50 l of oxygen

    • [DOC File]Chemistry Worksheets


      155.0 grams of oxygen gas are put in a 4.50 L container at 35 °C. What is the pressure, in kPa? A gas in a piston is heated up. If the pressure remains the same, what will happen to the volume? Why? You went on a road trip to St. Louis (sea level) from Denver and made sure to check out your car before leaving. The tire pressures were at the ...

    • [DOC File]Gas Laws Review Sheet


      17. Argon occupies a volume of 28.3 L at a pressure of 50 kPa. Find the volume of argon when the pressure is increased to 310 kPa. V2 = P1V1 V2 = 50 x 28.3 V2 = 4.6 L. P2 310. 18. A rigid container of oxygen gas has a pressure of 180 kPa at a temperature of 351 K. What is the pressure at 193 K?

    • [DOC File]Possible Practice Final Exam


      1. What is the pressure of 1.20 moles of SO2 gas in a 4.00 L container at 30°C? 2. How many moles of oxygen will occupy a volume of 2.50 liters at 1.20 atm and 25 (C? 3. What is the volume of 0.60 moles of helium gas at 50°C if the pressure is 600 torr? 4. At what temperature will 1.80 moles of gas occupy 4.00 L if the pressure is 350 mmHg? 5.

    • [DOC File]Name:


      How many liters of hydrogen chloride gas is produced in the reaction? (a.50.0L; b.100.L) 7. Given the following reaction: 2NO (g) + O2 (g) ( 2NO2 (g) How many liters of gaseous oxygen are needed to produce 4.50 L of gaseous nitrogen dioxide, if both gases are being measured at STP? (2.25L) 8.

    • [DOC File]Unit 8 Stoichiometry Review


      Mg2Si(s) + 4H2O(l) --> 2Mg(OH)2(aq) + SiH4(g). Which of the reactants is in excess if we start with 50.0 g of each reactant? 20. In the reaction between CO and Fe3O4, the theoretical yield in an experiment is calculated to be 47.2 g Fe. When a careless chemistry student carries out the experiment, the actual yield is 42.9 g Fe.

    • [DOC File]Combined Gas Law Worksheet


      At what temperature will 2.5 mol nitrogen gas exert a pressure of 10.0 atm in a 2.0 L container? Determine the pressure exerted by 0.122 moles of oxygen gas in a 1.50 L container at room temperature (22 °C). Combined Gas Law & Ideal Gas Law. Example: A gas at 300 K is heated and expands from 12 L and 600 kPa to 1250 K and 500 kPa.

    • [DOC File]JustAnswer


      View Full Image 2Hg(l) + O2(g) Suppose 38.9 g of mercury (II) oxide is placed in a sealed 1.50-L vessel at 800 K. What is the partial pressure of oxygen gas at equilibrium? (R = 0.0821 L · atm/(K · mol))Answer . 0.28 atm 38 atm 6.9 atm 0.0042 atm 3.4 atm 4 points . Question 24

    • [DOC File]Ideal Gas Law Worksheet - Chemistry & Biochemistry


      22.00 g of CO2 has a volume of 50.00 L and a pressure of 0.8210 atm. What must be the . temperature of the gas? How many grams are in a sample of oxygen gas if the pressure is 1,520 mm Hg, the volume is . 8,200 ml, and the temperature is –73 degrees Celsius? Modern vacuum techniques make it possible to reach a pressure of 1.00 x 10-10 mm Hg in a

    • [DOC File]Chapter 13: Worksheet


      A 2.50 g sample of neon gas is added to a 5.00 g sample of argon gas in a 10.0-L container at 23°C. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas and the total pressure of the mixture. A sample of oxygen gas is collected over water at 27°C.

    • Chapter 5: Gases

      68. 10.0 g of gaseous ammonia and 6.50 g of oxygen gas are introduced into a previously evacuated 5.50 L vessel. If the ammonia and oxygen then react to yield NO gas and water vapor, what is the final gas pressure inside the vessel at 23ºC? A) 1.79 atm B) 6.48 atm C) 3.50 atm D) 0.285 atm E) 3.67 atm

    • Stoichiometry Homework - Quia

      7. What volume of oxygen is needed to completely oxidize 25 L of carbon monoxide? How much carbon dioxide is produced? 8. In the preparation of sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide must react with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide. How much oxygen must be available to convert 50.0 L of sulfur dioxide according to this process?

    • [DOC File]Unit 1-Basics - FCPS


      18. Calculate the grams of oxygen gas present in a 2.50 L sample kept at 1.66 atm pressure and a temperature of 10.0o C. 19. Write the steps in the complete ionization of carbonic acid. 20. In a titration, 15.73 mL of 0.2346 M HI solution neutralizes 20.00 mL of a LiOH solution. What is the molarity of the LiOH?

    • [DOCX File]Mrs. Nyzen's Chemistry - HOME


      2. If 46.2 grams of oxygen gas occupies a volume of 100.0 L at a particular temperature and pressure, what volume will 5.00 grams of oxygen gas occupy under the same conditions? (hint: change grams to moles first!)

    • [DOC File]Chapter 20 and 21 - Chapman University


      A gas mixture contains 50.4g of dinitrogen monoxide and 65.2 g of oxygen gas. What is the mole fraction of dinitrogen monoxide? 6. A gas mixture contains the following gases with the mole fractions indicated: N2 (0.450), O2 (0.334), CO2 (0.023), SO2 (0.017), and N2O4 (0.120). The mixture also contains the gas argon.

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