or receipt authority issued by the U.S. Congress. ... in effect replaces the transaction codes and standard sub-classes that were used on the old central accounting reports, such as the Statements of ...

      dod appropriation codes

    • [DOC File]N120 – Transfer Funds File Specifications Version 4.1 ( MS ...


      For a list of valid FIPS State Codes, refer to the EDFacts Workbook. ID 570 State Agency Number 13 2 String M A number used to uniquely identify state agencies. This ID cannot be updated through this file. 01 – State Education Agency ID 4 State LEA Identifier 15 14 String M The identifier assigned to a local education agency (LEA) by the ...

      list of government appropriation codes



      The FHOPS appropriation four-digit subhead numbering system identifies the following data elements: First two digits – Budget Submitting Office (BSO) Third digit – Fiscal year program (FY) Fourth digit – Budget activity (BA) For additional information, refer to DoD FMR Vol 2B Ch 6.

      dod appropriation account codes chart



      The budget activity and subactivity represents one of the four positions of the subhead for this appropriation. Subheads identify a subdivision of funds that restrict the amount and use of funds under a particular appropriation. The MPN appropriation four-digit subhead numbering system identifies the following data elements:

      us treasury appropriation codes

    • treasury appropriation codes

    • [DOC File]Lesson 7 - AcqNotes


      A. ACRN Army LOAs B B. Appropriation Symbol -- first 2 digits are “21” Army LOAs C C. The operating agency is a 2-digit code indicating the MACOM responsible for. management of the funds cited. For example, “57” is TRADOC and “76” is FORSCOM. Army LOAs D D. The allotment field is a 4-digit serial number assigned locally.

      federal appropriation code list

    • [DOC File]FmHA Instruction 2009-C


      Generally this appropriation designation will correspond with Exhibit B of RD Instruction 2009-D. Currently all charges are to be coded 01. (Revised 5-27-87, PN 52.) (b) Allottee - 1 digit: Use the fourth digit of the accounting distribution code to identify the area of jurisdiction over the payroll and travel costs.

      us government appropriation codes

    • Revised 0100 CHAPTER

      This is an Operation and Maintenance one-year appropriation, sub-allotted to the Army. Coding must follow OSD/JS guidelines for joint exercise execution tracking referenced in DFAS 7097.01 OSD-CE2T2-Army Chapter 5. Funding will be issued to the eleven-digit level and execution will be reported to the eleven-digit level.

      dod appropriation code list



      AP2.3.1.5. Alphas Y and Z are authorized for Component assignment to identify transactions need for internal depot, source of supply, or base operations when they cannot be identified directly to the preceding paragraph AP2.3.1.1, AP2.3.1.2, AP2.3.1.3, or AP2.3.1.4, and when they are not universal in scope and application.

      dod appropriation codes

    • [DOCX File]Draft Department of Commerce FY 2006/2007 Financial ...


      Final Department of Commerce FY 2020/2021 Financial Statements Guidance. Intragovernmental Transactions Reporting/Reconciliation. I. Purpose. This attachment provides instructions and guidance to the Department of Commerce reporting entities’ (hereinafter referred to as bureaus) on how to report and perform reconciliations of Intragovernmental proprietary transactions.

      list of government appropriation codes

    • [DOC File]FmHA Instruction 2009-D - USDA Rural Development


      loan and grant appropriation codes (con.) Direct Guaranteed Liquidating Program Financing Financing **SHHLDF 1 11 21 FmmA-OTHER 2 FmmA-ALLOCATED 3 ACIF 4 14 24 34 RHIF 7 17 27 37 RDLF 8 18 28 RDIF 9 19 29 39 ARCDP 12 32 Alcohol Fuels 16 36

      dod appropriation account codes chart

    • [DOCX File]Ch 4: Managing Your Agency’s Hierarchy, Accounting Codes ...


      is a three-digit value assigned at lower level endpoints under the chain code to designate unique lines of accounting. The . Division. code for all OTC Endpoints is any value from 001 to 999. The . Agency Location Code (ALC) ... Step 2 of 4: View Assigned Accounting Codes . page appears.

      us treasury appropriation codes

    • [DOC File]Capital Construction SAS-5


      Two (2) digit year related to the year project was authorized (Example: 00) Fund - 0200. is the default for the Capital Construction fund . Agency - Three (3) character agency code where project is established (Example: 670) Org - Four (4) character organization code (Example: D670) AP - Two (2) character appropriation code (Example: 2B) AL

      treasury appropriation codes

    • [DOC File]Home | US Forest Service


      In "receipt only" funds the 4-digit type of fund identifier is numerical rather than alphabetical. 3. MY. The sixth digit of a fund code is used to separate funds valid for more than one appropriation in a single fiscal year (multi-year appropriations, the reimbursement appropriation for Senior Community Service Employment and lapsed ...

      federal appropriation code list

    • The U.S. Treasury symbol includes the department code ...

      * Indicates department codes owned by DOD. Period of Availability. The period of availability or fiscal year code is a one or two digit code that identifies the fiscal year (FY) of the appropriation and the fiscal year of appropriation expiration if different from the year of the appropriation.

      us government appropriation codes

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