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      1 Animal Unit (AU) Per 5-10 Acres of Improved Pasture Land (P1) Per 15-25 Acres of Native Pasture Land (P2) ANIMAL UNIT (AU) – 500 Pound Calves = 1 animal unit. 1 - Cow & Calf = 1 animal unit. 1 Bull = 1 ½ animal unit. 1 Horse = 1 animal unit . 6 Sheep or goats = 1 animal unit. 2 Miniature horses or donkeys = 1 animal unit

      $100 per acre land

    • [DOC File]MODULE 7 - USDA


      192 lb N = 12800 gallons per acre @15 lb N per 1000 gallons. 12800 gallons @ 4000 gallons per tank wagon = 3.2 loads, or. 12800 gallons @ 27,154 gallons per acre inch = 0.5 acre-inch. 2. How much P2O5 and K2O will be applied with the manure? Answer: 12,800 gallons of manure will be applie. d to each acre.

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    • [DOCX File](3) - Maine


      "Parcel" is defined the same as "parcel of land" in rules adopted pursuant to the Site Location of Development Law, 38 M.R.S. §481 . et seq. X. Peak flow. “Peak flow” means the greatest rate of flow in a drainageway, measured as volume per unit of time, resulting from a storm of specified frequency and duration. Y. Person.

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      Width of Vegetation (feet) % Reduction 20 60 35 75 70 80 100 85 >150 90 >500 95 Table C: Predicted Volume of Pollutants Generated Per Acre Based on the Land Use of the Tributary Area and Acres of Riparian Buffer or Filter Strip. Land Use # of P # of N Tons …

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    • [DOCX File]Bureau of Land Management


      Annually if over $100 for a single person or $500 for a billing association. Otherwise it is a minimum of every 10 years. ... Answer: In order to calculate rent for a linear ROW you will also need 1) the NASS Census Per Acre Land and Building Value and Rent Schedule Zones and 2) the Per Acre Rent Schedule. (Show pics of each)

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    • [DOC File]The Official Web Site for The State of New Jersey


      * For verification or delineation of a wetland boundary line for a parcel of land less than one acre $1,000 Line verification * For verification of proposed wetland boundary line on a parcel of one acre or more $1,000 plus $100.00 per acre of the site (or fraction thereof) Authorization under a general (N.J.A.C. 7:7A-5) Fee All General Permits

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    • [DOC File]CP3 - Farm Service Agency


      – N1a –Planting a loblolly pine, shortleaf pine, white pine, and or Virginia pine at a rate of 500 to 550 trees per acre depending on the site index with 10 to 20 % openings managed to an approved native grass cover; openings are not be less than 2 acres or more than 5 acres in size for fields 20 acres or larger; field edges or firebreaks ...

      $100 an acre land

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