5 year fixed index annuity

    • [DOC File]Annuity Suitability


      Provisions 2. Charges and fees 3. Interest rate strategies a. Annual b. Multi-year 4. Interest rate crediting methods a. Portfolio rates b. New money rates c. First year bonus “teaser” rates d. Explain annualized interest rate calculations on bonuses that apply to fixed accounts 5.

    • [DOC File]annuity disclosure


      If the fixed index annuity provides an option to allocate account value to more than one indexed or fixed declared rate account, and one or more of those indices has not been in existence for at least 10 calendar …

    • Group Fixed and/or Variable Deferred Annuity Contracts ...

      Jul 25, 2014 · III.F) Nonforfeiture Provisions for a Fixed Annuity or the Fixed Account Portion of a Fixed and Variable Annuity. 34. F.1) Minimum Benefits Statement 34. F.2) Guaranteed Benefit Statement 35. F.3) Alteration of Benefit Explanation 35. F.4) Minimum Values Required by Nonforfeiture Law 35. F.5…

    • [DOCX File]Statutory Accounting Principles Working Group


      (Meaning, the derivatives can be rebalanced to reflect the annuity reserve – taking into consideration the termination / addition of annuity contracts.) (P. 5) Guidance requires specific hedge effectiveness criteria, …

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