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    • [DOC File]Role of Reading Fluency on Fourth Grade Reading ...


      Therefore, this study concluded that reading fluency does play a role on reading comprehension levels. Consequently, the results rejected the null hypothesis which stated reading fluency does not play a role on reading comprehension levels. Chapter 1. Introduction. Reading is an essential and critical element in every discipline and area of life.

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    • [DOCX File]Harcourt Trophies Reading- - Chinle Unified School District


      Aug 04, 2009 · : Use reading strategies (e.g. drawing conclusions, determining cause and effect, making inferences, sequencing) to comprehend text. M I will use different reading strategies to understand what I am reading.

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    • [DOC File]Lower Dauphin School District / Welcome to Lower Dauphin


      Grade 4 Practice Passages D. Reading Passage 1 – Figurative Language, Plot, Summary. Shane and Luis decided to take a shortcut home from school. There was a path that led through the woods, right into Shane's backyard. Most of the boys (and all of the girls) in their class were afraid to take the path.

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    • [DOCX File]Orange Board of Education: ELA / Grade 4


      : Reading Comprehension Through Speaking and Listening The Reading Teacher Volume 63, Issue 4, December-January 2009, Pages: 325–329, Kathy A. Mills Article first published online : 9 NOV 2011, DOI: 10.1598/RT.63.4.8

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    • [DOC File]Fourth Grade Reading Summative Assessment


      Nov 11, 2012 · Fourth Grade Reading Summative Assessment. Written On November 11, 2012 by Jo Lein. When 11-year-old Skate Tate comes home from school, she finds that her Great-Uncle Mort, whose nickname is GUM, has come for a visit. Read the story to learn more about GUM’s visit with Skate and her family. Then answer the questions that follow.

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