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    • [PDF File]Getting to the Core - Santa Ana Unified School District


      Getting to the Core . English Language Arts Grade 10 . To Kill a Mocking Bird Unit. SAUSD Spring 2014. Table of Contents . Contents Pages . Table of Contents To Kill a Mockingbird: Unit at a Glance . 1-3 Unit Plan 4-14 Lesson 1: Preparing the Learner 15-21 . Resource 1.1 …

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    • [PDF File]Unit Plan for The Odyssey 1 HomerÕs Subject/Topic Area ...


      and non-print expressive texts appropriate to grade level and course literary focus. 5.01 Ð Students will read and analyze various literary works. 5.02 Ð Students will demonstrate increasing comprehension and ability to respond personally to texts by selecting and exploring a wide range of genres.

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    • [PDF File]English lesson plans for Grade 9


      Using these lesson plans The lessons for Grade 9 represent a week’s teaching; they fit together to show how a sequence of lessons can be integrated to build new language and skills. The objectives for the lessons are drawn from the content standards and in each case are indicated on the lesson plan. Main standards are shown in bold and subsidiary

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    • [PDF File]Cold War Lesson Plan Grade World History Benchmark ...


      Cold War Lesson Plan 9th Grade World History Benchmark: SS.912.W.8.2 Describe characteristics of the early Cold War. Directly Correlated 11th Grade U.S. History Benchmark(s): SS.912.A.6.10: Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, and Warsaw Pact).

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    • [PDF File]Bullying Lesson Plan for a Bully-Free School


      Bullying Lesson Plan for a Bully-Free School Author: Brenda Melton Source: Bullying Special Edition Contributor Summary: Today, 1 in 7 students is either a bully or victim of a bully. In the United States alone, 5 million school aged children in Kindergarten through …

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    • [PDF File]Grades 9 to 12 • Stress


      Grades 9 to 12 • Health Problems Series. Stress. Everyone gets stressed now and then. Lots of students get stressed over the pressures and demands of trying to fit so many things into one day. But people have to remember that they’re not alone when it comes to dealing with stress, and that there are ways to manage and ease stressful situations.

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